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Everything posted by ThornwoodMom

  1. Yes! Pick out the candidate you want to win and pour all of your energy into extolling their virtues, their experience, their leadership qualities, ect.,ect. on this site and everywhere else you can think of! You know what to do, put out yard signs, make phone calls, you seem like you know everybody in the county, get your person elected!
  2. I've seen all the information, it looks like she may go to jail, or prison, even. She won't even show her face and I don't know what makes her think she might be re-elected. But I don't get all the hatred. Spending time, energy and money on a lawsuit to get her off the ballot? People who don't even live in our district writing letters to get her off the ballot? What's up with that? Probably half the elected officials under the dome have skeletons in the closet, some are probably a lot worse than what she's being accused of. Boortz used to say the sex and drug trades made a fortune when legis
  3. ^^^This! And I would put a stop to class action lawsuits and other lawsuits that help no one,bog down the system and make lawyers rich.
  4. Thanks, I've been thinking about getting a new Ruger for this reason. I don't have the strength in my hands that I used to but I still want a revolver. I do ok at the range, but it kind of nags at me, if it would be an issue under pressure. I think I'll try this one.
  5. Shouldn't the citizens of district 19 be the ones making the decision about whether she should hold the seat or not? I don't support her, but I don't support the court and the SOS making the decision. If the citizens of district 19 want her in office, so be it. The people's voices are being silenced way to often, power to the people.
  6. What a great legacy! What is the Dallas Militia District? If ya don't mind me asking?
  7. Wow! I only found 2 of my inlaws so far, for a total of $155.00, but I'm sure there are more! Thanks!
  8. Chipping away at civil liberties, one law and one regulation at a time. Subliminally changing attitudes, one "crisis" at a time...don't preach to me about how government works, ES. I get it. You trust them to do the right thing, I don't. That's what it comes down to. Do they pay you guys to get on the internet and call people stupid and paranoid when their policies, regulations and laws are questioned? When unprecedented actions are unfolding and enormous sums being spent by our government, do we still have a right to ask questions or should we just paste on a big grin and say, "It's a great t
  9. So the government should have unlimited power to regulate anything and everything, because they always only have our best interest at heart and are always trying to save us from power-hungry money grabbers. And it is undignified, self-serving and bizarrely inappropriate to question the government, because of course their intentions are only to protect us and they fight the power-hungry money grabbers on our behalf like super heroes and wouldn't dream of being in cahoots with such thugs. If only that were true. I urge you and others to quit giving them so much power. I don't care what party th
  10. My political views are my own. I am not justifying not doing the right thing, I just don't think the democrats went about solving the dilemma with ending suffering as their goal. There were way too many back-room deals made with big pharm and big insurers. I understand that as far as Washington DC is concerned, I would be better off dead. Like Obama said, just take the blue pill (or was it red, can't remember.) What I was trying to point out to you is that what we ended up with was all the democrat's work. Republican voices were silenced. You seem to be placing blame on the wrong party wit
  11. Johnny, from the same Wiki article: "In 2003, the Bush Administration attempted to create an agency to oversee Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The bill never made progress in Congress, facing sharp opposition by Democrats" Wiki does not even try to explain the whole convoluted mess, at least in this article.
  12. Yes, I did get your point. I have a completely random question I wonder if someone can answer: When they say "dependent child up to the age of 26", do they mean dependent as defined by the IRS? Or do they have their own definition of "dependent" incorporated? Thanks.
  13. Wha-what? Laurie, I have no control over any of it, I was just trying to set the record straight. Shame on me for what? That I don't agree that they did the right thing with this law? You want to talk to me about physical pain? I've been chronically ill for many years. Shame on me? I'm completely at a loss as far as what you're talking about?
  14. It's not the same kind of thing. This law is enormous and has extensive ramifications, some of which we have yet to even consider. I don't know if even liberals will still be giddy about it once the realities start setting in. The drug test example is like comparing a mini poodle to a full grown trex.
  15. PM, I was just trying to correct the history. This is another one that is historically inaccurate: Wait. Regulations had been re-written in order that more Americans could become home owners, even if they couldn't afford the mortgages. There were numerous warnings that Fannie and Freddie were in deep trouble, but these were brushed off as the "republican fear-mongering" that you spoke of. This disaster was created by government, and definitely NOT unregulated! I would agree on this one that there is enough blame to go around, because nobody had the political fortitude to put the bra
  16. LPPT, The way I remember it, the American people were mostly saying slow down, let's do this, but let's take the time to get it right. Obama did not have the votes, even in his own party, for single payer. Obama was the one that made ALL the behind-closed-doors deals with drug and insurance companies, and he, Pelosi and Reid twisted arms until they got the votes they needed, on Christmas Eve. The GOP was not invited to the table at all. This was all strictly controlled by democrats. It was Obama that forced it down our throats. That's how it went down.
  17. All is well for the time being, Dana, and I hope all is well with you, too! I would have never thought a time would come when all I could do is putter around the house like an old lady, but me and that old lady have grudgingly made friends with each other...I'm sure PM knows what I mean. Things happen and you have to learn to be happy all over again.
  18. I have no reason to repeat anyone's nonsense, I could come up with plenty of my own, thankyouverymuch. But as to the facts of the matter at hand, it is not so hard to research medicare or medicaid: estimates vs actuals. I can do so tomorrow if you wish. Goodnight all.
  19. PM, I am glad that you are blessed with your wife by your side. This time last year, I wouldn't have bet ya a nickel that I would still be here on the green side of the grass with my loving husband, and I don't take any day for granted. There is nothing more important than the time to be together, it means everything. Have a good night.
  20. yankeeboy, you cannot reason or debate with this person, it is an exercise in futility.BTDT. Any reasonable person can study Obamacare for themselves and realize that it will become an out of control giant that, historically speaking, will cost at least 4x the current estimates.
  21. Because it is an entitlement. and in political-speak, entitlements, once given, can't be taken away. Because in the political world, that's unfair. This was a straight partisan-passed law with a lot of arms twisted to the breaking point, against the will of the majority according to polls at the time. The reason being, it is a massive entitlement program (subsidy=entitlement)that will fall mainly on the shoulders of the middle class. In short, we are going to be taxed to death.
  22. I don't even know how I'm going to vote yet. So how can you? I was talking about conservative values. From what I've seen so far, this race is pretty short on that issue. I'm no angel myself, but I'm not one of the ones trying to assign a conservative title to my name.
  23. Have you wondered why she likes her better? Maybe because they share the same liberal values (or lack of values?) It is NOT 50/50 when one candidate (Morrison) does not even know the basics of HB87, much less be able to debate it. Who knows? Maybe she and former member are friends. That makes sense, someone has to suck it up and call themselves a conservative to win in this district. There's no witch hunt. I was just shocked that she posted so many blatant inaccuracies about the bill.
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