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Everything posted by gog8tors

  1. Oh, my goodness she is beautiful.
  2. Your child's best advocate is you. Be honest with yourself about your child's limitations/deficits. My son has an IEP as well, and yes, it is kinda open so that if he needs help for something different he can get it w/o having to set up another IEP meeting. What does that mean? Basically, he was set up on his IEP b/c of reading issues. However, b/c math has reading problems this spilled over into that subject too. Sure enough he ended up with math problems. But, because we had the IEP set up for future problems he now gets the assistance he needs for math. The point is you know your child,
  3. This is very true. BTW how are you feeling these days? Things growing well I hope?
  4. I don't make assumptions about any pit owners. I know too many people involved with rescue groups. Some of them rescue all breeds, and having worked in veterinary med. I know not everyone is what one would think. Now the the trophy people, those I make assumptions about.
  5. Now that S/he has lost the debate they will now stoop to the obligatorily insults. Don't give'em the time of day. Same was said about Shepherds, Dobies, Mastiffs. As we say in the veterinary world. "It has teeth, it WILL bite."
  6. Worthy of the death HE CHOSE. If he had chosen to answer the door, corporate, and given up the real criminals, would he be dead now? Seems to me HIS choices led to his death.
  7. Here ya go https://www.google.com/search?q=rottweiler+attacks+on+humans&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a https://www.google.com/search?q=Sheperd++attacks+on+humans&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=WuT&tbo=d&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&spell=1&q=Shepherd+attacks+on+humans&sa=X&ei=lRfAUKfSOYe68ATamYD4CQ&ved=0CC4QvwUoAA&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=9d9a3e994323bd6c&bpcl=39650382&biw=1024&b
  8. It was Mr. Hammett's decision not to answer the door. It was his decision not to cooperate. It was his decision to protect this woman, and her kid, knowing full well what they were up to. So, I would say that it was his decision to get himself either wounded or killed. I'm just glad to see a follow up on a story.
  9. My gut answer is no. Then I thought your were channeling someone on this board. My answer is still no.
  10. We're running Vista, and 7 on our computers right now. Not sure we'll be upgrading any time soon.
  11. Be careful of the onions. I just read a story about how onions adsorb bacteria. I'll have to find it, I found it quite interesting.
  12. Paulding Co. High school. Supports the Football program, and you get a tax deduction to boot. Prices start at $35.00. They are some very pretty trees there.
  13. The pictures aren't even the same store. Also we all know they should've parked in the gore.
  14. The pictures are of two different stores.
  15. We could get USAA as well, but they were way more expensive then Allstate. So, that's a no go.
  16. I know that CC did not charge us to do our insurance.
  17. Call Curtis AKA Caped Crusader. He'll get you fixed up with the right insurance at the right price. We switched to ASI with Curtis' help. It saved us 350.00 per year on our HOI. We were with Allstate as well, and when we got the bill ($1300) I was so happy that we switched. Less $ better coverage. We also switched to Progressive for auto. Same amount, but better coverage.
  18. I would say that is the majority of police officers.
  19. Before agreeing....... see link. This is what this "topic" is a spin off of. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php/topic/295681-lawsuit-filed-on-paulding-deputy-brandon-howard/page__pid__3730022__st__160#entry3730022
  20. Aqua net Beauty Shop. Kwik Check Tang is sold at Sam's
  21. Depends on the handle. And, don't discount the dog homework excuse. I actually had to write that note for my oldest child.
  22. Well for all y'all that love the real deal, come out, and support THE PCHS football program. We are selling them in the PCHS parking lot, to the left of the entrance. Hey it's tax deductible too
  23. Happy Thanksgiving. May your blessings continue to grow.
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