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Everything posted by gog8tors

  1. What was her discharge? Yes, it makes a differance. Where is the childrens father/s? Must be nice to get food stamps when a 72 yr old disabled vet can't. I know a lot of vets that would never stoop so low as to make a meme such as this. Oh, heck must be nice to get food stamps when a married couple with kids can't. Thanks for making this political when Memorial day is not at all about politics.
  2. We just went a little bit ago. They said it has been steady today. The poll workers are doing a great job, no lines, and they are very helpful.
  3. My car reads the text to me, then gives me some on screen answers I can send back. I usually use "i'm driving right now." I also have the hands free phone stuff on my steering wheel. Now if I can only get Onstar, WiFi and Serius included that would be awesome. With how much new cars are you would think those things came with it.
  4. Do you have to be a social drinker, and/or a Trump supporter?
  5. Between all the youth programs (sports/scouts/Y/Etc) and the homeschooling co-ops the kids are actually well socialized. They also score higher on SATs, then our public school kids. Math is the only score that tends to be lower. So, I am pro education choice.
  6. The Skyline folks are nice people.
  7. Awe heck we ain't that pretentious. Although I do like a glass of wine about twice a year. I prefer life sober.
  8. Well yes, yes I am, thank you very much. But, seriously you spent a lot of unnecessary money/time to have it fixed, you should ask for the money that was spent back. You went through a lot of time, and BS before they finally sent someone out who could fix the issue.
  9. So, when are you going to get your money back?
  10. I looked up the New Dawn rose. It's beautiful. I would love to have some, but I have a devil of a time getting anything with blooms to grow in our yard. It's really shady.
  11. It's OK, I just wanted to know why I should vote for Theresa, but instead I got a whole lot of why I shouldn't vote for Steve. Also this started out about Maxwell, and Liberty, and his very much lie filled mailers. However it has digressed into what it is
  12. So 50.000 was the boy scouts cut of the fireworks sale? What is so wrong about asking where that much money went to? Sounds like the fireworks stand was quite lucrative. I also understand that you have a personal beef with Steve that goes beyond this. As adults most of us are able to look at the big picture. RaidersRock, Tundra, and I are not in any way trying to bring down the booster club, or those boys. They deserve so much better. I also don't think that anyone has accused anyone of stealing anything. There have been questions asked and not really answered. From what I understand th
  13. Just because she is/was ONE person on the board doesn't mean she should stay on the board. What was her vote in reference to the janitors? The schools aren't nearly as clean as they used to be. How many janitors lost their jobs because of outsourcing the work to a company? Why have you not answered my question about Kerstin home schooling her kids, and why you think it's a bad thing? Do you have a familial relationship with Theresa Lyons? Besides the fact that she is on the board now, why should we vote for her? What is your personal intent to get her reelected? Having spoken with Steve D
  14. You have no clue. She is one of the most informed people in all of Paulding Co. Still want to what the problem is with Kerstin home schooling her kids.
  15. Some of us want our kids to do more then "just be fine." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_homeschooled_people http://www.nheri.org/research/research-facts-on-homeschooling.html I'm not sure what the problem is with her home schooling her own children, she still pays the school tax.
  16. We tried to our son a fishing licences and they wouldn't accept his dependents ID. Said it had to be a state issued ID.
  17. Not even funny. I find your statement insulting. Google is your friend.
  18. Ok, you don't know her either. Why don't you and Glassdogs get back to us when you have actually spoken with her, and have actually listened to her. See that's what's really cool about local elections, you can actually talk to (well some) of the candidates. Now isn't that the coolest thing?
  19. Soooooo what your saying is you don't know Kirsten AT ALL.
  20. 99 views and no comments? I hope all of you have gone taken the survey, and in the spaces where it gives you the choice to state what you think, I hope you added your opinion.
  21. If your so quick to judge, or you just like to arm chair decisions from the BOE. Here's your chance to do more then type. http://www.paulding.k12.ga.us/site/default.aspx?PageType=3&DomainID=4&ModuleInstanceID=8&ViewID=047E6BE3-6D87-4130-8424-D8E4E9ED6C2A&RenderLoc=0&FlexDataID=34704&PageID=1
  22. I'm not sure. If so then yes. So which state rep do we pester about that? If were going to do road improvements, my road could use some work. Can the county take down trees whose roots are damaging the road? Especially after they have fixed the same place more then once because of root damage.
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