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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. <br /><br /><br /> Perhaps the last innocent.....of everything.
  2. I went earlier, around 1:00. It was NUTS then. People, when the store is that busy, please do stand in the middle of the isle, just standing there. I filled up the truck so I'm not complaining.
  3. <br /><br /><br /> It was great. Thanks for asking. The weather could have been better but nothing you can do about that. I really enjoyed the area. I went down there to visit with a girlfriend who lives there now so she was able to show me around. Very diverse! You want German, Thai, Italian food? It's there. Lots and lots of small business that appear to be thriving. Of course, I was down there during their busiest time of year. Another thing that struck me was how easy it was to get around. I'll be going down there again.
  4. <br /><br /><br /> I was just so impressed how easy and quick it was.
  5. Took the travel trailer to Sarasota for what worked out, a month. Just wanted to make note of what a pleasure it was to pick up first a girlfriend and then my husband at the Sarasota airport. No hour plus drive to the airport, no dealing with the expensive parking, or a half mile walk from the gate to a train for the people who came down. The airport had very small crowds, I drove in, parked, walked to the terminal and met my party. Walked back to the truck and pulled out of the airport. Oh yeah, they charged me two dollars to park. I took note of the arrival and departure boards,
  6. Gabes downtown in villa rica. DONE.
  7. Repair places rub their hands together in glee when they see me coming. Vic Williams or Pee Wee at Master Flow have helped me out because they both have been very, very fair with me.
  8. Geeze. I wonder what potential business owners for Paulding County are thinking when they read this thread.
  9. Pete Guy knew so many people in this county......and never once did I ever hear a bad word about him, from anyone. I just wish he had come fishing one more time. But then again, chances are, he's fishing right now. RIP Pete, you'll be missed.
  10. <br /><br /><br />t Thank you LR, I was going to ask if anyone had information on service's for Pete. He was such a good guy. I sincerely liked him and I'm sad for his family's loss.
  11. I hate to hear this. Pete was a real good guy. <br /><br />Thoughts for his family.<br /><br /><img src='http://paulding.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='' />
  12. Hey Blow Hard....I mean DieHard, looks like it's your turn in the barrel. Of course, you asked for it. Guess I'll just sit back and enjoy.
  13. <br /><br /><br /> I could not agree more. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. To the OP, glad your Mom is safe and sound.
  14. <br /><br /><br /> See, I'm thinking a bit different. I'm thinking that the Paulding six has not prevailed, the money backing the Paulding six has prevailed. Why do I think that? Because that is the way it works. Money talks. Just realize that it won't always work out that way.
  15. <br /><br /><br /> Ok, it's confirmed.....you are delusional. You could no sooner get me "torqued up" than fly to the moon. You're not able to fly to the moon (other than in your own head) yet are you?
  16. I noticed Guard Dad that instead of saying that your purposes and my purposes for our trucks are like day and night. Instead of saying that, of course, you insult for the point of your argument. Bad form.........again.
  17. <br /><br /><br /> Insults? Guess you've lost this argument. Much love and adoration back at you. P. S. I really, really miss the emoticons.
  18. <br /><br /><br /> Just popularity? Do you know how dangerous it is to pull horses, or anything for that matter, without having the power behind you? With horses, it can get real ugly real fast. What a silly thing to say.
  19. <br /><br /><br /> Bull. Tell you what, let's get a chain, I'll pull your Chevy all over the place. They have never nor will they ever pull. Sorry, but that's the truth. Go to a horse show and count the ford trucks vs the Chevy pos...........
  20. <br /><br /><br /> Really? I'd rather see my sister working in a whorehouse than drive a Chevy. They don't now, nor have they ever, benn able to pull jack. Ever. If anyone tells you different, they are lying. I'm on my third ford truck........I have to say I've pulled horse trailers and now a travel trailer with my ford truck. I will say, if you are pulling, get the 250.....always better to have too much power than not enough.
  21. Let me ask everyone a question. Just how many private properties have been impacted by the recent building boom? Any clue?
  22. So, for tonight only....Alabama blows instead of Alabama sucks?
  23. OK....I felt the need to respond to this post. Unless you have deep pockets, and I do mean very deep pockets.....the LAST thing you want to do is file suit against ANYcounty. This is the deal with the court system, money talks and bs walks......trust me, the county has a bunch more money than you or I. For those that think right is right.....it just really does not work like that. It's ALL about money. Sorry, but that is the truth as far as I've seen.
  24. So Crossroads, you think you are doing your cause a favor by posting this nonsense?
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