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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. Can someone PLEASE explain to me WHY the Atlanta Falcons NEED a new $1 BILLION stadium??? I just do not get it. I understand the NFL Commissioner is using his influence aka bribery by telling Gov. Deal and Mayor Reed that IF the City does not get a new stadium the City will NOT be getting another Super Bowl. I don't understand how this one time influx of income for the City offsets the costs of $1 Billion. Maybe I am missing something here and someone has a different aspect on the issue but the Dome seems perfectly suitable for the Falcons. However, the Falcons are 8-0 and STILL are not se
  2. I agree, I would have jumped and laid over my child to protect her/him from the dogs. There would not have been a second to think or decide to do it. Natural reflex would have taken over. I agree. But......
  3. I am not trying to impress you or anyone else. I am just saying from my experience with the system and the Judicial system I expressed my opinion. You are right - I've fought tooth and nail at the State Level to prevent children from being returned to their biological family. I do NOT believe blood should determine WHERE a child should live. It is not a perfect system to say the least and it changed/evolved a lot during my years. But, DFCS is NOT always the bad guy as most people want to believe. Children are traumatized by being removed from the home. There are cases every day where t
  4. You know what the commercial says "it said it on the internet so it must be true". I got this in an email and just wondering if anyone knows if these facts are true. It is not going to effect how I vote but I am just curious. Subj: Lockheed Martin laying off 123,000 Lockheed Martin is laying off 123,000 workers just weeks before Christmas. This needs to go far and wide before Early Voting starts. The President is trying to hold off any announcement until after the election. This will make a significant increase to the questionable 7.8 % Unemployment number.
  5. Solo, This Mom will (in all likelihood) be charged with Child Endangerment, if not something more serious like Negligent Homicide, etc. But, I have to respectfully disagree that if there are other children in the home they should be removed. What would that accomplish? This Mother was NOT abusive and did not neglect or fail to provide for her child's needs. What she had was a fatal lack of good judgement and using common sense. With 18 yrs experience in social work and knowing the negative effects resulting in children being removed from the home that is the LAST thing these children
  6. I don't get out much but would not know about this if I were not on p.com. While in the hospital last week a close friend who lives in Powder Springs (in Cobb County but just across the Paulding County line) visited me and I mentioned the event to her. She said she would love to attend but didn't know anything about it. She continued to say she didn't know what advertising was out there but people NEED to know about it. She pointed out what HUGE Community support Aimee Copeland had and people from all over the State attended and/or donated to her fundraisers. I have no idea how to get tha
  7. ROLL TIDE!!! Excuse me, an additional word: WHEW!?!?!?!?
  8. WSB is reporting only one person shot and that person has been taken to the hospital in critical condition. That sounds like it was possibly not random with an intended victim?
  9. BREAKING NEWS on 11Alive A person dressed in a suit walked in 10:00AM service and started shooting. One person dead and CPR being done on another. The shooter got away.
  10. I have the prepay plan with Greystone and LOVE it!!! I can monitor daily usage online and it is obvious when we are home, washing/drying clothes, etc. Just like yesterday no one was home, no cooking, no washing of clothes or dishes and the A/C was turned up to not come on so we only used 17 kwh which was $1.52. Our daily average for the last 30 days of electricity used is $41.15/day. When money is tight I pay a small amount but when we have a good week of sales or it is payday week I make a larger payment - it is at MY discretion when and how much I pay them. As long as there is money in
  11. I chat often with LR via IM on FB and had kept up with her and her Mom. She told me last week about the hospice and I have been praying for them. She has been in my thoughts as my heart breaks for what she is going through. LR!
  12. Praying for the injured and the family. This is the 2nd youth I know of that needs prayer for injuries due to a 4-wheeler accident THIS WEEK ~ SAD!! They are so dangerous.
  13. Been here since day one and only little over 2000 posts? Not much to say, huh??? And,I've never understood the reasoning WHY people feel it is necessary to announcetheir departure from p.com. IF you are important (or your posts are) around here you will be missed. But, I have to say I've never noticed your posts until this evening. OOPS.....I forgot you won't be around to read this. :rofl:
  14. I am SO sorry for your loss. Special friendships like what the two of you shared are rare these days. It is more than being friends, it is becoming family. Cherish each memory and know that she will live in your heart forever....until you meet again. ((((HUGS)))
  15. WHEW ~ Time sure is passing by FAST!! Now ONLY 65 days until Christmas!!!! These are great, unique and inexpensive gifts for co-worker, teachers, friends and family.
  16. I am SO sorry for your loss. We are very Blessed to have our furbabies and their unconditional love for the time we are given. I have felt the pain you are going through and know I am facing it again in the future with my almost 14 year old dachshund, Snickers. I have found the Rainbow Bridge to be a comfort. Your Lady is waiting for you but in the meantime enjoying running around with a young, healthy body with her new friends.
  17. The name did not ring a bell until I clicked on the FB page. Such a SAD, SAD situation!!! Hope a lot of money is raised to help this brave young man.
  18. Gotcha down. THANKS!!! They are $8.00 THANK YOU!!! Thank Ya, Darlin! Anyone else??? The response for these on here and FB has been overwhelming. I will be placing the order on the 24th. As popular as they have been for me I am sure they are popular everywhere. I want to get my order in with the vendor to make sure I get them. GREAT INEXPENSIVE CHRISTMAS GIFTS!!!
  19. ME TOO ~ BRING ME ONE!!! NICE!! Great job by your daughter, she does have that special touch. I am like you, tho.
  20. Robbins was a nurse on the bus to provide care of this child. HELLO???? “Said accused was responsible for monitoring the victim due to his disability. Said accused arrived at daycare where she got off the bus and entered the daycare.”
  21. WOW......Just WOW!?!?!?!? I've always known players (all sports) are basically "property" but never considered they would "depreciate" Learn something every day.
  22. Yeah, I turned it over while the commentators were saying the game was in the 7th inning but under rain delay. Does anyone know if X Factor will come on immediately after the game? I need to cut off the recording and try to figure out when to turn it back on. Gotta catch Criminal Minds on CBS at 9:00 and it is much more important than X Factor!
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