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Everything posted by **Bren**

  1. we are having skillet ravioli pizza, salad and hopefully my DD talked her daddy into buying a chezcake
  2. **Bren**


    not sleepy, BORED can we start a little trouble??
  3. I know right, poor freaking pervert
  4. from March '09 http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?sh...&hl=holland
  5. Hey, good luck!! I love all the positive attention our county is getting
  6. Hey, I've got you a seat saved anytime I wish you would have come up there with us wackos, it would have been so much fun
  7. you can come sit with me I didn't like the airhorns either, they blew as I was about to walk by and skeered me and I told them they better not do that again uh nuh, it wasn't good. #40 got hurt, god bless him, but hopefully he will be ready to play friday. That is one of the most intense kids I have ever met and i love him to death.
  8. hey, there was the dude sitting next to me friday night that was getting so crazy he was cracking me up, and he doesn't even have a kid on the team and it was his first Raider game. I let him and his girlfriend use 2 of my bells cuz I have 3 I thought maybe he was drunk but he wasn't He was just having a really good time, and he was sitting in the right section with the loud people. I have always been the loudest mom at all my kids sports but I have found that with football thats OK. We have some real serious diehard fans and we don't really care what other people think. We pack the stands
  9. are you talking about Dixie Cleaners???
  10. instead of beating around the bush why don't you just say exactly what you mean
  11. it's fixed and all my coupons printed
  12. didn't work, says error processing command
  13. I have a document that just will not print, can't delete it and I don't know what to do. Help please
  14. this is killing me, I need my road fixed
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