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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Oh, but it is good for the American people. All the fact twisting doesn't change that. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/09/30/five-reasons-americans-already-love-obamacare-plus-one-reason-why-theyre-gonna/ The article sets out why the right is so against funding this program. They are afraid that people will like it.
  2. Your argument was that the parks should remain open and I disagreed. Using the parks services as a pawn, is a whole different issue.
  3. The people want health care reform NOW. Not whenever......NOW.
  4. To the folks in Georgia if you getting premium amounts that are unaffordable perhaps you should contact the state insurance commissioner and ask why his office did not negotiate with the insurance companies as to the premiums. Instead, because he did not want to cooperate with the program, his office just submitted whatever the insurance companies submitted. Way to look out for this states citizens!
  5. Go look at the numbers of people who visit the parks and you tell me that these numbers of people would work without violence breaking out.
  6. This President won twice on the platform that included healthcare reform. The people want reform and he was elected based, in part, that he would push that reform. That he won't back down after the republicans attempted to kill the act forty some odds times, is really not that hard of a concept to understand. The individual mandate is the back bone of the program and therefore is not negotiable.
  7. I'm not surprised that it's more when it's just you and your husband. From what I understand, young, healthy people are the ones that will get hit the hardest. I'm not clear why a family of five whose 3 kids are currently on peachcare would pay more under the HCA.
  8. Being that the parks are VERY heavily visited every year that's just not realistic. Just parking your vehicle would be a nightmare. Never mind all the educational programs about the park.....closed.
  9. The Democrats are not the ones making the demands, the Republicans are. They are an absolute disgrace. Slow down the bus? They want to take the wheels off the bus!
  10. Well since your kids are on peach care, that won't change right?
  11. I totally disagree. The Republicans have put every road block possible in this presidents way. They are the ones that have proven time and time and TIME again, they will not work with this president. The birth certificate fiasco came on the heels of his first election. Since day one, they have been uncooperative. You want to set this up as the Republicans are here is save us. Bull.
  12. So your insurance company is going up in their premiums the first of the year. Got that. What I am asking is will your insurance be more expensive under the HCA? Sorry, I'm not sure what AVA is.
  13. You have insurance now which you pay for and you will be paying MORE for family coverage in your tax bracket? You sure?
  14. I've been to Destin, that's the yearly girlfriend destination. I agree about Siesta Key too. I was just wondering about the water in Orange Beach cause I'm thinking of suggesting we broaden our horizons.
  15. Now...if you can layoff attacking me........let's get back on topic. Cause I'm out of this mess.
  16. No comment. But realize this, not everyone is like you.
  17. I'm on no meds. If you're referring to post #255..,.this is gonna be a shock.....it wasn't about you. It's really not ALL about you. You cracked me up with this one. :rofl: :rofl: Smuck.
  18. Oh OK NJ, I spoke to Well Read in my head and this is what he posted. PipPipPipPipPip Add as Friend PM this member Group:Members Posts:1,609 Joined:05-March 08 Posted Today, 12:09 PM California got rid of tea party control and have carried on a new American tradition: Democrats/liberals have to come in and clean-up fiscal messes created by Republicans/CONservatives. Now that there in no significant tea party control in California, guess what: the state is running surpluses!!! What did it take? Getting rid of obstructionist lying assholes. Those l
  19. That's exactly how Obama got elected. They hurt us that much.
  20. The republicans are the ones making the demands. And we do need healthcare reform.
  21. It is what it is. I said nothing but the truth. You didn't like it because it exposed your beloved party. I am not rude. I am honest.
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