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Beach Bum

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Everything posted by Beach Bum

  1. I'm glad your surgery went well but I am very sorry about your blood pressure - that is really high! Be sure you follow up with your doctor. Sending you thoughts, prayers and well wishes for a speedy recovery.
  2. Starbucks is a great company and I hope your nephew is enjoying his job and I wish him the best of luck! I think it must be a "rite of passage" for teens to astronomically run up a phone bill at one time or another - I know it happened with all 3 of my children!
  3. I really do love these "what's for dinner" threads as they give me lots of good ideas!! Thanks!
  4. Oh well....we will have to agree to disagree. I am very much in disagreement with you about the leadership of our county and about how, as you say, that they ultimately look out for "their" best interests. I continue to understand why more people don't run for public office..............
  5. I have five precious, sweet little stairstep grandsons and I would love to have a grandaughter to dress up - wanna swap boys for girls sometime?
  6. Congratulations SOLO! Boy or girl? I didn't realize you had a new grandbaby and I know that you are enjoying the baby. You strike me as a person who is very loving, fun to be around and devoted to her family and friends - that baby is a very lucky baby!
  7. I understand - I have been in the "professional world" for about 30 years now and I understand fully some of the measures that are taken during budget crises'. Can you please tell me EXACTLY how Paulding County has not exhausted most every effort to cut the budget short of having layoffs? Are you at the county offices every day of the week to observe and offer constructive criticism? As for the airport, do you not understand what an impact it will have on the future of our county, thus the obvious reason for the personnel? Have you regularly attended county commission meetings and v
  8. We played and fished in the lake this morning, did yard work in the afternoon and now we are watching the Andy Griffith marathon on TV Land. That Opie just keeps getting cuter and cuter.....
  9. I understand about the Open RECORDS Request quite clearly; however, I am very unclear on how you or anyone else can explain the FULL SCOPE of any of our county employee's duties and responsbilites which accompany their salaries. I mean, do they work a standard 40 hour work week or do they work an 80 hour work with (with or without overtime pay)? Are there things that are expected of them outside the 40 hour work week which we would need to take into consideration? Why are you the Judge and Juror as to why they don't deserve the salaries they receive - are you relying simply on what you
  10. Will you please do us the courtesy of providing details (including the names, annual salaries, the scope of their duties and responsibilities to the county, etc.) of what you are accusing the county of? Thank you in advance.
  11. Wow - why can't our leaders just "wave their magic wand" and make all these economic woes just go away? Good grief....can someone please explain (in detail) how Paulding County can sidestep all these economic issues that are affecting our entire country and make our special little county "immune" to issues that are affecting our entire country? Please don't give me SPECULATION on salaries, etc,....give me FACTS!!!! I personally applaud our county leadership - I realize they are having to make some very tough decisions right now that none of us personally would want to make. God Bless t
  12. Sending thoughts and prayers your way for a happy, healthy and safe delivery.
  13. We are at the house at Lake Norman, NC and it is raining "cats and dogs". Just got finished watching Twister for like the "millionth" time and now my husband is watching the race - thus my reason for being on p.com!
  14. I love evites whether or not I am hosting a party or invited to one. I love the fact that you can track your responses as the host and I also love the fact that you receive reminders as the invitee. I also love the fact that in case the event has to be cancelled, everyone invited can be notified at one time.
  15. Okay, I've been watching this show for almost two hours now and I have really tried to give Octomom the benefit of the doubt; however, she is CRAZY! I just hope and pray these sweet, precious children are not harmed in any way and that they can somehow grow up to be happy, healthy, well-adjusted adults.
  16. Sending thoughts, prayers and well wishes for your Mom. I hear a lot of good things about the hospital in Cartersville and it sounds like she is in good hands. Don't forget to take care of yourself during this stressful time. Sometimes we become so involved in taking care of those around us that we forget about ourselves - take it easy and try not to become too stressed.
  17. Sending prayers for a speedy recovery for this young man.
  18. I am (and I don't usually watch shows like this). The Mother seems to be very aggitated and frustrated but I guess I would be also with that many children. You think she ever has time to go to the restroom?
  19. My husband loves "The Frog".
  20. I have noticed the same thing earlier today. I walked out on my front porch and they just about bombarded me! I really don't know a lot about hummingbirds but Liberty Lady does. They seem to be feeding really well on my flowers and plants that I have on the front porch.
  21. Sadie, you are such a joy to be associated with on p.com and I have a very strong feeling that you are the same in real life. Please know that your Mother is in my thoughts and prayers as well as the rest of your family. Please let me know if there is anything I can help you and your family with and please take care of yourself!
  22. Thank you Capt. Freeman for your service and for the ultimate sacrifice of your life in helping to protect our country. My heartfelt condolences are extended to the family and friends of Capt. Freeman. You are a true hero and I pray that your family and friends will be comforted by the memories of you and your accomplishments.
  23. You are right - makes me feel guilty for complaining about anything! This is a great thread Sports Source and thank you so much for posting it. It would be sort of fun to live that way for a week or two and I can pretty much guarantee we would all be a little more thankful after that experience.
  24. I know this is going to sound weird but in my experience, the best route to take is to drive straight into Panama City Beach and take the route west away from the beach, pick up 98 again and drive straight over to Destin. I hate going through Panama City but I truly believe this is the best route and I have tried all sorts of ways as I have to be in Destin at least twice a year for conferences.
  25. Best wishes AJ for a happy, healthy pregnancy and delivery. Your child is going to be very fortunate to have you as a Mother.
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