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Everything posted by busymomof3

  1. It looked as if they hit head on but they both were facing north on 61. I looked for a third vehicle to make sense of it all but no third car
  2. A house off of Scoggins (61 side) was broken into a week or so ago, they busted in the backdoor. My neighbors cars were "gone through" during the night 2 weeks ago. It seems that they are looking for cash or items easily exchanged for cash.
  3. Seriously laughed out loud!! Thanks, I needed that this morning
  4. Anybody else see all of that thick black smoke in the south Paulding area this morning? I couldn't tell if it was on 278 or in the area between Scoggins/Hiram Sudie and 278. Being nosey....
  5. SmartFones in Hiram buys, sells and repairs them. They're a little hard to find. They're in the business complex next to the red barn car wash and behind the Flagstar bank. Very nice man! We bought a phone for $25 to get DS through till her Feb upgrade.
  6. Haven't tried them yet. We typically eat BBQ at Iron Horse in Villa Rica. Thanks for the heads up....have to give 'em a go.
  7. I just said yesterday the only grocery that would stand a chance there is a Food Depot. They have a lot of items not found in mainstream groceries and the prices on their produce, juices, and a few other items is the draw. other items are a little pricey. Someone told me their meats always look so fresh because they use local farmers.
  8. I had a neighbor from a street over call this morning wanting to know what happened. I figured it was a drug bust. There have been a couple on that street in the last couple of years. My neighbors were coming home from church and Hart Rd was closed on both ends. They said there were A LOT of emergency responders on the 61 end close to the church. Is that where the car overturned? Someties people misjudge their speed and distance turning in. I've alway said one day someone was gonna wind up out in that field. In fact, they FLY on that street, period. Somebody is gonna get nailed head on in that
  9. SOOOOO TRUE!!! Grinder was robbed! Gravedigger tore it up and got good air time but come on.....those flips that Grinder did, then winding up on all fours, driving off!!!! I like Adma Anderson too but for him to score a 29 also, Ummmm NO. As for the jet powered four wheelers, they only gave my husband a REALLY REALLY BAD IDEA!!!! LOL!
  10. This sounds like the lady who lives up the street from me and hits me up evey so often. She's told me that she has bone cancer and wants me to buy some crafts out of the back of her jeep. She's also hit me up at WalMart and Kroger.
  11. I understand what you were saying about the school menu. I hate it. There is no reason to have a sub sandwich, pizza, nachos, chicken nuggets and burritos in one week. The last day my youngest ate at school was when she said she had a baked potato entree and tater tots as her side. The kids get accustomed to eating this way on a weekly basis. Although these foods may meet the school standard, they do not when eaten outside of the lunchroom. Parents do not set the limits as the school such as sour cream added, extra entree items, large amounts of sodium and sugar filled sauces. My grandmo
  12. I didn't have time to read all of the comments. However, I can sympathize more with the childrens side. Yes, a lot of the issues stem from fast food crap being cheaper and easier than preparing healthy foods. However, I believe it's also got a lot to do with your uncontrollable genetic make up. I have 3 children, the oldest had a slight weight problem after taking meds for her asthma but now as an adult works very hard to maintain the weight range considered normal for her frame. My middle one is a smaller frame, nearly 17 old, 5' tall and wears size 1/2 jean and a 5 shoe. My youngest is 11, 5
  13. no name on the van, the card was just a rectangle piece of card stock with no business name and the arrangement was small...nice but small. She thought they might be for someone else too but he had her cell number, her full name, her address and she asked him if they were for someone else he said no. The card referenced her name in the signing as well. The card is just signed from the ___________ family. It is a very well known name around Paulding. So google would serve no purpose w/o a full name. As my DH said, I'm sure we're making a bigger "to do" over it than necessary but you can't be to
  14. called at 9:40, delivered at 9:50, I'm not sure of the van make or color....the driver said he was the owner of the florist, he called it Touch of Imagination.
  15. She usually does but so many things have been happening here lately she feels like a bother and paranoid old woman.
  16. She won't...she says its her house and noone is gonna run her off. Thats why my DH is staying over.... one of the many reasons I love him...
  17. yes but from a florist that we can not locate online, the white or yellow pages, facebook nor 411. It's like they don't exist. Plus, she doesn't know anyone personally with the name of the person who sent them.
  18. My mom got a phone call from a number we have traced to a verizon cell. The man said he had a floral delivery for her. The odd thing is it was nearly 10:00PM, we've never heard of the florist, can't find the florist ANYWHERE online, the number is based out of Lilburn, there is no florist address or name on the card and my mom knows no one with the name signed on the card. Other than stay up all night with her snub nose .38 (to which she is) and my DH staying over, what should she do? Or should she do nothing? I'm a little uneasy about the whole thing
  19. We went to the Christmas Concert,DD is in the Adv Womens Chorus. She also did a little self choreographed tap dance, with her friend, during the transition times. Everyone did an excellent job! That Carrie girl has got a set of pipes on her, LOVED her performance. With all of the transitions, it could've been a MUCH longer event but the kids did an outstanding job on quickly getting things done. I liked the combination of band and chorus, especially when band members accompanied chorus numbers. Mr.Stanley and Mr. Cason's performances were also great....showcases the great musical teachers
  20. HOLY COW....are you my long lost sibling?!?!? My parents divorced after 30+ years, same scenario. Mom never remarried, only went on 2 dates after and it's been 20 years since he left. I honestly wish they had of done it when I was little, the first time he was caught. It's harder as an adult because the parents treat you like a confidant and some things a child just doesn't need to hear, regardless of age. I didn't speak to him for the first 3 years he was gone, didn't even know where he lived. As with everything, it got better over time. We started doing holidays and birthdays again, wit
  21. I didn't get the email, clicked the link provided and it said voting was closed. I'm all about starting later, doing away with early release days - they serve NO purpose. For the breaks, I don't have a problem with a Friday or even a Thurs and Fri here and there but a whole week Other systems don't do early release for an entire week during conferences either, is it necessary? I think if we did away with all of the hours off that seem wasted, we would save a lot of money in the long run.
  22. Thanks....I really didn't expect the same performance from this device as an ipad. It's for my daughter, for Christmas. I mainly wanted to get her something to "test the waters" so to speak, to see how much she would actually use one. I wanted to make sure this one wasn't notorious for freezing up, running slowly, etc... at least worth the $100.
  23. How and why do they become locked?
  24. I meant I needed to get some info on doing it, such as cost per month and equipment I might need.
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