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Everything posted by southernchickie

  1. I agree, unless you are smoking hot and can lick your eyebrows wit your tongue.... I'd rather not see it!
  2. And here I was praying that we'd be able to afford to go to Gulf Shores AL this year....
  3. My neighbors have had one for over a year now. They use it ALL the time, and have even left it out a couple of days in a row. It seems to be holding up well. Their kids are wild too....
  4. That was just dirty... like dirty pants!! You know me and ALLI ain't talking no more after that Legion incident!
  5. Code Orange smog alert. Code Orange air travel alert... Fanta Orange is taking over the world!
  6. So as many of you know, I am quitting my job next week to become a famous stripper! My employer has re-assigned all my accounts and I AM BORED OUT OF MY SKULL.. Anyone have any clean or heck send the dirty ones too! websites that I can check out for the next 5 days, the longest days of my freaking life. There's only sooo much PCOM I can take in one day people... Southern Chickie thanks you kindly in advance....
  7. Call a locksmith, and be prepared to sell one of the kids to pay him.... About $80 per lock (My then 3yr old threw my set in the storm drain 'widda mawsters and things".)
  8. Tell her you're getting the 7 year itch and you don't know whether you should have an affair or get a motorcycle.
  9. Oh I LOVE to give non-professional advice... You need to find you a man! A rich man with one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel! or you can check out Blue Cross/Blue Shield, that's what my MIL uses. Good Luck on finding that man though!
  10. You get crap channels. The locals, Peachtree TV, some show called ION and a crappy kids show.. Then all the channels cut in and out for no reason.... Makes me want to poke my eyes out with the antenna.
  11. So in the midst of my smarta$$ life I get news that really shakes my world... Today a co-worker came to me and told me about her 41 yr old sis having terminal cancer. She told me about how her sis will not even entertain the idea of dying.. It made me think of something else I had heard....so I posted this to my facebook account today. http://www.deathisnotdying.com I just opened facebook and found this message from one of my friends..... " SouthernChickie tonight God used you to save my life I watched this video and the message literally saved my life. I came home today with e
  12. I'll bet! My ex was a jealous man! I was pregnant with my last child and took the 3 year to the Dr with me. The Dr pulled my pants off my bump to hear the baby heatbeat. Later that night my son told his Dad that "Mommy let a black man pull down her pants today!" Oh that took some 'splaining...
  13. Was that alimony thread about you? haa haa, kidding, don't hit me!
  14. A.J.??? How'd you get so fortunate to get an old woman's wisdom in a hot 21 year old body? Lucky Girl!
  15. Aint no 'should' in alimony land!
  16. Umm.. Duh. If you're ever low on pot or crack and your dealer's out of town, just hurry on down to the square! Hang a right at the courthouse, a left behind the square. Go thru the stopsign and someone's sure to 'help you out before you get to the 3rd stopsign!! No need to get out of the car! They deliver! 'They' about got 'their' a$$es run over last week by Southern Chickie's 77 Cadilac! Barring my way to the drive thru liquor store, them people's got some nerve!!
  17. I was shocked by the entire show!!! (the part that I watched any way.) You who know me, know that my spawn is all about the Vampire Books. I caught 5 mins of TB this weekend, and it involved, Yuki (?) stripping off naked, mounting her vampire BF like a carnival ride, and 'going to town on him'... Then to 'complete' the act, he bites her, then kisses her and blood is running all over her mouth and face like a OJ crime scene... After I uncovered my eyes, it switched to a dungeon, and 2 guys were in the dungeon in chains, then a gay (not that there's anything wrong with that!) vamp
  18. BOLO for a drunken monkey at the zoo, feeding illegal sandwiches to the children!!
  19. Hey ya'll, it's only 1 month, 2 weeks, and 3 days til my birthday!!! Ya'll need to start saving up now so you can buy me something nice!!!
  20. I like Cave Springs, as of last week also Warm Springs..
  21. I sure can! If you fall down, I'll usr your body to cushion my own fall!!
  22. I agree, the body does have the ability to heal itself! However, you do need plenty of alcohol to sterilize it first...
  23. Oh Snap... anyone out there want to be my "designated driver"?
  24. This is soo random... I got the same call last week.... from someone in Woodstock!! Very same thing. "Come get your dog..." Had to tell them that I live about 1 hour away from Woodstock, and that my dog won't even go outside to pee hardly, much less walk to Woodstock.
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