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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. In the other thread several were complaining (ME INCLUDED) about the inadequate food and service the last couple of times we had been - with no plans to give them another try. Money IS too hard to come by to spend for bad food AND bad service. JMO. But, I do hate it for those who lost their jobs as a result.
  2. AWESOME! That "should" be a good game.
  3. THERE YA GO - NANCY GRACE in 2012!!!!!!!
  4. I am beyond ready - watched FOUR football games last night: Falcons/Ravens, Jets/Eagles, South Carolina/NC State and the Seahawks playing somebody. LOL. Will be watching all day/evening tomorrow. Cannot wait - Have been waiting for Sept. 5th for a LONG time - ROLL TIDE ROLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I guess I am a bit crazy but I have never thought about disposing of them - I just put them in my trash can and throw them away. OOPS.
  6. The only Ladies shirt I have in stock for Tony right now is a spaghetti strap top and it is a size Medium. $7.00 THANKS!
  7. Long ago and far away, in a land that time forgot, Before the days of Dylan, or the dawn of Camelot. There lived a race of innocents, and they were you and me, For Ike was in the White House in that land where we were born, Where navels were for oranges, and Peyton Place was porn. We learned to gut a muffler, we washed our hair at dawn, We spread our crinolines to dry in circles on the lawn. We longed for love and romance, and waited for our Prince, And Eddie Fisher married Liz, and no one's seen him since. We danced to 'Little Darlin,' and san
  8. I used this program when DH was out of work and we were without insurance. They provided my anti-rejection medication for my kidney transplant. It was literally a life saver and a tremendous help!!!! My doctor did all the paperwork - easy as pie.
  9. I have told ya before - HUSH yo mouth!!!!!! But, to answer the original question, No. Haven't given it any thought at all and to be honest didn't realize it would be 09/09/09. COOL. But, since it is on a Wednesday and everyone else will be at work I suppose it will be just another day.
  10. I am having a SALE in honor of AMS running their very first historical night race. I have clothing/apparel for several of the popular drivers. My inventory is too excessive to try to post pictures/prices here. But, to give you an idea, I have t-shirts and hats starting at $7.00. Even my higher priced merchandise is a fraction of retail and/or track prices. ALL my merchandise is OFFICIALLY LICENSED BY NASCAR and much of it is made by CHASE AUTHENTICS, the premier and the highest quality in NASCAR apparel. ALL are NEW and with CURRENT NUMBERS & SPONSORS! Just send me a PM if you would
  11. I did, too. GREAT JOB, Nicholas. Looks wonderful and I know that is one proud family to get it restored so nicely.
  12. "Most of all I am thankful to God that everyone was protected and will live to drive another day. When it comes down to it, material things mean absolutely nothing, only those children that God leaves in your care. If only I could be as He is and be everywhere at once. Since I can not, I ask Him constantly to watch over my child when I am not around. In this case, He did just as He promised." AMEN!!!! I am really glad to hear your DD and her friend are okay. It is scary - and I am a nervous wreck each and every time DS leaves the house. I know that call will in all likelihood come someday
  13. Yeah, I am really glad you enjoyed it, but there is no way I could sit though 2 hours of her. I don't like her singing whatsoever - she is a really good songwriter, but..........
  14. LR, since CC has not answered, I'll let ya know, yes he does. He can also give you the link with all the information, list of dentists, fees, etc.
  15. I believe Hand Me Ups in Powder Springs buys maternity clothes. Also, the consignment store at Thornton Road/Bankhead Hwy in the shopping center behind Arby's. THANKS for the info on Sweet Peas. I also have quite a few children's clothes that I could take.
  16. Oh No, I didn't take it that way. I was just saying, too, I "assumed" it was the same case as I am surprised there are two. And, since I am multi-tasking most of the time I do sometimes miss the fine points.
  17. Yeah, I was thinking so, but didn't realize there were two cases of it at the same time. Just thought I must have misunderstood - I tend to not pay really close attention - ya know, my eyes are on the laptop not the TV.
  18. SWEET!!! Great job, too - as always.
  19. I saw a segment with her on one of the Cable News Networks. Really strange!
  20. Nancy Grace is covering the case of the Gwinnett Co. man how slapped the two year old baby around in Wal-Mart.
  21. Gotta LOVE it - Outta the mouths of Babes.
  22. No, he isn't in the ground yet and won't be, even after the interment. He is going to be buried above the ground in a mausoleum. And, I would imagine his children will be at the service for family and close friends.
  23. Yes, call Caped Crusader. We just got the dental plan from him - very reasonable. It is a discounted fee plan rather than insurance. For instance, you pay $5.00 for cleanings, a tooth extraction is $70 compared to $280 regular dentist charge. CC has a website you can go to for the list of dentist and the list of discounted fees. ETA: I had started this post when it originally started and then put the laptop down to do something and got sidetracked - just now getting back to it. So, I finished my post and added it before seeing that you had CC info. But, again, I will say, we are VERY ple
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