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Everything posted by solosoul

  1. I said you and RM both should get a mayberry last night
  2. Both KRM and Rockysmom need one for being such wonderful friends.
  3. Sorry no way would I fix it much less eat it....YUCK
  4. Tona if there is anything I can do please just let me know. I hope they let her come home soon.
  5. I feel your pain...my hubby has been home since last Tues and does not go back to work til the 18th....IF he lives that long
  6. I think I need to get a head start...start now maybe
  7. Tona I hope she is well soon and back to bowling....Hugs
  8. Well I will say the faces KRM made were rather funny so I did laugh..a little
  9. WOW I will watch at 11 to see what is said.
  10. I went and held KRM hand when she had hers done so I will be there for you too.
  11. 3 of my 4 kids have tats but like I always told them if they want to ever be able to work anywhere they need to be where they cover up. Does not matter what you and I think there are jobs that would not be open to someone with big holes in their ears. If they want at a young age to limit what they can do then never complain where that lands them.
  12. If you leave your car outside DO NOT leave the opener in it...you may wake up and find someone in your house.
  13. Mine never had a TV in their room and they never slept with me. We had rules and stuck to them...simple... I was the adult and they were they kids.
  14. Ok that sort of struck me as strange...tickets to go to church?
  15. Right and I did not like him either.
  16. The thing is we can "see" the news in Atlanta and other larger towns so we think that is where most of the crime is. I think people would be a lot more worried if they could see the real news for our county. Sort of like out of sight out of mind.
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