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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. I say the union leaders need to demand their membership not support or watch anything NFL. They don't like people supporting the companies they work for when they're on strike, why should they allow their membership to support the NFL?
  2. You'd think every real pro-union person out there would be boycotting NFL football.
  3. Pubby used his thinly veiled anti-Christian intolerance buried as a physics lesson to bring it back on topic.
  4. Tolerance is the new code word for a hostile intolerance towards absolutes." -Ravi Zacharias
  5. It amazes me how many people believe the entire world lives at the same standards we do.
  6. How did Romney feel? Do you want to know based on USA standards of living, or Chinese? More importantly, I want to know how do the workers feel? Do they feel oppressed and abused, or are they happy to have a job where they get room and board, probably better living conditions than they have a home, and the ability to save money for their futures? The biggest problem I see with people judging factories in other countries is they do so based on our standards. Living in a small room with 3 level bunk beds sounds terrible until you realize many probably lived in a one room house with
  7. Cool. I'd like to see those. What towns did you see those signs in? Do you have any pictures?
  8. And you complain that people here don't take you seriously.
  9. You actually believe everything the Democrat shepherds tell you, don't you? Sad. Very sad.
  10. True - Other than trying to counter the lie's he's telling. In fact, this topic is really about how good we have it in this country. Something many won't acknowledge.
  11. I see you can't answer the on-topic questions asked, instead you try to change the topic. What the person said was accurate. Even the poorest person born in the USA has more opportunity then most of the rest of the world.
  12. Romney didn't say that, someone with him did. Where would you be in life if you had not been born in the United States. Do you think you would be happily retired - spending your time posting nonsense on a local discussion board? Do you actually believe everyone in the world has the same life choices at birth that you did?
  13. Romney continues: "And around this factory was a fence, a huge fence with barbed wire and guard towers. And we said 'Gosh, I don't believe that you keep these girls in.' And they said 'No, no, no. This fence is to prevent other people from coming in because people want so badly to work in this factory that we have to keep them out or they'll just come in here and start working and try to get compensated. So this is to keep people out.' And they said that actually, at Chinese New Year, the girls go home and sometimes they decide they've saved enough money and they don't come back to the factory
  14. I thought Rhett Butler was rich. -- So you just don't like people smirking at you, rich or poor?
  15. At this point, I agree. I've said before, one of the mods needs to take a few minutes each week to track down and close old polls so this doesn't happen. Maybe someone who wants a hobby can ask Pubby for moderator privileges for the task of finding and closing old polls before a new member starts finding and voting in them.
  16. Why? Can you point to the written rule that says you can't vote on a poll that is x days old? The people who are really bothered by this should look for old polls and report them before someone else can vote. That way the mods will know to close them.
  17. Fred's closed? Say it ain't so.
  18. I guess it's all about choices. If you choose not to have a bank account, or to have one at a bank with no local branches then easily cashing or depositing checks will be a problem. The best thing would be to decide how you're going to handle those miscellaneous checks before opening the account. The savings in lower or no monthly fees will be offset by the fees you pay to cash a check locally.
  19. Maybe you could beam him onto the Romulan ship - he could teach them the evils of owning guns.
  20. They both have ZERO electoral votes and won't have any until the evening of Nov 6.
  21. From what I can see, the technology and features in my Samsung Horizon S3 is better than the iphone5. Just the fact that apple refuses to put in replaceable batteries tells me they designed it to be disposable.
  22. Or we could tax all income above $250,000 at 100% and run the government for 6 days.
  23. It sounds like the progressives around here want to have at least one major election impacted by provable fraud before they'll even think about doing something to prevent it. The last time this came up, I asked them what they would do if they showed up at their polling place and they were told the records showed they had already voted. I don't seem to recall a satisfactory answer from anyone. Instead of voter ID, how about if we stain everyone's finger after they voted like they do in other countries.
  24. The last time I was home when they picked up, it was 2 different trucks. If they've gone back to 1 truck for some reason, the $2.50 a month for as second can is cheap.
  25. WT - if you want to compare shootings, start looking at Chicago. You'll have all the material you need. Especially since Il was near the top of the integrity list you love to quote.
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