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Everything posted by dapandlap

  1. You must provide something a little more credible than your word, on this. Is this proven documented fact, or is it simply your opinion?
  2. I asked earlier, are doctors not allowed to have these conversations now? Are they not actually already having these conversations?
  3. I think I'll call BS on the "fireworks" being the cause, if it were the case then we would see dead birds every 4th July and New Years, I don't recall hearing about anything like this happening before.
  4. It is wrong and should be repealed soon.
  5. Are you saying that doctors don't do this now? Something about the track record of most govt. entities makes me ask why should the govt./medicare be a part of what a doctor can or can not tell their patients.
  6. dapandlap


    Filet Mignon medium/medium well, but in this economy who can afford these yummies?
  7. You brought it up, and besides she probably is able to earn a pretty good chunk of change for the tv. series, She's goota do something for a living. And then there is always the fact she was/is more qualified with her experience (actually being elected to leadership roles)than the current whitehouse resident. Now of course you will say "well he was elected to congress by his state", which he spent more time campaigning than actually representing them. Remind me how many present votes did he cast.
  8. If I'm not mistaken she was elected to mayor then she was elected to govenor before she became a "star", I think Jesse did it in the opposite direction.
  9. IT is actually an attack by the muslim extremists, using the chemical weapons of mass destruction left over from saddam's days in Iraq, to poison our air and water, humans are not as sensitive as the birds or fish that have died at the hands of extreme islamist terrorists. However if IT remains in our air and water for an extended period of time we will soon see the effects. So grab your tin hats and run for the tunnels before IT gets you too.
  10. I could never be a mod for I am too old and set in my ways/opinions. Although if the pay is decent it might be fun for a little while.
  11. It has been said before, not by me but I have read it several times by several folks, Blue you asked for it when you opened up the topic, if you don't want be involved in the drama then don't open the post. I know we seldom agree on many topics, but I do value your opinion, on many subjects. Have a nice day sir.
  12. You folks are wasting your money I have already purchased the winning ticket for tonight's drawing.
  13. MD, and NG, you know if the bird feeder is empty, then the birds will fly elsewhere.
  14. Maybe folks have lost interest in reading posts by a couple of OPs that are usually about the same topic over and over and over. And to see that the same couple of posters make up the majority of the posted topics. And to add insult to injury when you disagree with the same couple of posters the owner will take their side and then insult your intelligence for having an opposing view. Who knows that is just an opinion and we know what opinions are like, everbody has one. P.S. it does seem like it has been very slow on here.
  15. Then turn off your computer, pick up your bible and read it. This whole conversation started with me pointing out to you that in the parable the servants were not speaking to Jesus. If you want to twist it to suit your needs be my guest. The understanding of parables can not be explained in a short paragraph, one can only fully understand after spending time studying the bible in its entirity. I would rather do my own research rather than relying wiki to give me their version. Oh and BTW why is this topic not in the religion forum?
  16. Could it be possible that your dish could be "shadowed" by trees when the wind blows?
  17. And that is all any of us can do, is to try and do the best we can.
  18. No thanks on your links to bible questions, I have studied the bible for years and years before I ever owned a computer. If you can not understand what I have tried to explain to you several times concerning what a parable is, and how Jesus used parables as a teaching tool, and that the servants in the parable were not speaking to Jesus but rather they were speaking to their master who they called lord, then you are not even trying to understand you are only trying to argue.
  19. So you base your knowledge of the bible on what some link says. Again you are argueing something you have very lttle knowlegde of, so you have to ask wiki or the likes to help you with your ignorance.
  20. I just told you in the last post that the servants called their master/landowner/boss who hired them lord. Did you not comprehend what you read? Jesus was telling a parable/example/story about a situation between an employer and his employees so that his disciples could relate to the story as an example.
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