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Everything posted by Reubens

  1. Ok, thanks, I guess I'll go to cartersville in the morning
  2. Is there a place in PC where we can get this done now. I thought I thought I heard the were starting it here.
  3. Hymans is really for seafood. It is downtown, I think.
  4. They now have a product that you add to the grout when you put the tile in that resists mold growth. No longer have to paint it on after you grout and it is supposed to work a lot better.
  5. I had xp and now I have windows 7. I am still getting used to it. I don't like how the window disappears if your mouse gets moved.
  6. If this is the place on the right as you go to the square, I went there severel years ago after everyone raving how great it was and sat there for an hour, yes an hour before they finally came and took our order. I would have left but the lady I was with wanted to eat there. The food wasn't anything special after so long a wait. It was kind of funny how the lady was ignoring us because we were sitting right in the middle of the place and she had to keep going around us to get to other tables.
  7. She also has to make sure that the doctor can see her in his office on a stretcher. If she can not travel by wheelchair they take them on a stretcher and a lot of doctors offices do not have the room for a stretcher. Just something else for her to think about.
  8. I go to one in Bremen. Dr Jim (can't think of his last name). He looks like Kirk Douglas! He is really good and really explains things to you. He has the Bremen Clinic and is in downtown Bremen.
  9. I might need 2, if my friend can't get them for me.
  10. I do the same thing with a company called Alpine Access. You can go to alpineaccess.com and read about it. It is not as easy as it looks. I trained 28 reps in July and another lady trained about 24. I asked her the other day how many are still with us and she said about 4.
  11. I have dream number mattress and foundation I am selling. It sells for $1600, but I will let it go for $800 because there is a tear in the foundation. It is at the seam and can be sewn.
  12. How about the Senior Center? I think they have a van that picks up people.
  13. We used this group when my son was younger, it has been a few years. But they were very good at the time. Everyone I knew that went to them had good things to say about this group.
  14. We have very long, thin hair and we use the detangler from Dollar General. It is very good and it seems very cheep. I think we paid $1 for it.
  15. I am pretty sure they are closed for good and will not be reopening.
  16. You said it, WOW! Thank you so much for posting this, it is good news for a change!
  17. Yep, New Hope WH said it was a Waffle House also.
  18. I went to someones house that I have known for more than 30 years and was shocked at the stuff she has in her house! She had to have 2 chairs just a foot or so away from the tv because all behind was filled with stuff! As I sat there I looked in a bedroom and it was in neat piles about 3 feet high all the way to the door. I couldn't help myself when I left and looked in another bedroom and it was even worse. I asked my sister about it and she said that she always had the tendency to be that way but her husband kept it in check. After he passed away she went back to her old ways. Sad.
  19. Can he drink through a straw or pucker his lips for a kiss? Babies Can't wait is for children under 3 and then they are put in the school system. At least that is how it worked 19 years ago when my son needed it. So you will probably be put on that list after he is evaluated.
  20. Your welcome. Who would have thought that it could help with so much? The oil is kind of hard to take but you can add it to salad dressing, just don't heat it. It is much better if you take pill form. My son is disabled so we have tried a few different alternative medicines. ;0)
  21. Try Udo's OIl. You can buy it at whole foods, Harry's and life foods. You can buy it in pill or oil. All of your organs need EFA's (essential fatty acids) and it goes to your internal organs first and your skin last. You can read about it here http://www.udoerasmus.com/articles/udo/udo_index.htm on the left side click on search and type in eczema.
  22. Not only did we have Sunday dinners.... we also had dinner the other 6 nights! My mother was the best! lol
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