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Everything posted by genesiskenshin

  1. GET DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. If he comes out here, I will personally stand outside the stadium and protest. I will also go straight to the coaches. I don't want that ass out here. You guys can keep him.
  3. God I hope not. I don't want his sorry ass out here. We have enough nuts in the Bay area as it is.
  4. Google has been fighting that and will continue to fight. They would sooner move out of the US than allow that.
  5. I am sorry but you do not know the inner workings of google. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to divulge them. But I can assure you that they have protections in place. It will not happen.
  6. You guys are most ignorant when it comes to Google. Here is their privacy policy and I can personally say that they do not use the information for evil purposes. http://www.google.com/privacy.html
  7. I have been out in Cali for almost a year now and I don't feel anything under a 4.
  8. LOL, more fun when it is a 4 and you are drinking wine and the fact it is an earthquake doesn't even cross your mind, instead you think of more logical explanations such as someone backing into a pole in the underground garage or an airplane
  9. I would still stay away I prefer my feet firmly planted on terra firma after my accident.
  10. Stay away from trampolines, they are evil. Especially if someone double bounces you, you can break a tooth.
  11. All 4 of my wisdom teeth were impacted and the drugs they gave me didn't work. Just depends on how fast you heal.
  12. Depends on how fast you heal. I was back up and going within 1 day.
  13. I would say depends on who died. I went to at least 5 funerals before the age of 9 (all close family members), starting at the age 5.
  14. He is on You-Know-Who's side. He has been confunded *suiqqer*
  15. I need more than they have in stock for some people out here.
  16. I hope the kids are well taken care of and the murderers are brought to justice and fried.
  17. Yup. Garage sale this past June. We went to go get tables. We thought they were heavy enough not to put up the tailgate. Well, my mom started driving real slow and we hit a very small dip in the road. I heard a noise and looked back. Upon looking back, I saw two of the tables in the middle of the road. I immediately said "Mom, two of the tables are in the road." Her response was "No they aren't." This went on for about 10 secs until she actually looked in her rear view mirror. We had to turn around, run into a busy road, pick up two tables and put them back. We made it all the way b
  18. One can look. However, one cannot touch.
  19. LOL, we should. Oh, we should. Drats, my laughing made my purring cat leave my feet.
  20. Could it be because some people are too busy laughing at the uncovered rear ends? I know I laugh.
  21. We can start with my brother. Some days I wonder if he has more than just a few screws loose (not biologically related).
  22. I want to help you with that endeavor when I return to Georgia.
  23. Non-fried pickles are good. Fried just doesn't do anything for me.
  24. Just don't tax bacon. Everyone deserves bacon. Skinny, fat, smoker, non-smoker. Bacon is good in moderation or the pasta salad I just made. If anyone wants the recipe, I can give it to you.
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