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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Very poor reporting. They make it sound like the entire system is broken and it's in the GSP's system instead of just one carrier. The first line should read: The next time you see someone stranded on the highway calling *GSP or *477 for help may not work if you're an AT&T customer. Of course, that wouldn't be as dramatic.
  2. When you turn it, use tongs, not a fork. Piercing the meat with a fork lets out the juices.
  3. The fastest way to get an answer is to contact the seller.
  4. It can be cheaper if you name your price. You can pick the general area and class/rating hotel, but as you already know, you won't know exactly what hotel it is until you're committed. Even if you don't want to go that route, you can still use the sites to find inexpensive hotels and make reservations, just like any other travel site.
  5. The number varies from state to state. In Ga, it's *GSP (*477) Here's a web site that lists each state: http://www.ou.edu/oupd/highway-cell.htm
  6. Thanks. I've been thinking of the incorporation issues too. This a came together beginning last Friday, and I haven't had too much time to think about it. Thanks!
  7. After 2 months of unemployment, I was able to get a contract programming position. (Actually 2 contracts with 2 different companies.) These are '1099' positions where I am technically self employed. One of the companies is asking me to get a certificate of workman's comp. A quick internet search only turned up sharks lawyers looking for workman's comp claims. Does anyone have experience with this for a self employed individual?
  8. What didn't they listen to the parent's about? An example -- Let's say that due to forced budget cuts, they are thinking about cutting out Middle School Sports and/or Middle School band. 200 parents say they should cut out the sports, but keep the band. 200 parents say they should cut band, but keep sports. 200 parents say they should keep both. and 200 parents say they should cut both. Which parents should they listen to? In the end, you'll have 200 parents happy and 600 parents saying the board never listens to the parents.
  9. Have you checked Michael's? They are carrying Duff's brand fondant. I don't know if they have any black.
  10. So they'll be able to distinguish an attempt to contact them from all the other random radio wave transmissions we make?
  11. You have to remember that the 2.6 million would include the cost of benefits, employment taxes (7.5%) and other costs that don't show up on a pay check or on pay scales, but still cost the employer big $$$.
  12. I guess the premise is that they'll ignore our existence until we try to contact them. At that point, all bets are off.
  13. And if we don't talk to them, they'll leave us alone?
  14. Government employees are entirely dependent on the continued taxation of the people for their retirement.
  15. I'm still trying to see how the Native American example fits with talking to aliens.
  16. It's in the citizens square shopping center. My wife and I go there and enjoy it.
  17. How would big government survive without big business to pay the majority of the taxes?
  18. Is he saying it would have worked out different if the Native Americans ignored Columbus and insisted Europeans didn't exist?
  19. One you give your money to voluntarily in exchange for goods or services. The other takes your money under threat of criminal prosecution.
  20. First, you need to find one near where you live. If you have to drive any distance, you probably won't go as often as you think you will. Second, the state of GA requires contracts. You won't see any advertising 'no contracts' but rather 'no long term contracts'. My wife and I belong to 'Workout Anytime' in the Citizens Square plaza. We had to pay around $50.00 each 'initiation' fee, and $15.00 per month. I found out later we could have paid for a year in advance and not had to pay the fee.
  21. If it has the cover and everything works - probably. Get the make and model if you can and google it to see if there are any major issuse.
  22. It should be under $50.00 per month, depending on the size and how much you pay for the chemicals. Be careful on the size. If you think it will be just you and your husband most of the time, don't get one of big party tubs. But don't get one of the small 2-3 person tubs either because there's no room to move around. We got a 4-5 person model a few years ago and it's perfect for 2 to be comfortable.
  23. Please tell me this movie won't be centered around making those who follow the Christian faith look stupid and backwards, like many movies and TV shows these days.
  24. Also, as far as oil spills go, natural oil leaks (oil seeping naturally from the sea bed) accounts for up to 5 times as much oil as accidental spills. Sources: While oil gently seeps from the seafloor: natural leaks into the ocean offer a 'laboratory' to study accidental spills Natural oil leaks equal to 8–80 Exxon Valdez spills
  25. The well is NOT spewing oil. Apparently the safeguards worked and sealed the well: Coast Guard: No oil leak from sunken rig off La.
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