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Everything posted by TJB

  1. I can post some sad animal stories if you want.
  2. I don't know much about fashion but it looks kind of fugly.
  3. Somehow, I don't think the bride was happy.
  4. Is this a thread about Viagra?
  5. I don't care for Clint Eastwood's politics but I love his movies. Speaking of Eastwood movies, Garner had a role in the Eastwood film Space Cowboys.I guess they were able to put aside political differences.
  6. I guess other goofy people liked it since he was nominated for an Academy Award for his role in the movie.
  7. Oreo has been gone for 3 years and is still missed. You never stop loving or missing your pets, even if you get a new one.
  8. He was a very good actor. He was also in Space Cowboys in his later years.
  9. Damn, I wish I could get fired like that.
  10. Gloria Loring is Robin Thicke's mother.
  11. Robin Thicke will never hold a candle to Marvin, but not many do. One of the best songs about divorce ever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_ERYkXoOZg
  12. A settlement was reached. http://www.complex.com/music/2014/01/sony-atv-settles-with-marvin-gaye-family-over-blurred-lines-lawsuit
  13. Sounds an awful lot like this song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fp7Q1OAzITM
  14. Watch out for this vicious Pit. https://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=Ao_fxAS6Pu7mNNL1jtSq.L2bvZx4?p=piglet+and+pit+bull&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-901&fp=1
  15. Cmorg, we may not agree on politics but we can agree on our love for animals.
  16. I posted it. Does that mean I gave up my man card? Yeah, those dust storms are a bitch.
  17. All of my pets are older and I don't look forward to losing them, even though it's inevitable. They've made me a more patient person.
  18. I had trouble seeing my keyboard after reading the article.
  19. Every dog should go like this. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/14/dog-last-day-robyn-arouty_n_5585074.html
  20. I hope Hall makes a miraculous recovery so they can send her gelatinous ass to jail.
  21. As cynical as I come off, I've always tried to do the best job I can. If I had reasonable support from an administration and were allowed to teach the way I know how, I could get something done.
  22. Until I became a teacher, I believed that too. I've seen and been subjected to more underhanded bulls**t than you could imagine. Teaching is a great profession when you can make a difference but being in constant fear of harassment or being fired is not a conducive environment for students or teachers. It makes me sad that someone like Hall exploited students and teachers for money she didn't deserve.
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