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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Huh? I thought is was Tundra who posted the video.....no?
  2. That's what I was wondering about......10 years ago. I don't wonder anymore.
  3. Oh that. Yeah, I have no kids and that bill as well. How come we do not get at least a credit on our county tax bill? Oh, that's right, it's for THE GENERAL GOOD in this county. But yet, I am referred to as an OUTSIDER. After thirteen years, I think I've got it now.
  4. I'm confused. You have a problem getting health insurance for yourself at a reduced rate but you are just fine with your kids getting this same benefit from the government?
  5. I just wanted to make sure this "jewel" of a post didn't get buried in this thread.
  6. Well, the hospital for one.
  7. They didn't have anywhere else to run to. They had to get representation. No question.
  8. Coming back from Orlando I listened to a fairly long interview with LR. She's is proud of her family and their history. She's very literate and cultured. The disease has taken her voice, I don't think she will ever preform again. There was a point in her career that her voice was a thing of wonder.
  9. I knew I was right cause I watched him sing it in total, about eight times. Phew!
  10. It is right? For pity's sake PLEASE tell me it was Timonthy B. Schmidt.
  11. Of course they gave away your office. You have to realize that if you want to be more on the pulse of corporate USA you have to be in the thick of it and that would be in the city. The premise of working from home sounds great but the reality of it is, after a time, very limiting and it tends to spill over into everything. Rat race vs not relevant. That sounds harsh but that's the way I think about it.
  12. One end of the water was much more frozen then 98% of the water. The rest had a layer of clear ice and looked like if you threw a rock on it, the rock would sink. But i hear you on the potential danger.
  13. I caught that channel surfing one day....I think I got to watch half of it. I keep my eye out for it.
  14. Yup that's it. It has been like a lullaby to me since I was 19.
  15. I'm so glad he got his equipment back.....do you know how?
  16. Remember when Glenn kind of branched out on his own. I think it was during the disco, cocaine everywhere, Miami Vice and all that mess....to me it's strictly Glenn, not really the eagles. I wish I had a monitor so I could see how many times I've listened to Seven Bridges Road and that song sung by the angel from God.....look at us baby, up all night......I can't remember the actual title, cause, evidently, I'm old.
  17. Start getting excited BB.........I bet you will have a huge smile on your face during the entire show. Chances are, Glenn Frey will sing some of this music, i. e. All she what's to do is dance, dance, dance... Off to pull out some CD's.
  18. When they had their "hell freezes over" I saw the show, like three times! They are still so awesome and sing all their hits like we were used to hearing them. That music is a HUGE part of a very interesting part of my life. I love the eagles. You will be amazed when you go. Of course, Timothy B. Schmit(sp) is an angel from heaven.
  19. I'm sorry you are so sick but that's what you get for hanging out with a bunch of rug rats. Only joking. Hope you feel better. Sleep through most of it.
  20. TJB, glad to hear the good news.
  21. Pineapple pepper jelly......hmmmmm.
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