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Everything posted by LPPT

  1. This made my blood pressure go up. May is Lyme awareness month. Many of us do what we can to educate the public. Of course the demonstrations are on the light side as many are just to debilitated to do anything but try to survive for years on end. You see the CDC treats Lyme disease causally. They reject studies from leading universities and studies by doctors and scientist. They refuse to acknowledge the failings of their criteria that allows people to become so sick. The victims of Lyme have a hatred of the CDC that has no limits. I am going to share this article on a Lyme forum. It wou
  2. Too bad they are not using our studio or are they? Anyone know what's up with the studio? Now that the Atlanta area has become well entrenched in the movie business we should be seeing some income from it.
  3. I think you have it backwards. It will be up to providers to become efficient with the money given them. The nickel and dime system created by the insurance industry is antiquated and wasteful. The padding of bills to cover losses and the administration needed to haggle money from insurance and even the gov for Medicaid and medicare should be gone. There is no reason that offices can't be run with a few assistants and an Ipad in the future. Now a tongue depressor that cost a penny will be properly billed as a penny. It is not hard to get your mind around how easily and efficiently health
  4. All that is necessary is that health care providers are paid for their services and that drugs and supplies get paid for. The outrageous charges to make-up for the financial shortfalls from insurance would be gone. Insurance is an antiquated way of providing healthcare. Insurance was never meant to provide healthcare for all, it was insuring that doctors and hospitals get paid. It has not done that for years. The reason people want it back is that they believe that insurance companies are in the business of paying for their healthcare. They are not in the business of doing that, if they d
  5. There are hours of past video where Trump has been a flaming liberal and they voted for him anyway. All he is doing is corporate welfare for health insurance companies. So much better than innocent sick people getting Medicaid.
  6. I have been reading some of the articles and most agree on the same things. They still have to cover pre-existing but can charge whatever they want as premiums. This simply means that we will be worse off than ever. Without the mandate forcing people to buy insurance most people will drop it. As one of the brilliant republican lawmakers said they can go to the emergency. This will have communities, cities, and states being forced to pay hospitals and other facilities open. It is simply a backdoor way of bringing in single payer with enough pain to make it stick. I am kind of chuckling
  7. But it is justified because Obama made her insurance cost more. I am over 50 so mine will probably go way up. I guess I will be justified in dropping it and letting the tax payer pick up the tab Oops that would make me a left leaning leech. It's ok to be a right wing victim.
  8. For this con game to work you have to believe that there is not enough money to take care of all Americans needing healthcare. Don't look behind the curtain where insurance companies are raking it in.
  9. With all that said, I love having my hotspot. I know a lot use their phone for the internet surfing and playing. I use it very little for that. My eyes have gotten bad and it is just tedius. I prefer my lap top for leisurely persuits on the internet.
  10. I have one on my phone. It allows me to use the internet on my lap top anywhere I want. The con is movies and some games use a ton of data and you can go over your limit and have to pay more. So if movies and games are what you want it for you need a huge or unlimited data plan.
  11. I read it. Why would I be afraid to read it. Like many others I knew it was a right wing blog sight. Written for those that shun mainstream media because they don't like the truth. If the main stream media tosses a few 1/2 truths into an article about powerful people they know someone is coming after them. On the other hand blogs really don't have that much credibility and are ignored by intelligent people that know the difference between an opinion peace and a news story. This is a blog. The Washington Free Beacon is a privately owned, for-profit online newspaper that began publ
  12. We just had Home depot do ours. If you find someone local do your due diligence before hiring. I have been burned a couple of times going small and local. Home depot will make it right no matter what. You don't have to hunt anyone down and take them to court it is messed up. Under 1000.00 I might go local over that amount it is always HD.
  13. Modern day mental illness. His wife from the story obviously had a clue. Who knows what the laws in that country are. It is harder in this country to hold a mentally ill person against their will then you might think. For the most part the violently mentally ill in this country end up in prison after a violent act against another person. It is very difficult for a family to have a sick relative jailed for their violence when what they need is mental health facility. I am horrified that a paranoid schizophrenic can easily purchase fire arms. Modern day mental illness just has that many mo
  14. I want to see us go in with a coalition of S. Korea. China, Japan, and the backing of the U.N. I guess the blessing of Putin is too much to ask. America is too often put in the seat of judge and jury when it comes to small countries and their nuclear weapons programs. The human rights card is going to be played next, in truth their stock pile of weapons and unstable leadership are a threat to the entire region. That is why I would prefer to see China lead this. They are in much more danger than us but they are not being threatened constantly. We have been backed into a corner by the threa
  15. Honestly I never think about the children on the high functioning scale when I think of vaccine injury. I have a cousin that was injured. I think more of the low functioning. They say the screaming of an injured child is a sound you never forget. There is no calming or soothing. By the time they get them to the hospital or doctor their eyes have rolled back In their head and the damage is done. Something happens and it is excruciating to the infant. Suffering comes with it. Your brain tells you that all sensory input is painful and you need to escape it. You are constantly in fight or flight
  16. He is absolutely right. So many children were being damaged by vaccines in the 80's they gave pharmaceutical companies immunity to law suits. The reason being is so many children were being harmed the suits would break the industry. All motivation to make them safer was removed. The fall out is more and more people refusing them. It has created a huge surge in home births and home schooling. They only have themselves to blame for the distrust.
  17. Not much different than Trump going backstage at the beauty contest he sponsored. That made me so angry. That is a once in a life time event for those young women. They had to tolerate his ogling and touching as part of the event. He bragged about it, it was his privilege as the sponsor to go backstage to the dressing room. He has bragged about his base behaviors for years. So much for the principled,religious right. It was a farce setting themselves up as the morality police of America. O'reilly fit the bill ranting about the injustices done to the American tax payer by the immoral left
  18. Maybe the DOT workers secretly helped build it for the kids. I chuckle thinking about a free secret skate park for the kids.
  19. I am not crazy about her. I just wanted to address the generalization of morbidly obese people. It bothers me that some people make remarks to them in public or feel free to give them looks. It has always been open season on obese people. The children are picked on in school. June definitely encouraged the same behavior in her children. I was not amused by honey boo boo's chubbiness. We are seeing more and more families that eating is a way of bonding. I know from personal experience that their orthopedic problems sometimes start in their 30's. Emotional eating is just made worse by hurtf
  20. I am always interested in these stories. I have morbidly obese family members. I have never been more than 20 lbs overweight and usually take it off fairly easy. I had gained quite a bit over the last year and just lost it it trying to get my blood sugar under control. Growing up with obesity I saw the pain and limitations it caused. I have watched family members lives shrink until most of their life is spent in the house on a sofa or bed with their only interest being food. I learned that about 90% of morbidly obese people experienced some type sexual abuse usually in childhood. The re
  21. Good for her. We see weight loss, what has really happened is she has gotten herself under control. Nothing feels better than being in control of your life. That takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there like she has. I noticed a handful only had nasty things to say on the site that published her picture. It takes a lot of mental changes to do what she did. I hope she continues to be successful.
  22. Along those same lines as Sound guy mentioned there was a street sweeper cleaning up the road by the construction Wednesday evening.
  23. Thanks for the answers folks. I hope it is a gas line. Really large companies can be unionized so they can work in all states and for the government when it is a requirement. Some federal contracts require a company to strictly adhere to labor regulations to receive contracts. I have no issue with people receiving double for Sundays and holidays. I just don't want Paulding county taxpayers taken for a ride. The money needs to be spent on things that benefit us all. It is just strange to see people working 7 days a week for weeks on end.
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