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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. NO! Here comes the wild, Wild West. Low, I meant the filters than are installed in all of us.
  2. So, since I guess there is no reward for being good.......we can all lose our filters?
  3. <br /><br /><br /> I am more than sure that the majority of flights will be departures. We will see about arrivals.
  4. <br /><br /><br /> Just more smoke and mirrors Whitey. I'm sorry but you and your group has lost creditably as far as I'm concerned. The kicker was when you said 200-300 additional cars an hour would be FLOODING 278. Oh well, if you are that unprofessional as well as inflammatory in your approach you really have no claim to your fame in this issue. You want the Austin's out and I believe you are using this issue as a stepping stone. Trouble is, not one of you is doing it well.
  5. Somehow, I knew exactly what the OP meant.
  6. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />141 page document. Do you by chance know what page sets out the disbursement to the Chamber? I would consider some tax dollars from the county to the Chamber of Commerce as a matter of the course of business. Can your group prove that tax dollars were used for the full page ad? You know, the one that is referenced in Whiteys post?
  7. <br /><br /><br /> So, you have no proof that tax dollars were used? You are OK with getting on this board and saying tax dollars were used when you have no proof?
  8. <br /><br /><br /> Do you have proof that tax dollars were used Whitey? I don't know what the membership fees are here in Paulding but according to what I read, the fees range between 300 - 1000. Just exactly what amount do you pay to the county every year Whitey? The way you talk, I would think it would be tens of thousands! You don't like the leadership Whitey, that's fine. Fight with them. Leave the people who want progress as well as local small businesses out of it.
  9. <br /><br /><br /> Whitey, what the hell are you talking about? Do I really think that small business are supporting the chamber in this endeavor? I think that their focus is growing their small business PERIOD. As far as a majority of the citizens not wanting the airport......bull. How many people are in your group? 10, maybe 20? Give me a break. Actually, now that I think about it, I really don't think your group has an impact on ANY of it. You would like to think that they do, but they don't......not really.
  10. Well, this call for a boycott isn't making sense to me. I thought you are were banding together in order to save Paulding County. Yet here you are looking to destroy small business IN Paulding county. Well, I guess that it's your way or the highway is your way of thinking.
  11. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Yeah Low, I agree with you.<br /><br />When I have a guest at my house, I expect a certain behavior. Guess some of these folks don't know much about common curtesy.
  12. I have just gotten back from kisses and hugs and I love you's with my family in New York. My nephew, lives in Howard Beach, NY. They are at the doorstep of JFK.......the surrounding area is thriving, and has been for years. Now, I am not comparing JFK to our small, regional airport but I did want to say that an airport does not HAVE to be the kiss of death. If there is competent leadership it can be a win, win for the local citizens. You have a problem with the leadership, fine......vote them out. I really do not see the need to kill progress for this county in the process.
  13. <br /><br /><br /> I hear you about some of the rescues. I just wanted to throw my two cents in.....please reconsider speaking to a rescue. There are some really great ones out there. The breed specific ones in particular. I'm sure you would like to see them in a home, I totally get that. But, stuff happens. Just a "flea in your ear." (I love that saying). Good luck either way.
  14. <br /><br /><br /> I surprised my husband with a ski trip for his birthday one year. The views are fabulous. Trip advisor is, without question, the way to go. I always look to see what they had to say.
  15. <br /><br /><br /> LOL. I like laughing out loud before going night, night..
  16. <br /><br /><br /> We will bitch together Hun.
  17. I guess no one remembers all the bitching and moaning that went on the last time the board was updated. People don't seem to like having to deal with the issues that come with the updates. JMTC.
  18. <br /><br /><br /> Uggggg. You don't care what my opinion is. You just care if anything will be said that leans towards getting Austin out. That's the axe you are grinding. You enjoy that. Like I said, I'm out.
  19. <br /><br /><br /> Explain dirty politic to you? Really? Tell you what, I'm out at this point. Now, you can keep repeating what you've said in the past about the conniving leadership in this county. I just wish an official would get on this board and COMMUNICATE with all of us. If they are smart about it, I really think it would open, at least, some conversation between the people for and against the airport.
  20. As far as ducks go....I had them for 8 years or so and the females made their nests and laid their eggs all over this property. I would find their nests and just kinda keep an eye on them. Then, one day, out of the blue, out would come Mommy and behind her were 8-12 ducklings, just marching across the pasture. I would look at the nest and it seems there was always 3-4 eggs left unhatched. Anyway, I would guess unhatched eggs are fairly common. Having said that, I hate it anyway.
  21. Whitey, please leave the dirty politics out of the mix and focus on the facts. Dirty politics tends to throw the sheeze right back at you until you are covered from head to toe.
  22. Another axe to grind. Is there anyone out there that doesn't have an axe to grind? Seems to me we need someone with a clear perspective to help us through this mess.
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