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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. This issue is the same issue you have been denying that the state can afford for a while now. In a previous thread I posted an article from one of the budget chairman, I can't remember his exact title, in which he said that the state can afford the expansion. In fact, I posted that article with the comment that he would know the facts much better than you. Remember? You don't care to admit it, but this is a tit for tat between the governor and the president. It's just that the governor of this state doesn't care that people are the ones suffering because he wants to TRY and make a poli
  2. Hummmmm, looks like Georgia is shooting itself in the foot. http://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-care/states-losing-billions-refusing-expand-medicaid-report-finds-f2D11697962
  3. Stradial, was that you that had the kinky girlfriend that would remove her fake eye? I mean she was really cockeyed.
  4. After reading the attached, I don't know if it's as simple as that. http://www2.law.mercer.edu/lawreview/getfile.cfm?file=60205.pdf
  5. Thanks guys. I have a pretty good range of dates now. At least now I have a chance of avoiding the uncaged animals.
  6. If you are replying to Mei Lan's post......I'm sure she was being sarcastic. She's a pretty good egg.
  7. Thank you, I really appreciate the information.
  8. Hey. Does anyone know the exact dates for spring break and when school lets out for summer break? I'm trying to make arrangements for a vacation on the beach but I need the dates because I refuse to share the beach with 10,000 kids of various ages. Thanks guys.
  9. If you notice the trash....you really notice.....know what I mean? I hate it......I really hate it.
  10. Ok....I guess it doesn't bother folks like it bothers me. Next time you are on the open road, please take note of all the trash on the side of the road.
  11. We have eaten there a couple of times. Fair food. The wait staffs aprons have been absolutely filthy every time. I'm talking like two weeks filthy. Yuk.
  12. Your trash out your windows!!! I went down 101 and 120 the past couple of days......the amount of trash is, well, trashy. Have some pride in the community! Quit throwing your trash out your freaking windows!!! Really guys......get it together. If I see you do it I will be writing down or taking a picture of your plate.
  13. I must have missed all the prior pre-grand openings. I drove by there this afternoon......it's going to be a jewel in Paulding Counties Crown. Just be proud of it Tundra.
  14. I tried to post pictures......guess I need a bit more practice.
  15. Hey.....at least I can quote. I can't cut and paste.
  16. I can't get it to work either Low.
  17. I'm no expert but it sounds like she is doing what her blood is telling her to do. From what I've seen, some dogs are more hard wired to "work it" than other dogs. Normally, these dogs tend to be smarter than the average bear, from what I've seen anyway. I'm glad you really like her, cause she's gonna have to work with a pro. A real pro.
  18. Does anyone have information on "Todd's" bio? How long has he been involved in local county politics? Where did he go to school? Voting record? ANYTHING?
  19. I'm sorry Low. Sounds like a real sad story.
  20. I looked it up with no for sure answers.....how long has Mr. Pownell been involved in local county politics?
  21. You know, it doesn't make a lot of sense for a commissioner to NOT KNOW about changes coming to an AIRPORT located in his district. I mean, does that make sense? Even with minimal involvement, how in the world did he not know? Now, having said that. I don't think he DID know. And THATS a hell of a note.
  22. And they would have too.......I'm glad to see they didn't. Guess they didn't think anyone would care enough to say anything.
  23. Another fine example of some people having to be forced to do the right thing. The surprising thing is they really thought they would get away with it. THATS what gets me.
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