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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. I voted early and I'm off on Tuesday. What are folks doing? I'm thinking of taking the family to Little River Canyon or maybe drive up towards Chattanooga and go to Sticky Fingers BBQ. Or maybe just get an early start on CHristmas shopping... I just want to get far away from the TV on Tuesday... any suggestions?
  2. Lattimore is an awesome athlete. I hated to see his leg get all messed up.
  3. I have family living near the Cape Fear Coast in North Carolina and more in northern Virginia. It looks like they'll be getting a lot of wind and rain and folks in some areas have teh potential for a foot of snow. At least 40 people have been killed in the Caribbean Islands and The folks on the weather channel are calling Sandy a MONSTER STORM. http://www.weather.com/news/weather-hurricanes/tropics-scenarios-us-threat-20121022
  4. I went to walmart on Hwy 120 and they were extremely slow. They are supposed to top off all the fluids, but they didn't. Won't go back there.
  5. I hate to be negative, but I suspect those stolen items are gone for good. I live close to there and after my car got broken in to, I got a security system.
  6. The Obama administration has fought for stronger environmental protection legislation. Mitt Romney is in the pocket of big oil and wants to maximize profits and turn a blind eye to those big oil companies polluting our water system. From protecting endangered species to restoring our ecosystems and investing in clean-energy solutions, the Obama administration and Democrats are committed to working to address our biggest environmental challenges. Under the Obama administration, the Department of Transportation issued new fuel-economy standards, the first mandated increases in fuel econ
  7. this is crazy..... a child pitches a temper tantrum, yet the teacher goes to jail.... don'tcha just love our local sheriff?
  8. I hate to hear he's in bad shape. I always respected Mr. Worthy!
  9. Why not mail a check? I always mail a check and have not had any issues.
  10. I've been reminded on this board how much pcom folks loves their local sheriff. The inmates at the jailhouse eat better and have better medical care than many folks in Paulding who can't find work and are living in trailers. Oh, and don't forget our new courthouse built by King Jerry's administration...that one still gripes me too. You're taxes go out the window and you either pay the tax or get booted out of your own home.
  11. God didn't make Adam and Steve.... he made Adam & Eve. Homosexuality is sexual immorality. Disgusting.
  12. The guys who should be fired are those who shot the homeowner in the back. Oops... did I break any Federal Laws by saying that?
  13. Pubby, I totally disagree. The Paulding County Sheriff's Department definitely has an "us vs them" attitude. The deputies I've dealt with are cocky, condescending & arrogant and have a "better than thou" attitude. Most of the cops couldn't handle working a real job where customers are real people with real power in their wallet. For example, if the heating and air guy had a bad attitude, you could simply fire him and call his competition and get better service. You can't do that with the Paulding Sheriff's Office. You're stuck. Paulding Citizens get bad attitude all the time from those guy
  14. The cops killed an unarmed man in his own home! that's MURDER! The trigger happy cops claim the homeowner was armed with Pepper Spray, but I've had a paulding county deputy flat out lie to my wife, so I don't believe anything that any of them say. They'll have an "investigation" and claim it's justified, but I'm telling you, Killing an unarmed man is murder...The man's family should hire a good lawyer and hit the jackpot on this one!
  15. I agree 100%.... The government can kill you, an unarmed citizen in your own home simply because someone complained and "suspected" someone was up to no good. This was 100% a non-justified shooting. this was MURDER pure & simple.... but the cops who killed an unarmed man will not get in trouble. They'll get promoted. Our governmant has sophisticated survellance systems to not only spy on our enemies, but to spy on our own people (just in case they're up to no good). Wiretipping, search & seizure, welcome to The New World Order.
  16. I call BS on this report. NO DRUGS were found, NO WEAPONS were found....sounds like a trigger happy cop killed an innocent man!
  17. The cops who apparently MURDERED an unarmed citizen should go to jail. When are citizens going so say ENOUGH?
  18. http://blogs.ajc.com/jay-bookman-blog/2012/10/18/did-you-know-that-the-nfl-is-a-tax-exempt-nonprofit/?cxntfid=blogs_jay_bookman_blog The NFL’s exemption stems from a 1966 law, passed at the time of the merger with the old American Football League, specifically allowing “professional football leagues” to enjoy 501©(6) status as tax-exempt trade organizations. Ain't that just sweet? A $9 Billion industry is tax exempt. Yet, a small business owner like myself gets nailed to the wall by the IRS if I don't file quarterly taxes...
  19. Here's another reason I won't vote for Romney (The venture capitalist) Posted 10 June 2012 - 02:25 PM Funny you say this, Just last week I received notice that my pension plan from a former employer was underfunded and the company had filed for bankruptcy protection. This will make the 2nd retirement account that I was fully vested in only to be robbed of my hard earned benefits by venture capitalist. This is the short story of how they do it. First the venture capitalist buy the company 2nd- they sell the company back to the corporation provide the financing for th
  20. By the way, I think Romney won the 1st debate and the second debate was closer to a draw. Both made good points at times and I didn't particularly like the moderator. The key to this election will be turnout in swing states. Many Romeny supporters seem to be choosing Romney simply because they don't like Obama. I genuinely think Obama will win.
  21. I love the F4 Phantom!. My brother was in the Air Force and worked extensively on the F4 Phantom. I'm looking forward to the air show.
  22. the bankruptcy process would destroy the pension system and screw retirees and future retirees. Obama looked out for the blue collar worker...while Rmoney sent jobs to China and put plenty of money in offshore banks to avoid taxes.
  23. Obama will not win Georgia, but Obama's wildcard is the media and powerful union support in the north. RMoney wanted the automakers to go broke, yet Obama helped rescue the automakers. In Ohio, (a key swing state where Obama is ahead), 1 in 8 jobs is directly tied to the auto industry. Obama's support of the unions and workers rights will result in a second term. grumble and cuss all you want, Obama is YOUR president and will be so for a second term!
  24. It wasn't the motorcycle's fault. The other driver was a drunk female who fled the scene.
  25. http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/local/police-shoot-man-while-serving-warrant-paulding-co/nSgB7/ The news report is vague, but I've personally had "unpleasantries" in dealing with the Paulding County Sheriff, so it wouldn't surprise me one bit if the officers screwed up. We'll have to wait and see what sort of spin they put on it. I'm sure a good lawyer will win a jackpot settlement from you and I because of the shoot first mentality of our local sheriff.
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