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Everything posted by genesiskenshin

  1. It is not scare tactics. Please read "America's Forgotten Pandemic" by Alfred Crosby. These are the precautions they should have taken in 1918 when the virus first surfaced. Good news is that sanitation and medical care have come a long way since then. However, still be cautious. Wash your hands, cover your mouth and nose if you sneeze. If you get sick, stay home.
  2. Not always. I have never run a normal fever. My body temp runs about 96-97 degrees. We did not find this out until a few years ago. So during my childhood I would be sick and not have a fever according to normal guidlines of over 98.6.
  3. I have no children and cannot have children. So I doubt any of you care about someone who is not a parent's opinion. I cannot stand a crying child for long. I understand about 15 minutes. However, after that I would at least approach the mother and ask if there is anything I can do to help so that I may shop in peace. However, I would never lay a hand on anyone's child. If she refuses my offer of help and allows the child to continue to scream and cry, I will approach management and request that the mother and her child be removed. (keep in mind this is 15-20 minutes after the child h
  4. I still got plenty done on my background. Still have a lot more to do though.
  5. I was just being evil . His nose is what I remember him most for
  6. If it isnt, Maybe they should just air drop his corpse into the raging inferno down there. At least then he would return to his roots, plastic to plastic
  7. MJ was overkill too. Speaking of his deformed nose, Is his corpse even in the ground yet?
  8. So exactly where is San Francisco bay area located? What area do they tend to put it in? NW or SW. Cause I can't decide which one as it looks to be in the middle of the west coast.
  9. The two stories they are overkilling tonight are the kidnapping case, and the homicide case (no new information yet). 10 minutes each. (this newscast is 30 minutes), weather is done in 4 minutes, and the fire was 5 minutes.
  10. Too early for me to start drinking. However, might I suggest a vodka tonic. 1 oz vodka, 7 oz tonic water, 1 slice of lime, and 2 ice cubes.
  11. Wow, I lost a day somewhere. No it is Tuesday. So more than 48 hours since it has been put out.
  12. I have no problem with that. The guy certainly needs something done, just not all the publicity.
  13. Mine have never touched the three plants I have inside and one is mint plant. I would say use a squirt bottle or the other idea of balloons.
  14. The fire was put out early on Sunday. Today is mid-afternoon monday. No news station has said that it is out. At least 24 hours has passed, you would think that a news station would have said the fire in Gilroy is out. Alas, they have not.
  15. I am sure it happens more than we hear, they just are never found. It happens so often out here from I can tell after being here for a year. I don't even want see the topic line at this point. I don't want 5 hours of coverage in a 6 hour morning news block on either the abduction or fires. I want it balanced out. I never said it was a litmus for concern. The geographical proximity shows how much coverage there is in certain areas. You hear about it alot less if you are not in the area. You hear about it WAY more when you are in the area.
  16. Nope not good, but I have a katana and I know how to use it and I lock my doors.
  17. You would think that I would like to know that the closest fire to me has been put out right? Of course, I would. I just now found that out when they could have said it on the morning news.
  18. Really, I have always been a girl as far as I know. Anywho, I guess there will be many more of these types of threads if arnold lets the 27,000 prisoners go. And I bet that none of you want that happen.
  19. I never heard that the fire in Gilroy was put out. They never said it on the news cause all the coverage was on the two cases. Apparently it was put out on Sunday.
  20. I should think so. I can't find out whatever else is going on in the bay area or the nation, or the world by watching the news anymore. This seems to happen a lot out here.
  21. I get that, but when it actually hinders getting other news, its a bit much.
  22. I don't know if they are burning or not all the coverage has been on the kidnap case. However, if they are, roasted garlic is good too.
  23. I don't think they should give too much time to either the fire or the psycho cases. All they need to do is give pertinent information once every so often. Not for 5 hours. I have no pictures of any wildfires or psychos although there is a rapist that lives in my building which the leasing office never told us. Yes, my doors are locked. I live in the heart of the south bay.
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