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Everything posted by greg30127

  1. You all are disappointing me... you know about all the free tacos in the county but not this. LOL!
  2. I know they have a few interesting characters that work over there and there have been a couple of employee "disagreements" in the past, so wondered if this was something like that. Or a suspicious package type of thing or whatever. My boss is anal as all get out about checking mail and he's having panic attacks 'cause he can't get to his box. LOL
  3. Boss just went up to the Powder Springs post office about an hour ago to check mail and he said the police were up there blocking the entrances/exits... lots of police cars showing up. Anyone know what's going on??
  4. I might check into this place you're talking about. The Vein clinic in Hiram never did return my call from the other day, so I won't give the $$ to them. I know doc offices are busy, but 36 hours is long enough to return a call before you lose potentially having me as a "client". With the weather coming up early this week most likely some places will be closed, but I'll call the Georgia Vein place this week. Thanks.
  5. I'm already on the low dose aspirin, but from what I read online, you have to stop taking it 48 hours before they do work, and stay off of it for a few days, too (can cause bleeding). I was trying to get a second opinion regarding prices from the Hiram Vascular place, but as of yet they've not even returned my call, so if I don't hear from others by next week I guess I'll go with the more expensive place if I get approved for that care credit thing. The laser surgery is the best they say, but it also costs 3X more than injections, so I might just try my luck out (dumb, but hey), and let t
  6. Ok, for you then, update: I went to a different place today, part of the "Vein Centers of America" chain, as they were doing a discount on office visits for new patients. Turns out my issue was beyond the standard level of vein issue though and I had to get a deeper level sonogram or whatever that test is they do ($400 - ca..ching!). Their recommendations based on the test results are to get the laser treatment, but they price it at several hundred dollars more than the Pauling Vascular place priced it. Another option that's a little cheaper but may not quite work as well is the "Sclero
  7. Haven't heard of it, but looked up their web site. Sounds pretty much just like another credit card to me, though they do have no-interest stuff if you pay it quickly enough. If it's determined I need the more expensive procedure I guess I could look into that, though the idea of having a credit card (regardless of what they call it) to pay for medical stuff is something I was hoping to avoid. Someone told me a while ago that when you get something financed directly through a hospital or doctor, by law they can't charge interest and even if you were late on a payment (I would not be), they
  8. If that's the place that's in/near the Wellstar building a mile or so past 92, then that's the place I had an appointment for to begin with. They went over the details of the procedure you describe as well as two lesser ones that involve directly injecting each bleeding vein with something that potentially "seals it off" or a laser that does basically the same thing - those two things only work on certain types of veins but are supposedly A LOT cheaper than what you describe. The procedure you describe though is for larger veins and they did talk about it - that's the one they told me c
  9. Awww damn. Now yeah, it was Vascular Surgical Associates that I was going to initially see, and one of you say they stink and the other says they're ok. ARGH... confusion already! The location they wanted to see me at was the Hiram location though, and not Austell. But regardless, I was already discovering they don't play well with the payment arrangements as per my first post above. It's good to have a doctor with a good bedside manner, but when you don't have insurance, you'd rather if you had to pick to have a place that would allow you to make payments on a procedure without having
  10. (not for the squeamish)... Ok, the short of it - I have some small varicose veins in my foot and lower leg area. A couple of months ago, one of them literally started to BLEED when I was drying off after a shower. I mean, I felt nothing, looked down, and blood was squirting out of a tiny hole under my ankle, spraying 24" through the air all over the place in a thin stream. Completely freaked me out. Long story short, got it under control, put liquid bandaid on it, and did some Googling. Found out it's not everyday but it does happen to people, many times in that area where the skin is
  11. Ok, thanks for the help. Someone I know got one once when they came out and I remember plugging it in for them to help them do someone one day, and Itunes synched up with it but ERASED the apps from their ipad. It did save them on itunes though but they had to be re-installed in the ipad from there. That's all I remembered but it was confusing at the time. That was a year and 8 versions of itunes ago, though.
  12. My Nephew got an iPad months ago as a gift. He had to connect it to iTunes during the initial setup, but ever since then, he hasn't connected it to iTunes at all. Instead he's just been downloading new music and apps directly into the iPad from a WiFi connection and not through iTunes. Ok, so he needs to update the iPad to the newest version of firmware/software for it, and he wants to make sure he doesn't lose his apps from it when he connects it to iTunes. Is there anything he needs to do in order to make sure the apps from the iPad are imported into his iTunes before he does the iPad
  13. The world is a tough place, so I think you should toughen your kids up now by taking them to ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE.
  14. Mmmmmmm..... critters and things that live inside you! http://health.msn.com/health-topics/slideshow.aspx?cp-documentid=100264049&gt1=31036
  15. What if you only have one ball? Or three? I wonder if it cleans only a pair at a time.
  16. Thanks for the replies. I think I may have to steer toward that backup plan I had earlier - to just keep the two phones. As I said, I can use that Virgin Mobile Blackberry for $35 a month (using Sprint towers but without roaming capability)around the house and Atlanta, and the Net10 phone (that uses Verizon towers) for when I'm in the boonies and need more reception. Total cost $50 a month for both, taxes/fees included. I've been crunching numbers today and regardless of Verizon, Sprint, or T-mobile, I'd just have a hard time getting a "smart" phone with the stuff on it I want for under $9
  17. They must like you. I went in there a few weeks ago to look at phones. Walked around the unbusy store for 5 minutes before anyone asked me if I needed help (5 employees on duty, all talking to each other in the back). When I told them it might be a couple of months before I got a phone from them, the guy just said "oh, ok" and just turned around and walked off. During the next 10 minutes no one asked me again if I had questions about any of the phones or anything, so I just left. My boss went in there and they never even offered to help him after several minutes. He almost started a riot
  18. Yeah, you might want to read this article first: http://phandroid.com/2010/09/10/known-issues-document-for-samsung-fascinate-leaks/ (I had considered this phone too, but not now). Well, I had tried to call Sprint before but it was during peak hours and couldn't get through quickly, which is why I posted in here a while ago. A few minutes ago, I tried to call and their system hung up on me three times. Went through a different set of prompts and got someone (who of course spoke broken English) who told me that in Powder Springs I would need a booster antennae from them in order to ma
  19. Ok, so per a post a couple of months ago, I'm still searching around to alternatives to my Verizon contract. I got tired of waiting for the Droid X which still isn't in stock, and I went through two Droid 2 phones, each of which had massive numbers of defects. The new Samsung Facsinate is now being reported as having a whole laundry list of defects too, so that's out, and I'm getting tired of Verizon's prices and what is now getting to be a growing list of "defective out of the gate" phones. I've tried a Net10 prepaid phone and while it uses the Verizon network, the phones themselves jus
  20. I'll be one of the first to say that if I'm flipping through TV channels and Dr. Laura is on anything, I'll turn the channel - I can't stand the chick. However, I did listen to the whole "exchange" she had with the woman on the radio. I'm not going to defend her 'cause I still think overall she's an arrogant jackass, but she did not call the woman or any other black person a "N". She was just making reference to how stupid it is that one group can say it but others can't, among other stupid things about that word. That's all she was doing. She had nothing to apologize for based on the con
  21. I have to question the marbles of someone who uploads a photo of their car in the driveway and posts, "I'm about to leave my house", on Twitter anyway. Are people THAT weird now.
  22. As far as accepting numbers, when you enter a new number that things may be forwarded to, it does call that number (home, cell, etc) and asks you to put in a two digit code. I did this on my home/cell numbers and the recording and on screen said the numbers were accepted. As far as calling, I called the Google number from both a neighbor's cell and a coworkers cell and both are still giving a "this is not an active number" type of message. ARGH
  23. It sounds like a neat service if it ever turns "on" and works. When I call the number from my land line I get that one message, and when I call from my Verizon cell I get a "the Verizon customer you are calling has changed or disconnected their number..etc.." message, so I guess they use Verizon to get their google numbers from (?). It seems to do a lot from the advertising.
  24. Anyone here using Google voice to get a phone number and have calls come in on it? If so, how's it working for you? I signed up for it about an hour ago. It assigned me a number and all that, but when I try to call it, it just says "the subscriber you have dialed is not in service....", even though I set up the voicemail and all of that already. For those using it, did it take a while before it started working, etc?
  25. Will try the baking soda then - but a few WEEKS you say? Or was that a typo?
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