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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. Thank Ya Dahlin'. Okay, Friday it is. Does that work for you Tide Girl? Now, is the location Chinese at Mulbery Rock Rd/61? I haven't seen any other places thrown in the hat. Doesn't matter to me.
  2. Yep, you don't know it until you go to look at their info (and only then if it is set to private) or miss their status updates, etc. I had someone unfriend me - I found out when I went to unfriend her. LOL!
  3. It is something you have to ask for - it will not be automatically offered and you do have to qualify for it.
  4. There is another thread posted about it opening up where the Cotton Gin used to be.
  5. I had another accident (different from the one I mentioned above) three years ago where I went through a GREEN light at Hwy. 278 and Cleburne Pkwy. I was crossing Hwy 278 - went across the two lanes, the median and then the next lane when a car in the far lane ran the red light and hit me. I immediately jumped out of my car, screaming like an idiot asking everyone sitting there at the same light the lady had just run, if they saw what happened. NO ONE DID - yet, they were waiting for the light to turn green that she ran through - DUH?????? The deputy wrote it up that he could not determine lia
  6. mom2dachs

    I heard

    I know. I changed to 3nascar88 b/c ppl kept asking me what mom2dachs meant. (I am the mom to two dachshunds. DUH?? LOL) And, since we are huge NASCAR fans and I already had the Alabama flag in my signature, ppl knew I love Alabama football, I changed to my NASCAR drivers, the Earnhardt's. But, then DH and I started our sports apparel business again and I purchased a biz membership so I changed it yet again. LOL. (BTW, that is Wade in my avatar with my DGD's and he is 18 now! Been awhile.) Hope you will stay around and keep in touch!!
  7. From what you have said, your most important issue is the bent frame on your vehicle. Been there, done that. The insurance did not total out a car I had purchased new in 1994 and had not made the first payment on before being hit. The frame was bent but b/c so much was owed on the car, it was not totaled and was repaired. It never did drive right again. Make sure your vehicle it repaired correctly or totaled. Not having any witnesses, you will have a problem proving your case since the GPS wrote the accident report in favor of the other driver and gave you a ticket. Sorry, but you are mos
  8. I HOPE to be able to make it this week. I can go any day other than Thursday, as usual.
  9. This might be the same teacher there was a thread about yesterday. Someone had heard a teacher had a heart attack but did not know if it was a rumor or fact and did not want to give the teachers name. Prayers for the families of both men - for their personal and professional families. It is such a sad life lesson for the students to have to learn so young.
  10. So sorry, he and the family will be in my prayers.
  11. We once had a handwritten "Tag Applied For" on the back of our vehicle and got pulled over. We were told that is illegal in GA and the only "temporary" tag that is legal is one from a dealership. We were told it is better to not have a tag on it at all than to put one like that. We didn't get a ticket, but did get a warning.
  12. AMEN! One of our three Comcast boxes is like that, too.
  13. mom2dachs

    I heard

    I remember you, too. You came to Natalie's "date" with Wade at Johnny Carino's WAYYYYYYY back when. I was probably "mom2dachs" in those days. Good to see ya.
  14. Going to DD for grilled hamburgers, hotdogs and chips. I have made baked beans and corn salad. Not sure what everyone else is bringing. But, I doubt we come home hungry.
  15. Wonderful news!!! Glad to hear she did so well - continued prayers for you and your family during this difficult time and for traveling mercies. Be Safe!
  16. I know there was a thread a few days ago looking forward to the return of Criminal Minds. The A&E Channel (27 on Comcast) is having a marathon of episodes that will go on until 8:00 tonight. Gideon is still the boss - so far.
  17. You can name the store in the subject body, just not the subject title, if I understand PM rules correctly.
  18. Ya think?????????? But, hey, IF squash is the extent of his week-end demands consider yourself getting off scott-free. He "could" be demanding cole slaw, too - and it requires a LOT more work.
  19. AMEN!!!! Congratulations on your success story!!
  20. Great and helpful information. Sounds like your daughter had a good support system in your family and was provided the resources she needed for this situation to be successful. My concern as well. The father should be accepting responsibility in this and helping her financially, at least.
  21. Just an ordinary Monday here - gotta love the life of retail. LOL!! So, DH is at work and I am home on the puter watching "Criminal Minds" marathon on TV. I will be going to DD house later for a grilled pork chop and bring DH home a plate. It will be good to spend some time with her family - especially the DGD's. Hope everyone has a Wonderful Holiday!!!
  22. Oh WOW!!! The last pictures and reports I heard on him, he wasn't doing too good at all. Glad to know he is still able to be part of the telethon. His heart is in the right place and he has raised a lot of money and done a lot of good for those kids over the years.
  23. No, you are not the only one. :lol: It is a bit misleading, tho, huh????? Now, the tea is VERY good, but so is the food.
  24. Powerful statement.....with a lot of truth in it.
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