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Everything posted by BH87

  1. Tea Tree Oil Face Wash and Light Moisturizer with the Tea Tree Oil works great for a lot of people. I now of several teens who swear by it!
  2. Back in the early 70's there was a dry shampoo called "Pssst". It worked well. Sometimes I will put a little baby powder on my roots and then brush it out a few minutes later and it absorbs the oil. Works in a pinch!
  3. I have my parents bring them when they visit from NY since they drive. Our wore out so we used boogie boards so I need to check them out.
  4. A couple herbs that work great are Kava Kava for anxiety and Valerian Root for sleeping. If this just started you should see a doc, could be thyroid, vitamin deficiency etc... YOU SHOULD LOOK THEM UP ONLINE AND RESEARCH ANY INTERACTIONS WITH MEDS YOU ARE ON Both are cheap and in the vitamin isle at any store. Bruce
  5. Anyone know who these guys are? I offered them Marjorie(my 17 year old) and her friend until 10 PM for 2 tickets, they thought I was kidding... Bruce
  6. They just left, I was on the elevator with Brian Finerin(sp?)and Matt Ryan!!!! Gave them a few tips. I tried to get them on video saying when in Atlanta I get my news on pcom but they would not.Bruce I can now say The GT Hotel
  7. Just seen Matt Ryan again, he was all bundled up even indoors keeping that shoulder fresh! They are all eating now and go through our event to get there. Bruce
  8. They were going to breakfast and looked fueled up!
  9. Me and Coach Mike Smith chillin at the hotel this morning, got pics of Gonzal., ryan and many others. Can't say where we are. Bruce Please, if you know this hotel from the pic do not post it. more pics added
  10. You are absolutely right about prescribing them. If you go to a reputable pain management doctor, the drug tests are also to make sure you are taking the medicine prescribed. If if isn't in your system, you are out the door. I totally agree with you. Dr.'s like that should lose their license. JMHO
  11. Epidurals are shots of medication in the spine directly into the lumbar...usually for herniated discs. Yes they help. My husband has had several over the years. They are basically steroid injections and they give you sedation. Facets are what I had and they go directly into the nerves and heat them up and usually give relief for 6 months or so. Again, given with sedation. The Epidurals and Facets are expensive and yes they are covered by insurance however, they have to be pre-approved by the insurance company. You are absolutely correct. Most general practitioners will re
  12. I have chronic pain and see pain management. When you have chronic pain, you don't get "high" off the meds, they just take the edge off the pain...well, when taken as directed. Some days I don't take all of the doses, some days I do and can't do anything but rest. Sweeping one room at a time causes pain...this had a lot to do with why I closed my shop...it was just too much for my back and feet (plantar fibromatosis). I don't get why people use the pain meds recreationally...with all the side affects, I really don't get it. DGITW...they will probably give you a steroid shot and maybe
  13. BH87

    Post Office...

    Thanks! We may have just not had any mail yesterday. Shelby and I will be venturing out to the post office today then!
  14. We have not received mail at all this week, and for good reasons. Just wondering if anyone knows if the post office is open today. I have some packages I need to send out...just curious. Thanks!
  15. Dieting so it is soup, collards and cabbage I made Sunday. We are doing the Sonoma and lost 10 pounds in a week with no exercise. Bruce
  16. Geraldine and Whiney playing in the snow Back yard Our home.
  17. I go to the same place and so did 2 of our kids...3 of us in braces at one time...They used to be North GA Orthodontics...they have changed their name now. They are much cheaper, but I found you pay for what you get...at least with the orthodontist in the Hiram office. Dr. Venn used to be there and he was awesome! They sent him to their LaGrange office and the orthodontist who replaced him way over loosened the kids' retainers and within 2 weeks, they were crooked and both had to go back into braces. That was when I decided after paying over $6k for our braces, that it was worth the drive to
  18. BH87

    Merry Christmas

    Hope everyone has a Very Merry Christmas! Scarlet and Bruce
  19. As a former small business owner(happily retired and resting!) I can tell you the money you spend will go right back to the local economy. Your money is also going to places that care about the community. Bruce
  20. In my 20's I traveled a low with friends and always wore belts, jackets, stuff that had metal in it and would always get "wanded" and sometimes pat down by a female...I never felt violated and learned to wear lighter clothing so I wouldn't have to go through it. It was quick and not evasive. The only time I was like "Enough!" was going INTO Cancun, Mexico...they have the red and green light thing there. If you go through and press the button and it is red, they go through your bags. It is totally random. They were pulling my lacy undergarments up and smiling. I finally asked them if they
  21. When we decided to move I put it on Craigs and got some folks in that I was not comfortable with. Pat came in and I knew if we could make money there she could for sure, more important I knew she would be honest and caring. I knew if we put up a sign that said alterations folks would come in so when she mentioned that I was sure she could be successful. As for me I finally get a holiday season where I can sit back and relax after busting butt the last 5 years, WOOO HOOOO!. Bruce
  22. I have the nodules that happen when the tendon starts to tear and the body tries to heal it leaving these little cyst like things on the foot. I had 2 removed from my left foot, got great shoes (Soucony)(sp?) are the best. I agree with everyone above about the inserts, the semi-custom ones work very well. My physical therapist had me get a water bottle, pour about 1/3 out and then freeze it and roll it on the bottom of your foot before stretching and after exercising it. I couldn't use the night splint...the pain was just too much. I had a 2nd surgery removing part of the facia that was sup
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