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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. Kim Jong Un is crazy and unpredictable, he been threatening his neighbors as well as the USA with nuclear war. President Trump doesn't appear to be taking him lightly and is sending war ships to Asia as we speak. My niece is in the Navy in Guam and I'm concerned that there is about to be serious trouble. Naturally no one wants trouble, but I'm seriously concerned that Korean Dictator will attack soon & drag the USA into a war. Is the Korean Dictator is full of hot air, or is he really about to start a war with the USA?
  2. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4396986/Passengers-film-moment-police-drag-man-United-plane.html New video has emerged of a bloodied United passenger mumbling about suicide after he was body-slammed by cops and dragged off an overbooked flight to make room for airline staff. The airline's CEO apologized for the incident today amid mounting outrage over the original video which showed the man being forced to give up his seat by three cops who slammed his head against an arm rest - then dragged him off the flight by the arms as he bled from the mouth. One Chicago Aviation Departm
  3. I can't wait till Ruth Bader Ginsberg is replaced...that lady gives me the creeps....
  4. If April showers bring May flowers....then what do MayFlowers bring ? Pilgrims.......... groan...it was corny, but aren't you glad the rain has washed away some of the pollen.......?
  5. When Las Vegas mixes overpaid athletes and legalized brothels...what could possibly go wrong?
  6. Each of us wants reasonable growth, low taxes, good schools, roads, good paying jobs, etc. There's no doubt about that. But for the life of me, I cannot explain why folks think a commercial airport won't turn quiet peaceful Paulding into a cesspool like College Park or Riverdale. My wife grew up in Clayton County and got the heck out of there in the late 80's because of the riff raff. Once quiet neighborhoods are now full of section 8, illegal immigrants, and dope dealers. Many shady businesses have opened up shop including pawn shops, weekly buy here pay here used car lots, fleabag motels
  7. As long as Davis remains opposed to the airport, other issues take a back seat with me. I'll be leaving an about three more years, far away from Atlanta's noise, crime, high taxes and traffic. So if Davis can kick the can down the road on the airport until I'm up in the Smoky Mountains or down near the Florida panhandle, then more power to him.
  8. There is a natural gas pipeline under construction from Dalton all the way to Newnan. It's currently cutting across western Paulding. I'm wondering if this could be the pipeline you're talking about. http://dalton.wpengine.com/
  9. Why folks want to puff puff on that stuff amazes me. MaryJane is the gateway drug. It will lead to other more powerful drugs and will eventually destroy you and those you love.
  10. If he'd just said he was trans-gendered, he could have gotten away with his perversion....this stuff happens at Target daily now because their politically correct policy is more important than a teen-aged girl's privacy. sick sick sick
  11. Why did they also relieve the County Clerk (Pat Tibbitts) of her duties? I'd like to know what part she played in all this.
  12. This is fake news.../study history and see where past presidents have relieved U S Attorneys. Obama, Clinton, Bush .,etc...all of them did the same thing, but this is supposedly a huge story now? Nope. When the media gets you to focus on one thing on Page 1, look deeper elsewhere to see what they're hiding.
  13. more fake news... Michael Brown is graveyard dead and won't be able to attack any more police officers. YAY
  14. I trust Todd to do the right thing. At one time, I trusted David to do the right thing, but got burnt badly.
  15. YES!!!! I love it. I think Lani Skipper should have been fired too though.
  16. Maturity has nothing to do with it. Age is what matters. Pubby, I do hate to break the bad news to you, but the law defines who is an adult and who is a juvenile. Two of the folks arrested were 18 and as such, will be sent to a men's prison upon conviction. (regardless of what liberal dictionary you can come up with). Speaking of dictionary, my favorite is the Urban Dictionary (urbandictionary.com). There are some interesting entries under the definition of youth. Maturity has nothing to do with it. Age is what matters.
  17. You are making an argument that doesn't hold water. get over it. 18 year old's who commit crimes aren't little babies or young children. they are grown adult men who'll get sent to prison in a heartbeat by our local judicial system. If you don't believe me, ask our local Barney Fife who's itching to give some mouthy 18 year old a trip to the big house in the back of his patrol car. he's doesn't drop them off at the daycare center. They go to jail, directly to jail (and they don't collect $200 as they pass GO either.
  18. Once again, Pubby attempts to redefine "youths". Two of the criminal suspects are 18 year old men who are housed at the men's jail and they'll get put in the men's prison upon conviction and sentencing. 18 years and up are grown MEN. Stop calling them youths.
  19. Putting a sliced onion in the room when the baby is sick. Something about the onion draws the germs to it and away from the sick child. It may sound bizarre, but it really works. Oh, an don't eat the onion the next day or you'll puke.
  20. Way too stiff of a sentence based on what the news reported. . But you only know what the newspapers want you to know. I suspect there is much more to the story as to why the judge threw the book at them. Perhaps we'll never know. I don't know anyone involved. Bottom line...if you hang around dogs, you'll catch fleas. If you mix booze with guns, what could possibly go wrong? This Kayla gal just found out the hard way.
  21. There's a notary at the UPS Store in the Kroger shopping center in Dallas at 278 & 61
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