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Everything posted by gog8tors

  1. And now for the REST of the story. http://dcgazette.com/video-of-a-white-officer-slamming-a-black-student-goes-viral-but-here-is-the-full-video-that-tells-a-different-story/
  2. Baptist don't get "confirmed" we get baptized in believers baptism. When we do go witnessing it is usually because the person has visited the church, and agreed to a visit. We are not "required" to go visiting. The only religions that I know of that require their members to go door to door are the JW and the Mormons. I have never had a Mormon knock on my door. I have tried the polite way of dealing with the JWs. But, they don't get the hint, so if they pull into my drive (we do not live in a subdivision) they see a no trespassing sign, with a warning. So far they have stayed away from our ho
  3. Does she have relatives that come to visit? Perhaps you could talk with them. With her being elderly if she has to deal with stairs or the out side steps (if there are any) it could be difficult to walk the dog. Just a thought. So many of our elderly want to stay independent, but really could use the help every now and then.
  4. I concur with Paulding Waste. Awesome company for the past 10yrs for us.
  5. I said that from the start of all this. Granted apparently he has done a lot of philanthropic work, and it is a good thing he has kept it low key (nothing worse then those that say "hey look at me, and all the good I do.") but, when it comes to business, he is out for number one.
  6. Learning disabilities. The main purpose is to help the student (gifted or not) succeed in class.
  7. We like to watch the silly movies. All of the Halloween Town movies. Hocus Pocus is a must. Nightmare before Christmas
  8. Question, do you know what an IEP is? I'm thinking you don't know what an IEP is. The kid could be a freaking genius, and has an IEP to make sure he has the AP/ Honors classes available to him as well as the opportunity to attend college in conjunction with his high school classes. An IEP does NOT indicate that a child "needs" counseling.
  9. gog8tors


    Halcyon Hospice, is who we have for my husband. They have been beyond wonderful. 770-456-4643
  10. Nope x wanted to marry a catholic woman that had never been married, and her daddy was all gung ho for her to get married in the church. IF it had happened 30 years ago, I would have been way past it. But, I know as long as you are venting griping about the Southern Baptist, it doesn't matter how long ago the incident happened. I know right...... lol
  11. Well yes, I was affected, and insulted by the catholic church and their annulment rules. Of course I told my ex that it was none of the church's business why we got divorced, and I don't appreciate anyone bothering people from my past. I tell my son the reason for our divorce is none of his business, why in the heck would it be some strangers business. Especially since neither he nor I are catholic. Your fawning over a man. But hey if he is your rock star........
  12. Excuse me, based on my previous research this was true. I just have a problem with man deciding if my marriage (not preformed in the catholic religion) meets their criteria of "sacramental." I find it insulting to other faiths that the catholic church thinks they should pass judgement on marriages preformed by pastors, or high priestess. I find it insulting that just because one ex spouse wants an annulment, this church actually thinks it has the right to go into both of their pasts. If your going to give the annulment anyways (someone is always willing to bribe make a larger "donation") w
  13. REALLY LOL. Have you seen Tom & Jerry? Roadrunner ring a bell? And, lets don't for get about the Muppets. Miss. Piggy is a great example of violence. Come on kids have been watching "violent" cartoons..... well since there has been cartoons. Hell even the comics (for those of you who read) have violence. Does any one think that maybe all the vaccines, and behavior medications might be why so many of these kids are crazy? Now we don't know if this person had all that, but it does appear to be a running theme. JS
  14. But to deify him is wrong. I know tons of men and women who live good, moral lives, but they are still just men, and women. Just because they don't have connections, or money to buy their way into power you never heard of them. But, y'all keep fawning over the man.
  15. So, again you have some tribunal type committee in some church, telling you it's all good your first marriage never happened, and the kid/s from it are bastards. Yeah so flipping what if he is calling for annulments to be free, they ain't now. Gee, I'm not living in sin either. Even though I am on my second marriage. Going on 30 years now. I looked, and looked, and for the life of me I can't find where Jesus founded the catholic church. The church yes, but not the catholic religion.
  16. Nah, not really. It just says that I'm right, and you have nothing of substance to add.
  17. Actually, yes I am against annulments by any church. I don't know of any other church that says "pay X amount of money and poof you were never married." Why not immigrate to the Vatican? As far as the Swiss guard, are they not armed? And, yes I do know that history has many twist and turns. Unlike some on this board I'm keenly aware that things don't happen in a vacuum. Golly geez, I guess unlearnin all that gooberment indoctrination is just not expanding my knowledge. I recon I'll just bookmark all the approved webpages for the whatever party thinks they know more then the others. And,
  18. And, yet you're the only one that has commented on my post. I know you didn't see GD posting. I know he's your favorite person to stalk.
  19. YOU said it was So yep, ya did. Seeing as dems, and liberal is used interchangeably.
  20. Don't like them either. And, that has nothing (no surprise that you can't keep on topic) with my post. But, thanks for playing and stalking me.
  21. You know what's funny? My daughter isn't a Republican. She's not a dem either. Boo ya ASSume much?
  22. You know what, I never had any issues with the fact that the Pope is JUST a man. Just like any other man who gains power. It's all in who you know and what your agenda is. However, I do take issue with the whole "pay us x amount of dollars, and poof your first marriage and children never existed." Just so you can get married in the church building. Or, pay x and all your sins are forgiven. Sadly none of you going on about this MAN is going to understand that if the catholic church had their way the Bible would never have been made available to the masses. You also want to leave out that
  23. From my daughter's FB post. Looks like nobody has a clue as to what religion/non-religion this crazy person ascribed to. What is CRYSTAL clear is he went after Christians period.
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