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Everything posted by ThornwoodMom

  1. Thank you! It sure sounds like a scam does it not? The good news is, I think Cobbobig ALREADY FOUND MY MONEY! YAY!
  2. I didn't find it on those web sites. Dang. My mom & I have held a lot of joint investments over the years and I can't imagine "losing" one, but that is what this company says happened. And they won't give me the details without a 30% commission. Hmm. What to do?
  3. Cobbobig, please put the website link up for me! I've had this agency contact me by mail about some "lost asset" in the amount of $2,700. and they want a commission to get me in touch with it. I have a feeling this might be something my elderly mother did and then forgot about it. So I would really appreciate the address! Thank you!
  4. Great news! I look forward to seeing the little ones play!
  5. That's the Patriot Guard that you speak of. Angels disguised as bikers. Thank God for them.
  6. We took ours on a 4 or 6 (can't remember which) hour private charter when they were about 4 & 6. They really enjoyed it but got bored with the fishing after awhile. Still, they had a great time. This one had an inside air conditioned area where you could sit and eat sandwiches, ect., if not for that they might have been pretty miserable. Don't be disappointed if he gets bored, they still have a pretty short attention span at that age.
  7. Good to hear! Had me worried for a moment!
  8. Thank you for sharing that wonderful story! Thank you to the family of the 14 yo, this must be a painful day for them. I hope it eases their minds some knowing how their son has saved other lives. I hope to get a lung transplant one day. Oh the joy of being able to breathe again! Please consider becoming a donor. If you already have, thank you a million times over!
  9. I can't say for sure because I wasn't there, I can only say that my son came home, after talking to a recruiter, with the idea that NG does not get sent to combat. It has not gotten any further than that, as far as I know he is still planning to go to college before making any decisions like that.
  10. Right. My son came home and informed me that the National Guard never goes to war. I'm all for the military being able to recruit where they want to recruit, but they need to be honest with kids about putting their life on the line for their country.
  11. I didn't know you served overseas, Jetman. Much respect and thank you for your service!
  12. Dang, girl you need a shotgun! Granny Clampett would know how to handle this situation!
  13. I noticed that, too! I think they might have purged some of the older convictions, when I put a more recent case in, I got a hit. My ex-in-laws never let ya down that way.
  14. They are found because they have to register. Any other person, once they've done their time, is a private citizen. If someone wanted to track down where they all live, and put it on the internet, for free, that would be cool. You can look here for real information: http://www.dcor.state.ga.us/GDC/OffenderQuery/jsp/OffQryForm.jsp
  15. Bogus. Sorry, I wish it was real.
  16. err...yeah, I know one of the previous contestants on that show. She used to work for my hubby. To say she was a little bit of a nut-job would be like saying the Pope is a little bit Catholic...she had those guys at work walking on eggshells for the entire three months that she worked there. *disclaimer for legal purposes: The above did not happen in the ATL.
  17. Sometimes I forget how great they were, thanks for the reminder. I wish they played this kind of music on the local classic rock stations. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9s8yV_TY1Mk
  18. Its the tornado sirens. I thought they did the test at noon on Wednesdays?
  19. My dog brought a possum in the house the other night. It was bleeding and scared and running all over the place. Good times.
  20. You must be a lucky person. I depend on modern medicine for my survival, and I'm always curious about the naivete of people who don't "believe" in medicine. I don't wish illness on anyone, but I wonder how long it would take to change those folks minds if they were dying. 10 minutes? 5?
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