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Everything posted by gog8tors

  1. This is from 2014 http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2014/06/27/3453846/homeless-hate-crimes-up/ http://www.apa.org/monitor/2009/12/violence.aspx
  2. WOW, so you have never been in a bad spot. I feel very sad for you. You do know that homeless doesn't automatically equate with criminal activity right? Never mind that was rhetorical. How are they harassing you? Are they banging on your car as you try to speed away from them? Are they accosting you when you go into the store? Give me a break Maybe it is YOU who should give them a ride to the nearest shelter/food bank/welfare office. Maybe they have already been, and because the man is with his family they couldn't get any help (yes folks that's a real possibility.) Do you know that they
  3. Sadly they are caught between a rock and a hard place. It's hard to get a place to live when you don't have a job, and hard to get a job when you don't have a place to live. I don't have the answers, i sure wish I did.
  4. So, are you bothered by the people, or the trash that is on the ground? And, are you ASSuming that they are the ones who threw it there? Did you stop to offer them help? Or, did you just put your nose in the air and drive on by?
  5. Maybe the fact that we now let the chickens do our pest control will help. I would love to plant more flowering plants, but like I said we really don't have any sunny places.
  6. I'm really starting to think that people like that just need to be told point blank that they're being rude. IF my son brings his phone into the doctor's office (or anywhere else like that) he puts it away when the nurse/doctor comes into the room. He will also put it down when ordering a meal. J'smom, I think you should have told the patince (sp) just why it took so long.
  7. I would just like to know how to attract more of the pollinators, butterflies, and bees. We have a very shady lot, so most of the flowers don't so well.
  8. http://kidswrestling.org/2014/11/01/benefits-wrestling-15-reasons-kids-wrestle/ http://www.tru-strength.com/does-wrestling-really-help-football-players-massillon-oh/ http://www.tru-strength.com/does-wrestling-really-help-football-players-massillon-oh/ Real wrestling is the best. That fake crap that is on TV sucks.
  9. No. Once the kid leaves home they make the decisions. Parents do the best they can. But in the end, what the kid does is on them.
  10. That is the absolute truth. I'm thinking this is one example of a minority of kids, being presented as a majority. Most of the kids I know (if not all) are good responsible kids. . I think she is a spoiled brat, and needs to be knocked down a few pegs. I won't comment on the parents, because they may have done every thing they could to keep her grounded, but Grandmother undermined them.
  11. But, this wasn't an issue when the other fields were done. ... okay Hiram got their's last year, South got their's the year before, and North may have been built with their's already (IDK really know about that) PC's is almost done. Could it be that none of those fields are visible from the main road, and therefore this is a case of out of sight out of mind?
  12. The point is if your kid is out and about (because as they get older we aren't always right there) would you want someone to let you know they weren't behaving. I'm not fond of the "it takes a village" statement, but it does take caring about our kids. Our own as well as others.
  13. Crap I posted the wrong link. Here's the correct one. http://not-your-average-mom.com/if-my-kid-is-being-an-asshole-i-want-you-to-tell-me/
  14. http://not-your-average-mom.com/if-my-kid-is-being-an-asshole-i-want-you-to-tell-me/ Maybe we were (most of us) well behaved, because we knew our parents would know what we we're up to before we got home. Edited to correct link.
  15. Actually we are getting ours at PC now. They started putting the actual field in yesterday. Hiram and South got theirs last year. I think NP got theirs year before last. EP will get theirs done after PC.
  16. No, you just want me (and anyone else who reads your ramblings) to agree that you are right. I will not do that. There are always 3 sides to the story, and for yours we have just heard yours. I don't suppress anything. I don't see your ex, or your grown children on here. Do they know that you (even annomoslly (sp) are airing their dirty laundry? How would they feel about that? Yes. I would sign my name to anything I have written. Why wouldn't I? To answer your question about the mom allegedly calling the kids the N word. No, I don't think it's right at all. No more then I think that Mr.Hud
  17. I think based on all of what you have posted, your therapist forgot to help you with your obsessive behavior. And, now I remember why you are on the same list as TP, and CC.
  18. How bout we also start here....
  19. BS. I guess every one has to have mental issues for something like that. Could it be jealousy plain and simple? After all she insisted they live 6 states away from the child in question. The adage of "Doing the right thing by your child is when you love your child more then you hate your ex." or in this case more then your new spouse hates your ex. You don't think you are doing the same thing as the parents you claim to alienate? I would say your not as squeaky clean as you claim. As far as the tweet that Oliver sent to Kate, maybe they had a conversation the day before, and it was in r
  20. How very sad. I'll keep his family in my prayers.
  21. Oh I wanted to add to the OP. What do you think about the second wife who wants to alienate the father from his kid? I'm talking about the fact that the mother of the child would always let the father see the kid no matter what, but the new wife would always interfere somehow.
  22. First of all. who is Bill Hudson, other then Goldie Hawn's ex? Second, how does the OP know Hawn is self medicating? Maybe she was just parting like a lot of people did during the 70s. As far as the rest of this, Bill had his chance to make things right when the kids became adults, if he chose to continue playing the "your mom is horrible card" it's on him. Too bad he is so caught up in his own ego that he can't even make things right with his GROWN up kids, he is the one that is continuing his own alienation from them now.
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