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Everything posted by southernchickie

  1. Don't go cheap... My stethscope came from the scrubs store at the mall.(Town Center). It's a Littman, and is one of the best out there. I costs about $70 to 100 for a good Littman. Mine is green and I LOVE it. Also if you get on the Meridy web site, there is a Littman pack that includes a stethoscope, penlight, nameplate, BP cuff, and some other cool stuff for about $60. It rocks. Tell her congrats for me!
  2. Oh no!!!! You know what that means ya'll. Babies in 9 months from now!! Run, take those BC pills before it's too late! (Or put on your (non)sexy granny gowns, whichever...)
  3. "Would You Snoop on Your Spouse?" Does a cow have udders?
  4. Ya'll need to quit hating! I told ya'll, I'd clean the house up just as soon as I got my check.....and sobered up a little.
  5. Buy a belt? Nah, I am kidding, bad joke, I know... Good Luck an God Bless.
  6. Well, as you all know I have been in HEAVY mourning over the loss of my poor chihuahua... We buried that little monster in the backyard, and I swear that little mutt was so evil, we can't even get crabgrass to grow over his little grave.. Anyway, we miss him.. Also I am enrolled in nursing school and those people at Chattahoochee are so mean, they won't even let me play on the internet all day like I used to back when I wuz working... As you know Chattahoochee is a VERY EXCLUSIVE school and VERY HARD to get into. I was just so lucky, (and by Lucky, I actually mean that I gave the dean of a
  7. 6 minutes? Wow, they must be including the foreplay also....
  8. Ya'll are being mean! She's so pretty! The cops will let her off. She tried to look upset about the whole mugshot thing, but the Botox had frozen her face, poor dear.
  9. and some of you know why....... Little Loretta Lynn has decided that her hair is NAPPY, and I know who can fix it... Problem is, I don't know who to call. So, does anyone know the phone number to any of the Dominicans? (or any one else who can tame this mess?) Thanks SC PS... and no I will never admit that Lionel Richie is her real father, so don't ask...
  10. My boobs.. They get me discounts all over town.
  11. and here I was trying to trade my kids in for a Ford Escort all these years.
  12. Call Dr. Warren and get a quote... He'll work with you..
  13. Call Dr. Warren and get a quote... He'll work with you..
  14. Pot smoking or cigarette smoking? I can give up only one or the other...... (Dear Church Friends - Ofcourse I am kidding about the pot smoke!)
  15. Stick 'em up the butt of whoever didn't clean them off in the first place... Double post...because I can!
  16. Stick 'em up the butt of whoever didn't clean them off in the first place...
  17. Buy me a box of wine and some silly putty and I'll give it a go... Oh wait, I'm already committed to threading eyebrows that day...
  18. Buy me a box of wine and I'll give it a go! I can't guarantee the results though...
  19. $3 car wash, and a big bucket of water.... pour and vacuum, pour and vacuum...
  20. I believe alot of people drown because the Lake Monsters grab them by the leg and pull them down...just for fun.... I (seriously now) knew this lady who tried to take a pee off the side of a boat and fell off and drown. They found her with her drawers around her ankles. That's a sucky way to die.
  21. That was an fugly bag in that picture GEAGirl.... I have a real coach bag, I'll let ya'll touch it for a quarter....
  22. I lstened to my 12 yr old have a deep discussion with our 11yr old neighbor last night about the merits of the show... SC yawned and wished they would stop....
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