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Everything posted by **Bren**

  1. I did the same thing with comcast, free HBO for 1 year!! ^^five
  2. Great salon, Krystal has done my hair for about 10 years (love her) Lovecake101 also works at Bloom and she is great with color. I love mine, the color is very rich
  3. goofy, you didn't miss me you were there the whole time
  4. can we start a thread to ask for the number????????
  5. I love Hills Brothers, good stuff
  6. THANK YOU kRYSTAL, My hair looks and feels great
  7. make sure someone records so the rest of us can laugh at it
  8. what do you crave salty or sweet????
  9. oh me, he can dance better than alot of grown men
  10. http://www.cityofdallasga.com/
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