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Everything posted by JerryLovedLSU

  1. Them eyebrows look tattooed on.
  2. I was answering the question that was copied in my reply and calling the poster silly. Nice rant, though.
  3. I think we drove through Brookstone about 4 times yesterday and it was packed out.
  4. I've always been in favor of SPLOST simply because it is a tax that is paid by EVERYBODY who spends money in your county, not just residents. People passing through who stop at Racetrack are contributing.
  5. I live right behind it and the signs said this Saturday.
  6. Erring on the side of caution is never a bad thing.
  7. As opposed to the people who watch the propaganda that the news stations want you to believe? I don't care which station you watch, there is an agenda behind all of them. Just because you agree with the agenda doesn't mean it's not there. There are more sources for news than the TV. Now who is getting manipulated?
  8. I think they have started that fire.
  9. Sounds like a Tea Party. I missed the part where checks were promised.
  10. Make sure you put one of those tickers in your signature.
  11. I don't want to speak for all men, but I don't know many who care about massages.
  12. LOL Nothing better than trying to re-live his past slow pitch softball guy.
  13. The "who" part of the post is not important. I don't discriminate.
  14. Everything in stages. Better stock up the duct tape and batteries.
  15. I've been telling people for years that the robots were gonna rise up one day.
  16. Millions of dorks will rejoice the new era in cyberdating.
  17. More specifically: Atlanta Police said they had no problems related to so-called Freaknik
  18. http://www.cbsatlanta.com/news/23185334/detail.html
  19. I gues that makes them the mainstream media then.
  20. This is great advice. I usually do 4 minutes per side over extremely high heat and then finish it on the low heat side.
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