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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. The gypsies we have here ain't got nothing on those. Did you see the young (8-12) yr old girls wearing those heels?
  2. YaY Papi!!! Congrats! You can do it! It will take time...but I know you can!
  3. Tell them to try Atlanta Medical Center.
  4. You have over 1800 post on here... so what have you been talking about?
  5. I pay for $30 a month for single coverage. BCBS It was only $10 last year... before that the company paid for it all. We use to be cafeteria style. They gave me xx amount to spend on benefits.. It was the same for every employer. Since I chose HMO and dental, vision and extra life insurance plus some other stuff (disability) and I still had $25 left over each month. I stuffed that into 401k
  6. Jet_man...our company switched to the same model. They do get better offers from the insurance co's.
  7. I was taking that but he switched me to Pravastatin and I now take that instead of Lipitor. It's only $10 for a 90 day supply.
  8. He is a cutie!!! We did miss you!!
  9. I'm trying to understand if this is really an issue. Is it reallly that common for doctor's offices to not take the major insurance providers here in the Atlanta area? For instance: Do you know of any doctors that don't take Cigna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Healthcare any other major company? I have BCBS HMO and I have never had to find a new doctor because they didn't take it. Now I have 4 different doctors. A regular primary doctor (wellstar), Cardiologist (Piedmont Heart Institute) a vascular dr. (wellstar) and a hemotologist at Ga. Cancer Speciliast. ALL of them take the major i
  10. Every doctor I know takes Cigna, BCBS, or USHC... and even the HMO's. This is where I'm not sure what kind of dr. you're seeing that don't take that?
  11. Bigsky... I'm only 38. I was diagnosed with a blood disorder when I was 25. A healthy 25 yr old who had to give up playing most of the sports except golf... I don't have kids and can't have children. So as you sit in your pool all healthy...with your kids...just know that there are some don't have a freakin option. I pray your day don't come.
  12. Sorry you feel that way BigSky... but you better be careful what you say.. I was perfectly healthy also.... When something goes wrong with your heart....or you find out you have a blood disorder... You won't be calling anyone sick.
  13. But they do have someone telling them they have to see a certain DR. Would you be willing to give up your doctor you've been seeing for years. This same DR. that you wouldn't change to a cheaper plan and is in the network? Or have procedures or surgeries when THEY tell you that you can.
  14. Scotty... Someone said they saw it on Perez Hilton that it had been leaked
  15. Thank you GeorigiaDawg... that is exactly what I was saying to him. I have 3 heart meds also..and NONE are over $4 a month
  16. So let me get this.... it's the girls fault that your sons and his friends are gawking at them?
  17. ^^^ Oh Lawd I knew I lurved you! You made me really lol
  18. the only time I have to take injections is of Lovonox or something to that nature is when I have to come off my coumadin for a procedure or something. I have great insurance here at work. BUT I had my doctors find alternatives and I don't even use my prescription plan here at work. I take 9 different meds. Oh, they did try to put me on all the namebrand drugs because I had insurance... but Wal-Mart and the others have lots of $4 drugs. Hell, I don't even pay for my Metformin anymore. Publix gives it out for free.
  19. You need to tell your cardiologist he is full of crap. That medicine has just started to be used here in the US. What did they use before that?? They used the $4 coumidan. Dr's get kickbacks from drug reps. I know... my cousin is a drug rep. These dr's get to go and "speak" at conferences held by the drug co's and collect NICE payouts. Nice hunting trips, fishing or skiing trips!
  20. Can you not take Coumadin instead of the pradaxa? I'd be telling my dr.'s to find a generic or alternative to each of those. I did...and guess what... he was able to find something. Pradaxa is a blood thinner. I'd rather have my PT/INR monitoried I take 9 different meds a day. 6 in the morning and 6 at night. 3 of those are for my heart.I was taking Lipitor...but it was to expensive so I had him switch it.
  21. I would have been arrested! pfft.. I really don't like him
  22. STATESVILLE, N.C. — NASCAR driver Kyle Busch was clocked by a North Carolina sheriff's deputy going 128 mph in a 45 mph zone and was cited for careless and reckless driving and speeding, a law enforcement spokesman said Tuesday. Iredell County Sheriff's Office Capt. Darren Campbell said a deputy stopped Busch's 2012 yellow Lexus sports car on a road between Troutman and Mooresville, where the 26-year-old driver lives. It's about 30 miles north of Charlotte. Campbell said Busch was cited and released upon a written promise to appear in court. In a statement issued late Tuesday, Busc
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