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Everything posted by OldGoat99

  1. I am not disputing the fact that the kids got the alcohol some way shape or form. But I know I drank a lot at age 17 and I can bet that a lot of folks here have done the same.... legally or illegally. The kid was 17 and not 12... maybe not smart enough to think about his actions to a point. But she did not open his mouth and force him to drink and or drive. Can't say if she provided the alcohol intentionally... maybe, maybe not. I think all parties would be lieing to cover their own butts. So if you can't prove it... not guilty is the correct answer... The kid was
  2. Well Happy Bday Pcom Take it easy and have fun
  3. When Graphic artists get bored. http://www.break.com/index/when_graphic_ar..._get_bored.html Enjoy
  4. Killing full tree at home.... ugh Mac printing sucks.... only wanted to kill 50 pages at a time.
  5. Free course http://www.boatus.org/onlinecourse/features.html Free test too and free download of course 171 pages Do I kill the tree at home or work? more information http://www.gohuntgeorgia.com/content/displ...txtDocument=196
  6. Did not think of that..... Print it at work too... LOL See pcommers are smart... when the grey hair in my head shorts out the thinking parts. Still would like a book .... But that is a good backup plan...
  7. Now that I like Still working on my idea for my next tat... Flag, Fouled Anchor, Caduceus, jet, blue sky (Working on the Marine item >> not sure yet)
  8. Anyone have one to lend so I can study to take the test and get a Georgia Boaters License? I need a book vice just studing the online course.... I need to make notes... I want a Boat, but it is cheaper in the long run to take the test and rent a boat from the Navy lodge on the lake. TIA
  9. I talked to a friend and they said it was well worth the cost and it would be nice to spend a night there also. So the plans need to be made..... humm Which weekend...
  10. No comment since I have nothing nice to say about this and the title needs to be changed as it is a bit tacky and disrespectful to those that died. May they rest in peace and those families have peace soon.
  11. I have run the kill disk a few times and then broken the platters inside. I don't just trust the software as it is not perfect. I have pulled floppy disks apart and folded the disk inside them and then put them back in the case and pulled info from them. I feel better when the drive is physically broken in a few pieces.
  12. World of coke is supposed to be free for Military and Military retired. Working out the details..... for this weekends get out of the house trip.
  13. It is a bit expensive for the full 4hr deal, but with hotel night or two might be very nice
  14. Well if the ladies were not there to begin with this whole issue would not have happen. But with that said there can be good even when going threw the motions with these countries. It is all a game of chess that you have to play to eventually win in the long run. You have to see past the small things to get to the large prize. And some of these countries play by their own rules that you can't second guess. Then you have people doing things that create issues like these ladies and the people in Iran. Sometimes good things come out of these issues that we all do not see. Glad to
  15. Thinking of making the short trip for the weekend and getting away. http://www.historicbanningmills.com/canopy.html Other items Scotts Antique Market >>. Building 2..... we missed the second building last time. World of Coke
  16. He was part of the deal to get them released. It was a figure head showing that they requested him (according to a new report) It is a pony show that does work to get people out of situations they should not have been in to begin with.
  17. I don't know where to fall on this one..... I respect both sides and the commitment and reasons behind both. I do like that so many folks took such an interest to call and let him know about the flag and to replace it. That old tattered flag.... http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,536863...test=latestnews
  18. Some people can't keep it clean an on topic and then there are those that can't resist to reply to the trash talk>>> Me...
  19. I love the folks that say Obama Do you always think positive? Never mind.. t Have a grand day Obama... I like the work your doing so far...
  20. Been there done that.... like 10 years ago.... no calls..... Glad you posted as they had a wrong phone number on the site for my contact info.
  21. I would love to do something like this.
  22. I am not a cop or other ..... but this is a dangerous idea. What about a defendant facing his accuser.... Can the accused convert then hide behind a burka? Can they wear a burka in a line up? all accused? I can see a sudden change of religion where a line up is the only way to ID a person.... Line ups just went out the window...
  23. I can see the first group of folks that come in with the winter snow full face coverings. I don't agree with this.
  24. Sounds like fun.... I did the basics on my beast today, Oil check, level the deck, sharpen the blades...(dull as a wooden stick) Ran smooth for the 5min before the rain.... LOL I love the fiddle jobs I do around the house. Dumb stupid , little things that take the stress out of the real work. Some guys hate those kind of task and honey do lists. I like doing them. keeps you busy and challenges you sometimes. Latest unusually task.... find a cheap picture frame with the glass in it. To use as one of those white boards for notes etc. The glass is better and wipe
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