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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. Jeff Kelly is a bankruptcy attorney http://www.hg.org/attorney/Law-Office-of-Jeffrey-B-Kelly/68747
  2. Look on Clark Howards website and search for scavenger debt collectors. If you Google Scavenger Debt Collectors the CH website will come up. I can't post a link from work or I would. If it wasn't hand delivered by the SO...it's not an actual court case yet. If it's only something you got in the mail...pfft... put it in file 13
  3. Don't worry.... they don't pat down kids now..under 12
  4. Yes...and I want to say that you have to buy at least 1 book. which is usually $8-$10 for the book. Which has 3 cards in each book. They usually run something like this 1st book - $8 3 books $12 4 5 6 books is $20 Its something like that...it's not very expensive. They will walk around and sell extra sheets to the next game for like 50 cents or something. Give the hall a call. Phone: 770-445-2759
  5. I'm not really sure...but I've bought a 6 pack for $20.
  6. The lodge at Red Top is closed http://www.gastateparks.org/RedTopMountain/
  7. The IRS will also garnish your wages. I think if I have to make sure my taxes are paid...so does everyone else. Politician or not!
  8. Bored...you are correct. But she admitted that she owed the taxes
  9. I agree with Jenilyn. But I still ask where want to know if she is going to sit on/at the urinal? Will she still go in a stall. I'm sorry. But I think Mom/Dad is part of this child wanting to change genders. I'm all for kids having thier own identity and finding themselves. But it's true parents influence thier kids and want their kids to be "better" or "more" than what they was as kids. They also want to "give" them more than they had.
  10. So is she going to use the stall in the boys room?
  11. The Grands on Ridge Road is hiring also
  12. I'm surprised the CTC Public Safety Club isn't involved... heck...we may be and I just don't know about it.
  13. Gosh I've missed Nitro I'm glad you've started back posting!!
  14. I'm not really into genealogy....but I did run upon a cool website http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gs&&_sm_au_=iVVRkQZM4QL54psH I found photos of my moms grave and several others on there. This is a volunteer site. I email the lady who took photos of my moms headstone and she emailed me back. She actually worked with my mom in Arkansas. My grandmother in W.V. is on here also. So is several of my family from La.
  15. This is why you're on the top of my friends list!
  16. This is standard any time a death occurs.
  17. Angel Food Ministries said Wednesday it is suspending food distribution for September. The Monroe-based nonprofit said full refunds will be given to those who have already placed orders for the month. Additionally, AFM said it laid off its full-time staff of 90 in Monroe, but many continue to work on a volunteer basis. It said unpaid senior management and ministers of outreach in 45 states continue to work. My link
  18. Perezhilton.com is where I heard it.
  19. Have y'all heard the new re-mix of Blake Shelton singing Footloose? I can't post videos from work or I would link it.
  20. I think it's time to add brown and maybe a touch of cinnamon to my hair
  21. tbird...why would you him? When I bought my house it didn't come with the appliances either. So I don't guess I understand why someone would be angry with him for taking something he bought.
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