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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. markdavd


    If you saw an ad on TV, did business with the advertiser and they ripped you off, would you expect your compliant to be aired by the TV station?
  2. markdavd


    My question is who's going to verify if the complainer actually did business with the CM, or if they're just trying to cause trouble for them.
  3. The first article I posted has a pretty good description.
  4. For those interested: The Perseids are Coming and http://www.spaceweather.com/
  5. OK. I have a nice bottle of Blood Mountain Red from North Georgia I can open for y'all. Do I get a Mayberry?
  6. You mean we don't have to drop and give 20 to earn the Mayberry??? Well Goooolllllley!
  7. Not quite the same. Anybody with a web cam and the appropriate morals (or lack thereof) can film a porno. I would assume no special talent necessary.
  8. The problem is if the 'little angels' get hurt on your property you could be facing a big lawsuit. It doesn't matter how stupidly the angel was acting, it will be you and your insurance company having to pay an attorney defend you.
  9. County Line UMC preschool might have a few spots also. Here's their web site: http://www.countylineumc.org/school/aboutschool.html
  10. I figure it was more like this: The scheduler calls the power company and says they have a paving project scheduled on a certain future date, but some poles are in the way. The power company says 'no problem, we'll have them moved by then.' The scheduler then calls the paving crew and asphalt supplier and confirms the dates. The power company loses the paperwork or screws up some other way. The poles aren't moved. No amount of calling gets the problem fixed. The paving crew and asphalt trucks show up on schedule and get their job done.
  11. If she 'suffered' the consequences, turned around and stuck her tongue out at you, then continued the same behavior, what would you do? You up the consequences and she ups the behavior. . . To a few kids, consequences are part of the game, no matter how severe. I had 2 boys about 2 years apart raised by the same parents - each boy had totally different views on the subject from an early age. The one in question didn't grow out of it until he was about 20.
  12. You're lucky. There are some kids that would think to themselves 'if that's the best she has, I'll will this. All I need to do is up it a bit and wear her down!' To them it's a game and punishment is not a deterrent, it's just part of the game. In other words, princess wins.
  13. Another place is Lowes the week right before and the week after Christmas. If you need it before then, start watching prices at the various stores until someone has one on sale at a price you're willing to pay.
  14. Per the article I posted - those who don't register will be served on a first come/first served basis. They're expecting to hand out over 1000 (1500?) backpacks. I don't think there will be too many disappointed people, even if they aren't pre-registered.
  15. Here's another article about Waverly Gilcrease and A fresh hope. It's from last year when they gave away over 1000 backpacks. IIRC, their goal is 1500 this year, but that still isn't enough. I'm glad to see so many other churches and organizations helping fill the need. http://rss.ireport.com/docs/DOC-88394
  16. http://afreshhope.blogspot.com/2009/07/giv...-to-school.html From the A Fresh Hope web site: When: Saturday, August 8, 2009 Time: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Location: Paulding Meadows Park, 724 Paulding Meadows Drive, Dallas, GA 30132 South Paulding schools will have a Back to School celebration at Hiram Elementary. Come celebrate the beginning of the 2009-2010 school year with a Back to School celebration and back pack distribution. New back packs with school supplies will be given to all children grades Pre-K – 12th grade. There will be jumpies, hot dogs, face painting, and many
  17. Tell him you were on the phone with a customer/vendor/boss/whoever you talk to when it went off and it caused a problem with them.
  18. I imagine after their life so far, the kids are the ones who need the psychologist. I can only imagine the things MJ taught them.
  19. Tell him 'I was being polite before. Honestly, the clock is way too loud and too distracting.'
  20. Resolve yourself to the fact that they're slime, they aren't going to stop calling and just hang up on them after saying they have the wrong number.
  21. I don't see where you say what they're calling for. If it's not a sales/marketing call, the Do Not Call rules don't apply. If it's collections, just tell them they have the wrong number and hang up. In fact, save your BP and just hang up every time they call. Better yet, waste their time by setting the phone down and walking away until they hang up. It's not worth getting stressed over.
  22. Here's an example - Just look at all the people walking around with O2 tanks. What would happen to them if the government decided to save $$ by not covering the tanks?
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