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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Hey Krazy.....pretty cool of you to make the effort to get these kittens homes.
  2. Yup. It was half my fault. WTH people????
  3. Pubby, it was a joke and not a point to be proven.
  4. I agree. I don't even bother with them anymore. The DD coffee rocks! Starbucks is bitter to me.
  5. That's great! Good for you! :biggrin:
  6. Something tells me you may have lots and lots of company! So, how are you feeling? Are you over the morning sickness yet? OF COURSE I did!!
  7. That's the 50,000.00 question. I bet some young, hot babe trapped him.
  8. I think I know what this is all about........Pubby is pregnant. May God bless his soul.
  9. You got it Hun.......best of luck!
  10. rockysmom


    Your world is bigger than this.......at the risk of someone posting a video, just try to "let it go."
  11. rockysmom


    OK.....I'm a bit curious........what's up Tess?
  12. I can't watch it Jamie.....not from here anyway. I'm sure you hit the mark through.
  13. I could not agree more. When I go into town I travel 120, you would not believe the number of people that I see come into my lane, hug the other side of the road and just about run off the road, drive slow and when they are done they speed up. I'm serious, there's ALOT of them. Guess they haven't been scared real bad yet. I have no doubt that something serious will happen because people can't leave their phones alone. I just hope I'm not around when it happens.
  14. You got it Blondie. Let us know when she comes home.
  15. I know, let's go to the beach! P.S. I'm sick of it too.
  16. I don't think there is an "agenda." I think he went to a Jewish center with a gun......and killed an innocent woman. A woman who was visiting her mother.
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