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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Again, of you have any hard facts, let me know. P. S. Leave out others words if you can.
  2. And that means what? I should live my life according to ....... Who? Bleach anime? Edit, if you have any hard facts, let me know.
  3. I would be happy to. All they do is lie. Nothing to learn here.
  4. I know about that NJ.....I did my research. They did not want to lose their PRIVATE INSURANCE. Rather than get really nasty with you, and your lying party bs, I'll just say good night.
  5. The portion of that law was amended. Why? Because they already had insurance. You only go to the exchanges if you don't have insurance. They had private insurance provided by the federal government....they do not need to go to the exchanges because they already HAD insurance. Split hairs....really, you do your party proud with this kind of bs.. :blink:
  6. Congress is insured along with all the federal employees and they have very good coverage. But you knew that. Just more bs...bs...bs!
  7. NJ, surely you don't want people who have their own insurance in place to have to go to the exchanges do you?
  8. After reading this post NJ all I can say is that I hope people will do their own research on this issue. Please do not rely on this board because it has just about all been bs. Complete and utter bs. It's really something to think that even if a poster can't really believe what they post but because their PARTY tells them to promote this tripe, they do. I'll never get that.
  9. It was beyond good Surepip....seriously. Every.last.bite.of.it.
  10. Does not recognize flash so you can't play a lot of videos you run across.
  11. rockysmom


    I thought that was charity.
  12. I'm sending good vibes and good wishes for a recovery for your husband. There's lots and lots of hope out there gwilli886, just put your hand out and grab some! Seriously, I wish you only the best.
  13. I want a mix of the two. I love the country but I love the city too. There's really only ONE city. Sorry, but that's the way it is.
  14. I don't know what daily crosses you bear Jenilyn but I'm very glad to read that you are happy in your life. You seem to be the kind of person that deserves it. Now me? I'm so dad gum, smack filled with contentment I could really just scream! I have discovered the rural life ain't for me. I need a bit more.
  15. She is edging right up on manic.
  16. I'm not a bge believer. They are very, very heavy and the set up is a pain in the butt. It also stays hot for a long, long time. We don't eat so much smoked stuff but I do use the grill a lot. For our purposes, Jim & Nicks works. I really like the infrared grill we have. There seems to be a lot of other options. Seems to me that the bge will be phased out. Like disco.
  17. I know I think differently about this flu shot issue but I've never had one and I don't believe I ever will. I've never had the flu.
  18. Get your butt in gear and hit the yard sales.....or do you want them delivered?
  19. Yup. He could be the charmer. He was never anything but very nice and very fair. I miss him every single day I'm on this board. Really. We're thinking of ya Johnny!
  20. I despise Snookie because of all that Snookie is, BUT she did well with this dance.
  21. Valerie was just on. Pretty moving.
  22. Used to be a season was a year. Not sure when that changed.
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