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Everything posted by gog8tors

  1. So, your real issue is that 1. It was a male officer, would you be happier if it were a female officer? 2. He is in the 200# range, what if the officer was a female in the #200 range? 3. That he had to get her away from the desk that she choose to grab a hold of, and in order to do so he had to slide her away from it. Would you have been all "Bad cop" if the officer were female, and had done the same thing? Again your giving the girl a pass, and crucifying the officer.
  2. ^^^ this what I stated above yours.
  3. Bullcheeze, the teacher handled it the way you and every other pussified lib wanted her to. You would think the officer should have been fired for not walking the way you think he should.
  4. Now, to the topic at hand. Lets see give the girl all kinds of passes, because she may/or not be a foster child. Give her a pass because of her skin color, give her a pass because she may/not be on medication for maybe a mental issue. You know that's what's wrong with this whole thing, there is no accountability for the girl. This is what will happen (if she truly is in foster care) she will be placed in a group home, offered all kinds of opportunities to complete her education, and IF she takes advantage of these things that are handed to her she may even have college paid for. Now keep
  5. Why? You have no problem putting her information (without her consent) out there. Why should anyone have to go look it up at the court house for yours? And, lets say I did go get your information, and then put it on here, you would have a coniption fit. You see you are that parent that uses the kids to get what you want. So, I ask you again, What is your name IRL and where do you work? If putting her name and work out there is good enough for her, why is it not good enough for you?
  6. I understand that. There's also some churches that use Baptist in their name, and they aren't even close to what a Baptist is. Next time I will state "in general Baptist Churches.......... " But, I've never heard of any of the Baptist churches "require" visiting, or having "conformation" type things.
  7. I'm not shooting anyone. I was just clarifying that the Baptist church doesn't require anyone to do anything. We don't do any confirming or whatever it is that y'all do. We don't have set ages at which our kids are claimed as members of the church, or "sanctified." We do have a dedication ceremony (usually around mother's day) where our children are dedicated to God, and the church membership is charged with helping to raise the child up in the church. Like I stated, I only know of two religions that require it's members to go out and do their witnessing.
  8. Because the ACLU gets involved in everything else allegedly tramping on other's civil rights. Are these students not trampling on the civil rights of the students that are there to learn? Make it a civil rights issue, and the powers that be will make sure the kids who can't/won't behave aren't in the class rooms.
  9. At this point, I'm thinking we really need to isolate ourselves, but I know that's going to be impossible. However we do need to ask "what's in it for us?" before getting involved in any more world wars.
  10. She grabbed the desk and wouldn't let go. Of course the desk flipped over. I think he and the teacher, and the principal already tried all the "pretty please" pussyfication stuff that the oh poor baby crowd would've wanted. He should not have lost his job.
  11. You know why? Because your kid respects authority. Those kids weren't scared, give me a break. I asked my son about, and he said the girl was stupid, and she should have done what the officer told her to. Point is the parents go after whatever assets the other parents have. Your assuming that the kids are all welfare kids.
  12. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/01/16/us-sending-400-troops-to-train-syria-rebels-this-spring/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/obama-weighs-moving-us-troops-closer-to-front-lines-in-syria-iraq/2015/10/26/4ae2f36c-7bec-11e5-b575-d8dcfedb4ea1_story.html But, go ahead focus on a snot nosed disrespectful brat that needed a reality check.
  13. I still say that every parent of the kids whose education RIGHTS were withheld because of this, or any thing like this should start suing the parents of the distributive kids.
  14. You know what I find funny....... is how many people blame poverty. How many kids that grew up in poverty (michelle obama, ben carson, to name two (although michelle's parents school choiced her, and her brother) don't do all this disrespectful crap. Matter of fact a lot of the kids that I know are what you would call poverty stricken are well behaved, and very respectful. Did you know we have kids in our schools that are homeless? You would never know because they are respectful and well behaved. Matter of fact some of the most disrespectful ill behaved kids are the ones whose parents buy
  15. OHHHHH please tell me what does it say? Fact is while there may have been other girls, as well as boys acting a fool, they were not the ones who refused to leave the classrooms, nor were they the ones who caused the distraction in THIS class. OH, and this kid wasn't "destroyed" give it a rest. You have no information that there were other students acting the same way. So therefore your statement is invalid. You know when a teacher tells me that there are other kids that act like this, or have trouble with something, I quickly inform them that other kids aren't my problem, MY child is, an
  16. Yeah, stoped watching FOX news a while back. They were getting on my last nerve. To much far right v far left stuff. Not much in the middle information. Can't watch cnn, or any of the other "news" stations for the same reason.
  17. I had a whole post for this, but it disappeared. Any way suffice it to say the girl was being an obnoxious snot. The officer did what was needed. She was given ample opportunity to leave the classroom, and to cooperate with the officer. She choose not to.
  18. Yep, it shows that he went to pick her up, and the desk came with her. Duh. Still doesn't negate the FACT that she caused the distribution. If she had just done as her male counterpart and cooperated there wouldn't have been any of this. BUT I know the other kids don't have any rights to an education. Hey maybe they should sue those kids, after all they were infringing on their rights to an education.
  19. ALLEGED Dictionary alleged adjective al·leged \ə-ˈlejd, -ˈle-jəd\ : accused of having done something wrong or illegal but not yet proven guilty : said to have happened but not yet proven Full Definition of ALLEGED 1 : asserted to be true or to exist <an alleged miracle> 2 : questionably true or of a specified kind : supposed, so-called <bought an alleged antique vase> 3 : accused but not proven or convicted <an alleged burglar> — al·leg·ed·ly \-ˈle-jəd-lē\ adverb You stated as a fact, your link states it as alleged. Oh, and I have met those paren
  20. You got that from?????? Please tell me how this is a cultural thing. Because most of the black kids, I know would not behave like this. Do your own children behave like this? Never mind, they do/might because it's their mama's fault.
  21. When he tries to pull her out of the desk, she kicks back and the desk falls. She further resists arrest until the officer had to sit on her back to make the arrest. Read more at http://dcgazette.com/video-of-a-white-officer-slamming-a-black-student-goes-viral-but-here-is-the-full-video-that-tells-a-different-story/ Yes your link is so not bias. Makes me want to puke. At least my link has the video, and I have no clue how your link even can say "He then appears to restrain her around the neck, before quickly pulling her and her desk backwards to the floor." unless they another video (make
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