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Everything posted by gog8tors

  1. This thread reminds me of Rich's "closing." For 25+years they were closing.
  2. I thought the whole reheated food plastic thing had been dispelled. There was one of those e-mail chain things that came out like 10 years ago about this.
  3. I'm, going with East, and South, as well.
  4. Matthew McConaughey too. They say that as folks get older the sense of smell goes. That explains old people using a lot of perfume, and/or cologne. I have to remind DH that a little goes a long way, especially since he wears Polo. That stuff is expensive.
  5. I would hardly call them a "women's group " more like a bunch hyenas in dresses. I could never be in agreement with a group that agrees with the murdering of children. They're the PETA of the "women's movement." I can see them encouraging women to do whatever it takes to hurt a man. FTR, it's been groups like this that has been the downfall of us women.
  6. I've seen this on both sides. Right now I am watching it with the father being the one who is trying to alienate his son from his mother. Even though the mother has custody. He would be your biggest fan. Although he does fit your profile. Hmmmmm just might need to let her know about this. I witnessed it with my DH ex wife, she succeeded in her plan. Now that she is dead the boys might come around. Got get them off the drugs first. I also have a family member that would have you think that we are the worse people in the world. Of course when we meet the latest girlfriend, we let her kno
  7. Truly I am sorry for what you are going through. However, when you surround yourself with abnormal people you start to think that they are the normal ones, and others are not. I have people in my life that have some mental issues. And, I have delt with them, and their lies too often to count. You are quite obviously hurting. I would suggest that you get a strong support system around you, and that any interaction you must have with your ex is witnessed. Even to the point of videoing her.
  8. I have a friend that is airforce. I know you don't live near here, but I can see if she knows of any groups near you.
  9. Yes, I would still say suck it up. If you can (and you should) prove to the judge that your ex is a pysco crazy woman then do it. If your ex is a crazy as you think, then why have you not gathered the proof? I know of a girl that got pregnant, and did not tell the boy. Then 7yrs later she shows up wanting CS. What she didn't count on was the boy, and his family. Not only was the boy more then willing (after DNA proof) to do the right thing, but he also demanded, and got visitation. Your other three examples are not the norm. They are way out there in the realm of extreme. That is why each,
  10. And, this is a perfect example of lack of common sense, no tolerance bull. I hate stupid people. How very sad for the family. Where is some fancy get my name in the news lawyer for this kinda of thing? I would find a way to sue the school district, and school. What would that accomplish? Nothing except bringing to light just one more stupid no tolerance incident.
  11. Thank you for that. As the wife of a veteran, especially one with PTSD I know first hand how hard it is on the wives, and children of these guys. I'm going to check to see if there is a support program for the caregivers in our area. If not maybe there is a way to start one. My DH's doctor stated that because of me, and the dog it helped my DH. But, there were so many times that I felt like I was all alone, and I was the one who always had to be the strong one. How many others feel/felt this way?
  12. The suaside (sp) veteran topic got me to thinking. How many of these veterans take themselves out due to a lack of support? I know being the support person of a veteran I know how hard it is on the significant other. How many people would be interested in a "support" group?
  13. To the OP: If the veteran was disabled his children are eligible for a certain amount over his base disability. So, presuming that is the case the children were getting some type of child support. Dad took himself out (I still think that is a coward's way) if he were hounorably discharged the kids might still be able to get some finical help. I'm surprised that if the ex is such a gold digging witch that she hasn't already checked into this. Next: Let me tell you a couple of stories. The first has to do with a couple that got divorced. She lived in a state with a very high cost of living.
  14. Thank you. However, I have a previous commitment, and will not be able to attend this. I did send her a message on her Face Book page. I suggested that she could answer here, or she could send me a Face Book message. We'll see which one she chooses to do.
  15. This ^^ not that hard to understand really.
  16. Well EXCUUUUSSSSEEE ME. I should have said that this is an issue that conservatives, and SOME others have an issue with. As far as lumping folks into groups, well lets just say there is a certain element in DC that has been very good at it. Get over yourself, arrogance is applicable to a lot of folks.
  17. Either, you hate kids, your raciest, you don't know what their ___________ is, or any other number of BS excuses. Some don't understand that is the kind of stuff conservatives have issue with. But, not to worry entitlement mentality is alive, and well.
  18. What if your not required to file a tax return? How do you know if your current plan will make them happy? What if you don't need some stuff? You know like maternity care. What if your like a single guy, do you need a plan that covers women's stuff? And, conversely does a woman need man stuff covered? Will you have to buy a plan to cover things that aren't applicable to you? Before all this, you could look at a plan, and choose it based on what you/your family needed. Is that still the case? Why are the out of pocket expenses so high? If you get a free (tax payer paid) subsidy, and don't ha
  19. Now, Pubby you know I'm all about our Patriots!! My own DS is an 8th grade Patriot, and is looking forward to playing in high school. Yes, They are quite a talented team. Most of these kids are totally awesome as well. Win, or lose, we are a Patriot family here.
  20. I said I think I had this. OK. I will not be anyone's trivia partner. Unless you get a handicap, then I'm your girl.
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