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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. Good...now we need a good anti-commercialization candidate to run for District 1 and Chairman....
  2. Across America, folks are starting to get sick of the transients, bums, & homeless! They lie around the streets with their signs panhandling for drug & alcohol money! Most are crazy, high, or drunk...some are all three! Most didn't lose their homes or jobs in the "Great Recession"...rather it's their lifestyle! The very worst are the packs of "street urchins" with their pit bulls and various dogs. They are transients from other states living as road warriors, or so they think. They are rude, violent, and aggressive! it's not unusual for them to spit or curse you if you don't give t
  3. Go ahead and imply I'm a bigot for getting my kid out of a failing school.... is that the best you can come up with? The number of kids at PCHS who are classified as "economically disadvantaged" is the highest of any high school in the county, hence lower test scores. Duh!
  4. PCHS has been at the bottom for years. The school board has drawn the lines in such a way to put the lower socio-economic students at PCHS and away from North, East & Hiram. The kids in more affluent areas such as Seven Hills, Cedarcrest & Senator's Ridge have higher test scores than the kids who live in trailer parks and apartments near Paulding County High School. Facts are hard to deal with sometimes. If you want your kid to excel, get them the heck out of PCHS. By the way, my youngest graduated from East...we got him out of PCHS after his freshman year.
  5. Cops might not always be right, but they are always armed. It would be wise to avoid confrontations with the police...duh
  6. PCHS is at rock bottom in athletics, academics, blah blah blah. Be thankful your student is not at PCHS.
  7. Austin ain't looking happy........ A new board majority is changing the way we do business...and I like it!
  8. It looks like work crews have completely gutted the building and are doing a remodel. Does anyone have any clue what's going in to that location?
  9. It looks like work crews have completely gutted the building and are doing a remodel. Does anyone have any clue what's going in to that location?
  10. If you are a Christian who believes in the gospel, you must be a most productive and self-sufficient person. God told us "By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food" (Gen. 3:19). In 2 Thessalonians 3:10 we read "if any would not work, neither should he eat". 1 Timothy 5:8 Paul says, "If you do not provide for your own household, you have denied your faith and you are worse than an infidel (pagan)." If you are able-bodied and lazy, or a parasite--a drone, or an unproductive person who depends on your wife, parents, government, and the church, a person who is looking for welf
  11. Last evening, around 6:00 pm, the man was there again with a child.....same location, bags on the ground, holding a sign.........Is the mayor of Dallas going to put the pressure on these folks or let squatters take over?
  12. "his chance of being shot to death by a cop because he's black? What a joke. If he gets shot, odds are great it'll be by another black male, not a cop. Black on black crime is the #1 reason young black men die, but what the heck, why not go and dig up a dead general and burn a rebel flag, it's all whitey's fault. Pathetic. When cops stop responding, who will you blame then? Al & Jesse sure won't come to the rescue.
  13. I see he did pass away in 2013.... I still don't see why folks fall into these cults. It's very sad and sickening.
  14. Through the years, there have been many "false prophets", kooks, quacks, cults, etc... from David Koresh to Jim Jones, but this guy takes the cake. http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/02/16/miami.preacher/index.html The minister has the number 666 tattooed on his arm. But Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda is not your typical minister. De Jesus, or "Daddy" as his thousands of followers call him, does not merely pray to God: He says he is God. "The spirit that is in me is the same spirit that was in Jesus of Nazareth," de Jesus says. De Jesus' claims of divinity have angered Christian leaders, who s
  15. That's now three restaurants that are gone. The Arby's has been closed for quite some time, it turned into a car lot for a while, but it looks like a Japanese place may now open soon in that spot. The Wendy's is now closed.......the old Mrs Winners/Dallas Seafood is closed,.... makes you wonder why businesses are leaving Merchants Drive. Could the area be on the decline? Duh. When buy here/pay here used car lots, pawn shops and tattoo parlors move in, the area starts a decline....How about a few more check cashers, loan sharks, pawn shops and liquor stores...why not bring in a few stri
  16. Perhaps my topic is insensitive towards the plight of the economically challenged. BTW, right now, school's not in session, so I'm not sure what PCHS counselors have to do with anything.
  17. While many of the issues may seem small, they have a tendency to grow and multiply when not dealt with. When that happens, they become a much larger issue and can give the impression that nobody cares. Yes, I was bothered by both the homeless people as well as the trash all over the ground. When vagrants or squatters are ignored, they multiply. Next thing you know, we'll have a huge influx of homeless folks. the homeless will have a negative impact on property values, criminal activity will begin to appear or increase, and the quality of life will decline exponentially. Does that sound like
  18. Over the past couple of weeks, especially in the evenings, I've noticed folks with a homeless sign in the parking lot at the Ingles grocery store panhandling for money. Last evening, a man, woman, & small child were up by the UPS - Post Office Mail drop box between Ingles & Wendy's with a homeless sign. Trash was scattered about the area, all over the ground. I don't want to be mean spirited, but it's becoming an eyesore and a nuisance.
  19. Would you feel safer in a neighborhood where everyone flew a Confederate flag or in one where everyone was a Muslim?
  20. Pubby should boot his crusty old ass off of here. The Postman ruins every single topic. As far as the Mike Jones saga, before it's all over, I believe criminal charges will be brought...against Jones or maybe even David Austin. We'll have to wait on our DA's office to figure it out. If Jones is facing a felony, he may sing like a canary and implicate the real culprit behind this, whom I believe to be the Chairman. I could be wrong, but that's why the DA's office is looking deep & wide as to who did what......... gotta love southern politics....
  21. The Haralson County Rebels became the rebels when three high schools merged in 1970, Tallapoosa Red Devils, Buchanan Yellow Jackets and West Haralson. The Bremen crowd, sarcastically called Haralson folk WESTBUCHAPOOSA. Anyway, the folks voted the new mascot would be the Haralson County Rebels in honor of the new head coach, Buddy Taylor, who played ball for Ole Miss. Simple as that, nothing racist, no sinister motive. Although Haralson County is mainly white, they have elected a black BOC Chairman, for two terms. The Chairman's son, Blake Poole, was very popular in high school, playe
  22. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/08/us/a-georgia-county-where-the-rebel-flag-is-still-revered.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&_r=0 I cracked up at all the comments at the bottom of the article (from the Yankees of course). Say what you will about the South, but nobody retires and moves up north.
  23. 47 people shot in Chicago this weekend...........but hey, we need to worry about the ISIS violence in Syria? I don't think so. http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/05/us/chicago-violent-weekend/index.html (CNN)A visibly angry Chicago Police Department Superintendent said Sunday that he is "outraged and saddened" by a violent holiday weekend there. Even in a city frequently beset by head-grabbing violence, seven slayings between Friday morning and Sunday afternoon drew terrible attention. In a news conference on Sunday afternoon, Superintendent Garry McCarthy pointed out one ch
  24. The media has folks in a frenzy over vague islamic threats........More people are killed on the streets of our big cities by fellow Americans than by the islamist nuts in the middle East. Folks worry about ISIS and the Taliban and blah blah blah, but you're more apt to be shot on the streets of America by a US citizen. Look at the murder rates in Chicago, LA, New York, New Orleans, Memphis, yet our media speaks of the dangers of ISIS. What a crock.... We need to clean up our own cities before getting worried about the riff raff in Syria. If we publicly executed robbers, drug addicts
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