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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. If I choose to publicize that I have heavily armed myself, my family, my friends and my home, I would fully expect to be met by the authorities with like fire power.
  2. And he has every right to say exactly what he thinks. What he does not have the right to do is owe the American people one million plus dollars because he did not think he needed to pay the fees to graze his cattle. I guess I need to stop paying school tax because I don't think it's right. Wonder how long that would go on?
  3. Oh, I watched that one. I'm sure there is more than one version of the video, so I was looking to confirm exactly what you were looking at.
  4. Every year at this time of year, we are surrounded by bugs. I do believe that every insect known to man is around us! Has anyone had the outside of the house sprayed? Does it work? Anyone have any adverse effects? Trying to make up my mind, because I am DONE, and thought I would ask. Thanks folks.
  5. Get a German Sheperd, that will keep solicitors away!
  6. I was joking and I really don't know if mothballs will keep spiders away or not.
  7. Nope. That stuff will keep everybody and everything away!
  8. Not sure why you are on the attack. Perhaps you can give your feelings on how Mr. Buddy has handled this. Do you think he is in the right?
  9. He is breaking the law. Plain and simple. All this grandstanding actually means nothing. http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2014/04/24/nevada-rancher-cliven-bundy-cattle-blm-armed-standoff-editorials-debates/8125347/
  10. Hmmmmmm......here's another side to that story. http://www.snopes.com/politics/conspiracy/nevada.asp
  11. Since I'm not educated about his lawful rights, if any, I'll just say that at face value it appears he broke the law. He knew he was breaking the law and did so for over two decades. Now, of course he's pulling politics into his issue so he can grandstand. That's my take on it.
  12. I just saw a short story about Mr. Bundy. After his remarks, he is losing supporters left and right. I wonder if we should ask him if he is better off over 1M in debt to the government or would he have been better off keeping his cattle on his purchased property. He is rapidly dissolving into a puddle of confirmed craziness.
  13. You live around the south side now, but how long did it take you when lived here?
  14. Spend a few extra minutes in the car? Just based on the drive, it would be more like an hour and a half.
  15. rockysmom


    My Mom used to make us rhubarb pies. It's sweet, sour and kinda stringy. Used to be really cheap to buy, that's why Mom liked it. It was never my favorite.
  16. Thank you! Run off issues. Seriously, let me know. They never returned my call.
  17. I wish I could give you a reference, I REALLY wish I could. If you find someone good, please, please let me know. Guess I'm a little bit desperate at this point.
  18. I'm sure there's short term rentals available. May be an option.
  19. There may also be resident requirements. Lots of states have them. I would imagine it's more like a 6 month residency. I'm not sure through. That the realtor could not offer suggestions, kinda amazes me.
  20. I can't wait for this comeback!
  21. Now THATS cool. What's not cool is you are not sharing.
  22. Hey, I like to think Pubby is a buddy of mine. He is always very nice to me.
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