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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Where will this be and do you have an estimate of how many people you expect to come?
  2. Whoever owns the paper has final control. If it's the students, it's them. If it's the school, it's them. If it's an 'independent board' they are the ones who have final say on what gets published. The only agenda is whoever has ownership has final say in what gets published. How much simpler can it get?
  3. Not at all. It comes down the the wishes of those who own the paper. If the paper is sponsored/owned by the school, the school gets final say. If the paper is sponsored/owned by the students, the students gets final say. Factored into that are the economics of advertisers and readers. If the advertisers decide they don't like the owner's rules, they will quit buying advertising. If the readers don't like the new format, they'll quit paying for it. Here on P.com, Pubby owns the site, so he get's final say. Is he a fascist when he enforces his rules?
  4. Just wait until they try to get real jobs in journalism and they demand their writings be published without any management review. That is assuming there will be any real journalism jobs left by the time they graduate.
  5. It wasn't until the industrial revolution that we had the means to accurately measure and record day to day temperatures.
  6. Ir you're serious, let's cut production of carbonated beverages and see how much support we can get. I wonder how much Co2 is released everyday by the production of beer and soft drinks. Otherwise, we've already stepped up and done more than our fair share so far. I say let everyone else start catching up to where we are, then we can take the next stepss Of course, their scientists will probably look at the real, complete (non-cherry picked) and unaltered data and tell their leaders AGW is bullcheeze.
  7. Obviously some don't know what it means to have a zero carbon footprint.
  8. Ok. Let's discuss the original premise of the OP here: Unless measures are taken now, we could be the generation that set the earth's climate for the next 1000 years. Here in the US, we've done more than our fair share compared to the rest of the world. Let's get China, India, Russia and the Middle East countries to cut their GHG production before we spend one more USD on the problem. Unless they're on board, we could cut ours 100% and it would be a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of the world. BTW - I challenge any AGW believer to cut their personal Co2 production to
  9. As I posted above, the NOAA thing was a typo. How about this: Social Security Administration To Purchase 174 Thousand Rounds Of Hollow Point Bullets Are they expecting the old folks to riot at the SSA offices? Then there's this: DHS To Purchase Another 750 Million Rounds Of Ammo Add this to the 450 million rounds mentioned by the OP and it gives DHS 1.2 BILLION rounds. Remind me again, who's the top person in charge of all these departments?
  10. Let's agree to this - you can continue to be lazy and not take the 3 seconds to give your links a proper title, and those of us who refuse to click on something that says 'My Link' will continue refusing.
  11. You're right about the money grab. The OIG just declassified an audit of funds being sent overseas to fight climate change: http://oig.state.gov/documents/organization/195671.pdf Basically, we sent $5.1 Billion to 'developing countries' in 2010 & 2011 with little to no clear goals, accountability, oversight or expectation of results.
  12. Turns out it was a typo. The ammo was for a different department of the NOAA: More details: This Is Why NOAA Supposedly Ordered 46,000 Rounds Of Ammunition
  13. What surprises me is the number of otherwise intelligent people who blindly believe everything spoon-fed them by the media concerning AGW.
  14. Doesn't the production of beer, wine and other spirits also create CO2? Wait until they try regulation their production. It's not that the science is a myth, it's that the warmists have been shown to use techniques that would never be acceptable in other fields of science. Anytime someone says "it's settled" it should raise a red flag.
  15. If NPR says the sky is falling, it must be falling. No amount of evidence to the contrary will change the minds of their listeners.
  16. I know the browser will show the link, but it won't show the article's title. If you links aren't important enough to give a real title, don't complain when people don't think they're important enough to read. I see you've given us a new rule about your posts: Zoo's rule: You must listen to her anomalous NPR links before asking any questions about her posts. (No matter how outrageous her claims are.) BTW - I even did a search trying to find recently published books about 'Climate Craziness' and didn't fine anything.
  17. I have no idea what "Your Link" says, apparently it's not important to you to give a title to. You write about a book, but even there, you don't think it's important to bother with a title, author or the credentials of the author. I'm sure you've read the book, so tell us how do the authors deal with the FACT that one volcano can spew out more CO2 in an hour than mankind does in an entire year?
  18. We have one of the above ground pulls and bought one of the Intex salt systems a few years ago. After adding salt to the water the pool is nearly maintenance free. The unit generates low levels of chlorine and adds a small amount of copper that prevents algae. Considering how much you can spend on chemicals, the unit isn't as expensive as it first seems.
  19. You and every other person who left money behind. It has to be a daily occurrence at a lot of these stores. Also - as I said earlier, it would be pointless unless the store already had a procedure in place to deal with cases like this that every customer service employee was trained in. A post-it behind the counter with a random phone number and 'found money' wouldn't do it.
  20. If the store kept up with the number, the person could be getting calls for weeks from anyone claiming to have lost money.
  21. Asking to be grand-fathered in, or to have their benefits not be reduced sounds greedy to me.
  22. One thing to consider - do stores have policies and procedures in place to track lost and found cash? It's one thing to give found cash to the nearest cashier and if the person who lost is comes back while the cashier is still on their shift, there's a fair chance they'll get it back. What about later in the day or next day? What if the person doesn't ask the right cashier? What happens to the money when the cashier goes home for the day? Unless the store has a formal log that says '$60.00 was found at 5:30 on 8/12 on self checkout #2,' how could the person who 'lost' it ever expect to
  23. A lot of good points on both sides here. One thought - it could have been the person 2 or 3 behind you that has the money. If the person behind you was paying with Debit or Credit and didn't ask for cash back, they might not of noticed the cash in the dispenser.
  24. If I recall, it's just over $100.00. The contact information is here: http://www.pauldingfestivalsinc.org/
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