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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. The State isn't supplying them. They are donated by private groups for the purpose of being put in the rooms. It's already been stated that any other group that want's to do the same thing are welcome to do so.
  2. I wonder if these groups would be able to raise enough in donations to put their preferred literature in virtually every hotel room in the country? If they want to try, let them go for it.
  3. You attribute this tragedy to man made climate change? What makes this one somehow different from the F5 Oklahoma city tornado of 1999 that also hit the city of Moore? Or different from the F5 tornado that destroyed the Oklahoma city of Snyder in 1905, or the 1955 Great Plains tornado outbreak which produced an F5 striking Blackwell, Oklahoma, killing 20 with another F5 from the same storm strikes Udall, KS, killing 80?
  4. markdavd


    For future reference, if you have a phone or other wireless device with internet capabilities, you can report outages on the Greystone web site. I've done this this in the past.
  5. Actually, I believe it was a collapsed lung (possibly both) rather than an infection. Still caused by a severe asthma attack. Either way, it is indeed very sad.
  6. I can't say that I have, but my brother (retired military) claims to have been sexually harassed by a Clinton. He was stationed overseas and apparently he was 'goosed' by Hillary when she was at the base for a visit. He said she and her female aid were giggling like little girls.
  7. I can't wait to see how far Pubby will go to justify the Obama Justice Department secretly subpoenaing the AP phone records.
  8. Not only has it become news, it has become national news. The link the OP posted was from Minnesota.
  9. I think that TP is saying is those under the age of 35 need to revolt and stop paying into Social Security. That way people currently receiving SS (like him) will get cut off. Now where is the logic in this?....
  10. Unless it has a swastika on it, I don't think it can be considered Nazi.
  11. It appears to me that Pubby is still relying on the White House to provide his talking points. (He tried to make them look different by bringing in one of his favorites - this time is a comparison to old southern racism.) According to ABC News, the truth was known shortly after the attack and was provided by the CIA to the White House. By the time the White House got done with it, it was virtually unrecognizable: Exclusive: Benghazi Talking Points Underwent 12 Revisions, Scrubbed of Terror Reference
  12. For some of these folks, it's not a FACT unless it comes from their shepherds in the DNC or liberal stream media.
  13. One more thought to add - the drivers also might not have recognized it for what it is. Unless they saw the lead vehicles, or ALL vehicles were easily identified as part of the procession, how would they have known? I've seen processions where the first 10 or so cars have a little flag, and the rest are just cars driving with their lights on. Someone coming up on that from an intersection would have no way of knowing what it is. If it's a divided 2 lane, the drivers need to be more concerned on what's going on on their side, not watching to see if there's a funeral procession on the o
  14. I guess the first question to ask is who will be paying the bill? Will the city be paying from tax revenue or will they tell the new company to send bills to all of the Hiram residents? Will the Recycling service be included? There will be efficiencies by having one company pick up everyone. I would expect that savings to be passed onto who ever is paying the bill. Having a half dozen companies each with it's own truck picking up only a handful of addresses on each street is very inefficient.
  15. The delivery addresses were assigned to the nearest post office as a matter of economy. I wonder what it would cost to re-do the entire country just so everyone can be happy with their address?
  16. Growing up in Ohio, nobody ever stopped for a procession. It wasn't due to a lack of respect, but a regional thing.
  17. There are too many people who equate the city assigned by the post office for delivery with the actual city of residence and don't or won't understand there is a difference.
  18. Approx $100.00 They say attendance is around 30,000.
  19. You can find the contact info here: http://pauldingfestivalsinc.org/
  20. Apparently after the first 2 minutes, she didn't like the first place so she decided to try somewhere a little more upscale: Lindsay Lohan Reports to Betty Ford Center
  21. How else would someone 'Win all the Money?' (Your words)
  22. Now you're saying folks who win the lottery have done something wrong?
  23. I wonder how many of those were confirmed to be pitt bulls by a dog breed expert and how many were assumed to be pitts because they bit someone.
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