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Everything posted by OldGoat99

  1. Going to get a nice Margareta and start some home work... Got about a two dozen servers to reboot and patch and index a database... Oh am I getting old as that is the high light of my Saturday night..... I would love to get a poker game going... but can't get enough players..... I have the table, the room, the cards and the chips... just not enough players.... (cheap game too)
  2. I went to mow my grass today... and the rain started It is getting tall enough to hide a small dog in it
  3. I am here to trade a Mayberry for a bingo card.... I can afford it now......
  4. I am always innocent.... Just need a bullet proof vest....
  5. I agree, and electronic remote shut down would be nice. This nut needs to pay in the pocket for his crazy ride. (I have seen the results if they hit something immovable) I don't care what they do to them selves it is the other they might hurt that drives me nuts when they go by.
  6. Oh well you can't teach someone something new if they are too stupid to see it in front of them. Can we say you missed the point totally? YUP Totally ignorant of the issue and other items... YUP I hope I did not use words too big for you? Go get the dictionary out and look them up.... Wait I doubt you own one... YUP You appear to emulate the future that scares the hell out of most people. YUP I gather you fit the overweight category that will never see old age. (Pretty sure of this one) YUP Can I also say you don't even have a clue ... YUP Time to c
  7. I would love to try the Bingo game,,,,, But I have to keep my Mayberries as I get in trouble every now and then... LOL Sorry but true.....
  8. Then there is another statement. It is hard to help stupid people understand things above a kindergarten level too. I can think of one person that appears to fit in that box and can't think out side of it.
  9. For those that like WKHX music here is the link to the online listening site http://gateway.andohs.net/player/default_n...ner=&nometa open the link, and save the link as a fav
  10. JUst want to note that the medical costs for overweight people are over 147-Billion more then skinny people. That is real money and just a bad for you. So This is not a dig at fat folks, but a dig at the money the fat people cost the system just like smokers and drinkers. Stick that in you pipe and smoke it. Being fat is not a disease... it is over elbowitis. Few true people have a disease that cause them to be overweight. <<< Fact Alcoholism is a disease in that some people are more likely to have an addiction with little use. Most people overweight have
  11. Glad she is home.... But I would love this country to have a 2 year draft for all kids starting at age 18 or after graduation. Mandatory... It will cause a kid to grow up fast.... (not say sending every kid to war either) just a military boot camp / school and training. I forces you to grow up very fast. It would get and keep a lot of kids out of trouble and help them mature quickly. I can't think of anyone that has been in the military that would argue with me on this. Does a kid good. >>> Boys and Girls.. Glad she is home safe and sound.
  12. Well then I want you to pay for some of the things I have... What is so wrong with those that use something paying for it and those that don't not having to pay for it. That means that you want people to pay for things you use even though they will never use it. So in your theory.... I get to come use your home and car without paying you for the use of it? Don't fisherman pay a fishing license fee to fish? Hunters a hunting license? Drivers a drivers license? Gas tax to drive the car? Beer drinkers a liquor tax? The list goes on and on... If you don't
  13. Not just one phone, but two while driving.... Talk about dumb....
  14. What next can we sue over? This was a public social site... she put it out there.... she needs to deal with it.
  15. I would drop it in his yard... Scoop hurl Scoop hurl Oh sorry it got in your drive way where you walk to get the mail.... Dog poop look familiar... It's you dogs
  16. Great video..... But it is lacking a bit in the video and not much to the sound has that boring white.....that is easy on the eyes....
  17. I agree.. No one really knows the whole truth about how the kids ended up where they did and what the real story is. So second guessing is just trash taking the lady with no facts. Give the lady the benefit of doubt in how the kids ended up where they are and she is just trying to get back into their lives with out making it worse. MJ was a bit weird and had a lot of power and money to force the issue (what backing do you think she had)
  18. Now is the time to be looking and with wally World going to jump in the Laptop business. They have some nice ones on the website. Go with HP or Dell.
  19. Just curios if anyone is watching it... I recorded it last night. Pretty interesting, but it gives a little insight of what some options might be.
  20. This just shows you although you might be a small one person issue, you can make a big impact against large companies if done right. So don't take crud from some of the big guys.... Find a way to make your point.
  21. It might not be able to repair the system, but can reload it. the question then is do you have anything on the system you do not want to lose? IF so then you have to work to get it off before you reload the system or it will overwrite it. Sending pm
  22. Try SMI They process checks for the government. I used to work for them. They are pretty big, but you would not know it from the building. Systems and Methods Inc. http://www.smi-inc.com/index.aspx They are family run (a bit eccentric too)
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