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Everything posted by AtlantaBry

  1. This is the ultimate scare tactic for the Health Care providers to make a freakin' killing. Come up America.........wake up.
  2. AtlantaBry

    Give Blood.

    Then the red cross shoule loosen their restrictions. I really would love to give but because I went on vacation to the Dominican Republic over a year ago.....I still can't give.
  3. One of these guys is know as "the Ringer". Can you guess who?
  4. Now that is a brilliant idea! Me likey!
  5. Not if you sue the frying pan from the Flintsones cartoons.
  6. Your 2009 Paulding County MidWeek bowling champs...............3Beers and an Icee!
  7. Me and 4 buddys will be there........we are going to start tailgating around 2PM so we may not even make it inside.
  8. My wife and I were married @ La Jardin Blanc in douglasville. You can watch our wedding here: http://www.tnt.tv/dramavision/?oid=49347 But a great option is the Cultural Arts Center of Douglasville. My wife Sara is the office manager there and can hook you up w/ a rental. It is very affordable. Here is the website: http://www.artsdouglas.org/rentals/rentals.htm
  9. The courtyard in downtown Douglasville is a great setting for pictures.
  10. I only know part of the story so no strong opinion here.
  11. Good........I don't have to watch he do that stupid open fingered clap and babble on and on about nothing.
  12. I had the name in the title but it was removed.....if I were to talk in Pig Latin this place would be called uckyLay awgDay?
  13. I always wondered how clean Birdie's was. I try to keep my eye on the health scores and I know they got a low 70 something one time but it was usually in the high 80/low 90s. I hope the new place is better.
  14. Does anyone know who is opening this or what to expect? We need a good alternative in that area. Birdie's wasn't the best but it was a nice change of pace in the Ridge Rd. area? I wonder when the new place will open? EDIT: Remove non-commerce member from title of topic.
  15. I sure hope so! Bad situation.
  16. When I first read this Riley's on Fulton Ind. was the 1st thing I thought about...............yikes.
  17. No, he has been in prison for 2 years, paying his debt to society.
  18. It is shocking to me how many men don't wash their hands after using the restroom. The worst is when I'm at a casino and I am in the restroom with about 10 other men and I'm the only one that stops to wash his hands? I get back to the card table and start staring @ my chips and cards..............yuck!
  19. I went to JC Penny last night and I think a few planes had landed in their parking lot and the passengers were inside shopping.
  20. Not true........Kobe Bryant went to trial for raping a girl in Colorado........he has more sponrship roles now that he ever has. As usual..........ignorant racist overtones..........gees.
  21. No, but my family and I was down there onver the 4th and there are 2 restaraunts that we discovered that are awesome! You should try them if you get a chance. Andy's Flower Power for an amazing breakfast and Calypso for a cheaper yet great dinner option. http://intlxpatr.wordpress.com/2007/04/16/...s-flower-power/ http://www.calypsobeachcafe.com/
  22. We as parents have some control over who our kid's role models are you know. If you think Vick (or anyone else) is a bad person and notice your kid's starting to follow them you should sit them down and explain why that is wrong. Let's don't just sit back and throw stones. I think what Vick did was VERY wrong, but the man had done his time and that is what our justice system is for. People pay the penalty that is delt them in hopes that it changes them. Only time will tell, but I don't have an issue at all w/ him coming back to the NFL. I hope he has changed and I wi
  23. Wild Adventures in Valdosta, Ga. Or head to Savannah for the weekend. Both are fun times.
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