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Lady Raider

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Everything posted by Lady Raider

  1. I love yard sales... NC tell your friend to sale it for ever she wants to, and you can split it with her... 50-50 and by the way you and I found some great deals at a few yard sales a few years ago.
  2. that is what it is showing for me sketcher shoes
  3. this post brings back so many memories.... I miss you soapmom....
  4. I seen were this was the #1 song of the summer.... when he sang it on the voice i knew then it would be a big hit... even Blake Shelton liked it lol I am doing ok... just staying busy...
  5. my husband had both for a few years, they would help for a while, he ended up having the back surgery, had 2 disc removed, the recovery was long, but he is so much better now.... his doctor tried everything on him before going to surgery. it was a last resort, but my husband was in so much pain, and he could not even bend over to tie his shoes, and could not get comfortable at all while trying to sleep. he has said he is glad he had the surgery, no more pain meds, or shots, and he can do just about anything he did before his back issues. for him the surgery was the best thing. n
  6. when we were at the gambling casino in NC last week, her store was no longer in the casino.. and it was huge..... now there is a restaurant there.
  7. oh gawd now you have gone and gave her the big head
  8. well hey stranger good to see you... you know you want it lol
  9. hey you could make them early and let test them lol
  10. I have been reading the updates on fb... I am so sorry that the family is dealing with this. please let know if there is anything I can do for any of the family.
  11. Squirrels are little demons... they eat things they are not suppose to eat like flowers, veggie's...
  12. sorry... I did not see this topic before i posted the same topic... I ask a mod to remove mine... my husband helped with this crash... so many good people lost their lives that day...
  13. I thought i seen a sign out there one day it was either 15 or 20.00
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