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Everything posted by ThornwoodMom

  1. Wow no kidding, ouch! I'm the type that I can't even stand the sound of things shifting around when I make a turn, I guess OCD CAN be good for something lol. Glad u made it out of that with your eye intact!
  2. Thanks, Rio. It never occurred to me that he could get pulled over for this. He really seems to not even notice, whereas it drives me nuts just to see it in my peripheral when I'm driving. I must speak with him about this.
  3. It's really a law? I thought it was more like a suggestion. If it's a law then that's discrimination against the handicapped as long as fuzzy dice are still legal. lol. Way to go, CC!!!
  4. My husband does that with mine sometimes, he just forgets it's there...why does it bother you lol?
  5. If he hasn't already, your brother should sign up to be a member of the fan club! It's either $20 or $25, for that you and a guest get tshirts, and get to go to the "family reunion" bbq every year, Charlie does all-request music and talks to the small crowd, he does autographs and pics. AND you get backstage passes to the show of your choice. (sorry, a lil off-topic here!)
  6. Congratulations, your family is beautiful. When mine were little, we used well fitting floaties on their arms and had a huge float that I hung out on and kept an eye on everybody and was big enough for them to crawl up on, too. They learned to swim pretty fast, but I always kept a lot of floats around in case they needed to grab onto something. Just sharing my (hopefully helpful) experience. It can be a bit nerve-wracking, constantly counting heads. Enjoy the heck out of these most fun years when they are little. Teens are not near as much fun.
  7. I was thinking the entire debt was $7500 and not each of the 2 kids. Your way above works and my way in post #10 works (if the entire debt is 7500) But the other two walking off with all the money does not work, mathematically.
  8. $37,500 divided by 4 = 9375 2 kids should get $9375. 2 kids should get 9375-3750=5625 (3750 is half of 7500) Thats how it should be figured.
  9. I'm very sorry for your loss, Rio.
  10. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Somewhere else!
  11. Yes, ridiculous. For CASEY ANTHONY to appeal a LYING conviction? That makes a mockery out of the court and I hope the judge tells her that. Her name has become, literally, synonymous with lying (among other things.)
  12. R.I.P. Mrs. Ford. She was classy lady who spoke out about addiction long before it became popular to do so.
  13. Juror #2: "The six that voted guilty said it didn't matter at what point in time she came home and found out her daughter was missing," http://www.tampabay.com/incoming/article1179177.ece Neither side said anything about her coming home and finding out her daughter was missing. They weren't even listening
  14. One has to totally suspend common sense to believe Casey Anthony is not guilty. Casey did computer searches for chloroform, neck breaking, household weapons, ect. Casey was the only person using the Pontiac Sunfire. Casey backed the car up to the garage two days in a row, the two days after Caylee was last seen alive, while her parents were at work,unusual according to neighbors. The car smelled of human decomposition when it was recovered. Caylee's remains were found with numerous items from the home, including duct tape on her skull, in an area that Casey used to hang out with friends, r
  15. Well said. I am just sick Poor little Caylee.
  16. Are you saying that, based upon evidence you have heard that the jury was not allowed to hear, you think Casey Anthony is innocent?
  17. She looks scared to death! She's not batting her eyes now, she looks terrified! Lady Raider, those pictures are awesome!
  18. This thing with the mistress is nagging at me. I know that is exactly what the defense is going for,to put nagging doubt in the jury's mind. They have thrown everything at the wall, hoping something would stick. I guess George had a weak moment, Lord knows he was going through a very tough time. People do all sorts of weird things when they are under a lot of stress. I'm not convinced they actually had sex, though, are you guys? It just seems to me that if he was a womanizer, there would be women coming out of the woodwork to tell their stories and get their 15 minutes, not just this one. 3
  19. I had not seen that! This case is bringing out the lunatic fringe! Wow!
  20. So what he allegedly said was HE BELIEVED it was an accident that snowballed out of control. The defense has been leaving out those two important words. He was just speculating, and she has cashed in on turning his statement into something it wasn't. And another one bites the dust. lol.
  21. Nancy Grace can be annoying at times, but she is the one who has kept this case on the front burner in the media. She was the only one who was on it, every night, back in '08.
  22. Definitely do it! My kids are both teens now and we have traveled a good bit, but never overseas. I wish I had had the opportunity to do something like that with them when they were younger! He will love telling his grandchildren about it someday!
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